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SSgt Baloo

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Everything posted by SSgt Baloo

  1. Based on this other thread, you might think the Silver Age of comics had no redeeming features. I think that's unfair, and my own theory is that every medium is filled with drek, with little veins of goodness running throughout. This thread is for posting about the good things that populated the Silver Age of Comics, be it a trope you liked, a character, a comic book, etc. Have at it. Until I was about 10, the only comicbook characters I was consistently aware of were Superman, Batman, the Flash, and Spiderman. Each of these characters gave me good preadolescent power-trip fantasy fodder. Later, I learned of the X-men. I don't know who the artist was at that time, but I remember thinking to myself that all his female characters looked like boys with boobs, hair, and makeup. Later, either the artist had taken some anatomy courses or he'd been replaced by someone who had a better idea what women looked like (or at least teenage fantasy women -- he was just in time for my puberty!) Apart from that, I really don't know when the Silver age ended and the Bronze age began. I may add more when I get some feedback.
  2. Re: Genres HERO GAMES may want to avoid (intended to be humorous) Actually, that sounds like a Western Hero campaign I'd like to run or play in. Bruce Campbell rocks! Weird West rocks, too, as a genre.
  3. Re: Trusting Systems vs trusting GM Judgement I hope so. Stewie Griffin is the diapered, diabolic offspring of the family in the Family Guy cartoon.
  4. Re: Super Team Hyper-Retired-Reserve-Force Assemble! Wow, and thanks! That's very detailed.
  5. Re: Trusting Systems vs trusting GM Judgement Aside to Alibear: Your son isn't named "Stewie", is he?
  6. Re: Space Pirate Amazon Ninja Foxgirl Guy's gotta be a 2nd Lieutenant.
  7. Re: Super Team Hyper-Retired-Reserve-Force Assemble! You forgot to describe my powers (and possibly liabilities). The next guy after you gets to describe yours, and so on down the line.
  8. Inspired by this thread, I decided to see if we could assemble a super-team of retired military folks. If you're retired military, post your particulars. The next one to respond gets to say what superpowers and weaknesses the previous poster has. I'll go first. SSgt Baloo USAF 20 years retired 1 Feb 2000
  9. Re: Did the CCA create the Silver Age? The CCA did, in fact, eliminate all of EC's titles except Mad Magazine.
  10. Re: Space Pirate Amazon Ninja Foxgirl Maybe something like this:
  11. Re: Space Pirate Amazon Ninja Foxgirl Pictures?
  12. Re: Did the CCA create the Silver Age?
  13. Re: Coon the Cursed "What did you call me?!? That's RACcoon, IF you don't mind! Hmph!"
  14. Re: Coon the Cursed Yeah. What's a "Numanoid"?
  15. Re: Favorite flavor of Guardians? Chocolate. What? Who doesn't like chocolate guardians? It's better than these chocolate babies, I'm sure.
  16. Re: Trusting Systems vs trusting GM Judgement Warp9 sorta reminds me of the legendary gambler Canada Bill. Bill was losing his entire bankroll at Faro when a friend approached and said, "Bill, don't you know this game is crooked?" "Yes," answered Canada Bill, "but it's the only game in town." I'd rather not play than have to deal with a GM I could not trust. A heavier set of rules will not make a bad GM better. It will give him even more opportunity to misinterpret the rules to your detriment. There's an engineering proverb that applies here: "When attempting to make anything 'foolproof', never underestimate the ingenuity of a fool."
  17. Re: WWYCD: The Switch. If everything he did bad (apart from impersonating a dead hero) was not in this dimension, it's not in any of my characters' jurisdictions. The only thing any of my characters would have against the guy is covering up the demise of the guy he replaced.
  18. Re: Must use villains Okay, maybe not Thor's hammer. How about Thor's pliers?
  19. Re: Trusting Systems vs trusting GM Judgement I used to have a supervisor named Van Deusen. His nickname was "V-D". I can see where not everyone would like to be called that, however. About the rest of the post: I really appreciate the excerpt from The God Particle. I tried to rep Vondy but I must spread it around before I can. Would someone be so kind as to smite him with the Rep stick for me?
  20. Re: Genres HERO GAMES may want to avoid (intended to be humorous) Animal Cops: Hudson City Hero Meter Maid Hero Interior Decorator Hero Queer Eye for the Super Guy Hero Aircraft Maintenance Hero Gas Station Attendant Hero Wal-Mart Greeter Hero
  21. Re: Idle Distraction: Super Webcomics Added links to the first comic in each series wherever possible.
  22. Re: Genres HERO GAMES may want to avoid (intended to be humorous) Lord of the Flies Hero
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