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SSgt Baloo

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Everything posted by SSgt Baloo

  1. I know there's some good ones out there, but I recently stumbled across Everyday Heroes and Decided to share. What are some of your favorite online supers webcomics? Don't forget to post a link!
  2. Re: A Thread for Random Videos Sea Trek The Treksons
  3. Re: Tigra (Marvel Universe) Link: Photomanip of Tigra
  4. Re: Edgar Rice Burroughs Archive! Good news to me! Yippee-Skippy!
  5. Re: Genres HERO GAMES may want to avoid (intended to be humorous) Geriatric Hero The thrilling adventures of elderly superheroes who don't know when to retire! Listen to their battlecries: "You just wait until I find my glasses. You are gonna get it!"" "Oy! My Back!" "Now, where did we park the heromobile?" "You kids get offa my lawn!"
  6. Re: Who is the best Super in comics? Supers Superman: Truth, Justice, etc., etc. Captain America: A Red, White, and Blue boyscout with the muscle and reflexes to back it up. Hi Opal! (Really obscure reference. PM me if you just have to know.) Spiderman: A (genius-smart) regular Joe with regular problems, and superpowers. Thunder Bunny: As far as I know, one of the first furry superheroes who wasn't also a funny animal. Villains Catwoman: The reason I can say "catsuit" and everyone knows exactly what I'm talking about. Herr Doktor Viktor Von Doom: The prototypical evil genuis in powered armor. The Monarch! Yeah, I know he doesn't have his own comic but if the Venture Brothers had their own comic, he'd make it worth buying. Phantom Limb: Pretty much same as above, but what a cool character concept. Emma Frost: Evil woman in Dominatrix clothing. Nuff said!
  7. Re: Golden Age resources: whatever you can think of. Wikipedia (and other) relevant links inserted to facilitate further research. Red text is added by me.
  8. Re: Must use villains Why, the PCs of course! Anything else is just self service.
  9. Re: Western Hero What's wrong with that? I once ran a pirate campaign where one of the characters was strong enough to throw 5-pound cannonballs the length of the ship. This came in handy during boarding actions. He'd find a pile of cannonballs on the enemy ship and start lobbing them at the officers on the aftercastle until they surrendered. Loads of fun! Ever see They Call Me Trinity? Bambino looks to be about 20 STR. Besides, if someone's going to portray a minority character in the postbellum Old West, he might run into a unreconstructed rebels now and then. I think 21 STR is a good start at defending himself. Now if everyone wants to have 20-25 STR, you might have a problem.
  10. Re: Western Hero The Code of the West. Besides the Golden Age, Western Hero was probably a second-favorite in my gaming groups. The problem was getting them interested in the first place. Usually I'd dig out Silverado, The Good, the Bad and the Ugly, or any other Clint Eastwood western and show it to 'em. That was usually all it took to get them all fired up for westerns.
  11. Re: Plot Seeds from Unreal Life Last night I dreamed that Eddie Murphy was an Evil Mastermind™ bent on world domination. Due to my Deja-Vu sense (I had a remarkably similar dream in the recent past) I was able to realize he was a threat, so when he blew a dog whistle (I really can hear those IRL, honest!) I did not respond in an obvious way. Rather, I went into the Petco store where he was to see if I could figure out a way to foil his plan. I became aware of how much more powerful he was than I at the moment, and decided to hide out until my powers began to manifest. I visited some friends and discovered I had not only the ability to communicate with animals, but that I could temporarily merge with an animal, taking on many of its characteristics. Armed with this ability, I merged with a cat and began tracking doen EvilEddie©. The dream might have continued, but the pain in my leg woke me (it was time for another ibuprophin). I'm pretty sure I would've confronted Eddie Murphy and foiled his evil plan, though.
  12. Re: A Thread for Random Videos I had forgotten all about this:
  13. Re: Must use villains I've always preferred to "repackage" the CU villains to fit my campaigns. F'rinstance Foxbat got modified from a crazy villain to a crazy would-be hero named Flying Squirrel who needed rescuing from his own heroic overconfidence. Eurostar became Eurostern, a Nazi-backed team of supervillains. Grond lost his extra pair of arms but gained a tail and scales as Dinoman, the reptilian beast-creature. I also created many of my own villains, such as Übermann, a "what if two rockets left Krypton and one landed in Germany?" character. His powers were similar to Superman (250 point homage, in that game) but with really skewed values. One of my favorites was Anaconda, a villain who could transform into a 40-foot-long anaconda with supernatural strength. I've always viewed the "as-written" Champions villains as a good starting point, but usually not appropriate to my campaign without at least some tweaking.
  14. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares I think I might actually enjoy watching that one. Here's a trifecta: Angel in my pocket full of miracles on 34th street
  15. Re: Menton is up Meh! It's been done: Scroll down to Brainchild.
  16. Re: Golden Age resources: whatever you can think of. Man! Loads of good stuff. Repped!
  17. Re: Menton is up I find this Menton somewhat reminiscent of .
  18. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares This Island Earthquake (in Sensurround!) That Thing You Do From Another World. The Beast from 20,000 Leagues under the Sea. The Amazing Collossal Man of La Mancha. Attack of the Killer Tomatoes (No. Wait. That's a real movie. Never mind.) Gilligan's Monster Island. (Alternate title: Gilligan's Revenge.) Leave it to Jason (Voorhees?) Make Room for THEM!
  19. I looked and looked for a comprehensive Golden Age thread to post these in and couldn't find a dedicated GA thread. Feel free to post links to amy Golden Age information you can find, even if it's links to threads that are already here. Thanks, and here's something to start with: Bill Mauldin's Willie and Joe (My fave is the fourth one down). G.I. Jane (possibly NSFW). WW II Navy Cartoons How WW II Created Dr. Seuss Here's an interesting article about gender roles during the '30s and '40s, but it makes sense when you view/listen to the source material (I've been an Andy Hardy fan since 1977, so I know what they're referring to in the examples referring to just him). A link to a History of Jim Crow. Apartheid didn't start with South Africa. Links to articles re: Women's Roles in WW II Video: Supervising Women Workers (1944) Videos: Results of search for WWII videos. Link to thread: Golden Age Resources: Superweapons of WW II Link to thread: Depression-era and WW-II settings from a Not-American perspective
  20. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares The Sound of Mucus Synopsys: The Von Trapp family catches a cold. Hilarity ensues.
  21. Re: Golden Age adventures Harry Turtledove wrote a very interesting series of books wherein Aliens from Outer Space™ invade Earth. Book one in the series is titled Worldwar: In the Balance. It gives a somewhat different sort of alien to contend with that might appeal to some folks more than just the usual "Martians? Again?!?"
  22. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares Never mind them, I want to see Power Girl on a trampoline!
  23. Re: Plot Seeds from Unreal Life Good stuff, folks! Keep it coming!
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