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SSgt Baloo

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Everything posted by SSgt Baloo

  1. Re: Essentials Universe (Amalgam)
  2. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine Here I did Bob Tiger using both systems. This new one won't let me put a tail on him. [ATTACH]27437[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]27438[/ATTACH]
  3. Re: portional speed If I were to allow fractional speed, I might do something like .5 up to .9 extra allows the character to act at the next higher speed on alternate turns.
  4. Re: Your character's pet peeve(s) The Cat Without a Name: People who think they can name him. People who don't pay attention to him when he wants it. People who pay attention to him when he doesn't want it. His "servants" when he wants to communicate something crucial ("We're out of Tuna!"; "I want out!"; I want in!"; "Professor Vivisector just snuck into out airducts!", and so on) who ignore him. Keyboards with less-than-catspaw-sized keys. Ouija boards on a shelf or in a box so he can't reach it. Mice who think they're "all that". Anyone from "The Lab." Bob Tiger: The way his Brother-in-law constantly oscillates between thinking BT is "EVIL!!" and thinking he's BT's best buddy. "Dude! You unleashed the Wild Hunt on me! We are so NOT going fishing together." Thunder Rabbit: Villains (and even common criminals) who pull a caper where he can see (or hear) it while he's on a date. People who offer him a carrot. People who think he's cute (unless he thinks they're kinda cute, too).
  5. Re: Seeking a character name for a Puerto Rican teleporter In keeping with the chess theme above, might I suggest Knight or Caballero (horseman). This is assuming that "Caballero" is the Spanish term for the Knight in chess.
  6. Re: My Superhero Universe Well, if there are three Liberties then there ought to be Four Freedoms.
  7. Re: Golden Age resources: whatever you can think of. I found the following picture just as I posted the above. Doesn't look much like the "prototype", does it?
  8. Re: Golden Age resources: whatever you can think of. Possible prototype for the batplane? Bugatti Model 100 racing plane. Experimental Nazi Rocket Plane Horten Nurflugels (Wing only) website B-35 in Naval Colors Junkers Ju 287 V1 Luftwaffe Secret Projects German Sub-Orbital Bomber "They say they're from the future." "This guy says he's from the future, too." The above may have actually existed Link to another "flying platform". XP-55 Ascender
  9. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares Star Trek: The Brady Bunch Movie Peewee's Big Trouble in Little China The Hills Have Eyes for the Sound of Music Tarzan in New York (No, wait! That one was actually made!) My Mother the K.I.T.T. A Hellboy and His Dog A Spiderman for All Seasons
  10. Re: Guns in Fantasy And they smelled of brimstone! Another thing I read was that at one time the Pope ruled that rifled firearms were instruments of the devil, and good Christians could not use them without risking their eternal soul. It was believed that demons rode the bullets from rifled firearms. As proof of demonic guidance, the whining sound bullets from rifled weapons made when they riccocheted (as from a rock) was explained as the demon screaming in pain.
  11. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares Mutiny on the Trip to Bountiful
  12. Re: Realistic Aviation: Discuss Sounds almost like 3d edition Champions rules. I miss those!
  13. Re: Golden Age resources: whatever you can think of. A link to a forgotten thread about GA resources: Golden Age Heroes... And another: Golden Age Resources.
  14. Re: Realistic Aviation: Discuss In retrospect, I guess there's not much interest in "realistic" aviation.
  15. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares And (presumably) hilarity ensues?
  16. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares The Call of Chibi Cthulhu: An exceedingly cute horror from beyond destroys mankind while everyone stands by and goes "Awwwww! How Cuuuute! *Glarb*!?!"
  17. Re: Genres HERO GAMES may want to avoid (intended to be humorous) I suppose your shift key isn't working either? (When I first saw your entry I thought "Standard Hero? What does that mean?")
  18. Re: Super Team Hyper-Retired-Reserve-Force Assemble!
  19. Re: Are YOU a superhero? QFWTF?!? The above should clear up any doubts that Doomed Prophet is aptly named.
  20. Re: Are YOU a superhero? I scored 150, but in order to protect my secret identity I will not divulge the answers to particular questions.
  21. Re: What is your favourite Superhero adventure/storyline? The Golden Age Golden age Heroes vs Mcarthyism and Hitler's brain! Mystery Men Second-String (or perhaps third or fourth-String) supers take on the baddest of badguys when the Premier superhero of Champion city goes missing. Hilarity ensues. Zoom Poorly edited, included partly because the basic premise (retired super-speedster Zoom trains young replacement heroes) and partly because it has a scene we've always wanted to see: what happens when a super-speedster trips at high speed?. The Fleischer Superman cartoons A goldmine of Golden Age tropes and visuals. You can see Superman's powers evolve with each episode. And Lois was a knockout (I wonder if she was based on an actual person?) The Marvel Superheroes cartoons My first exposure to five of Marvel's heroes: Captain America, The Incredible Hulk, Iron Man, Thor, and the Sub-Mariner.
  22. Re: Approved by the Comics Code Authority The Cat Without a Name: Would probably be scolded for spending days away from the group having "unspecified fun", but otherwise no change. His claws are quite tame compared to his sleep-inducing power, and never saw much use anyway. The gifts of dead mice to his "servants" (other members of the superteam) would probably happen off-camera. Bob Tiger, Thunder Rabbit: It really depends on whether the thought that either of these guys might be romantically involved with a seemingly normal human (BT is married to a fairy princess; TR is something of a playboy) might be declared a perversion, but it could fly under the radar. TR's social life would become less interesting if all his dates ended with a chaste kiss at her front door (whoever "her" is this issue). Lance O'Bannon, the Singing Cowboy: He'd just about define the CCA ideal of a hero. Heck, the only thing he ever used his pistols for is shooting guns out of people's hands.
  23. Re: My Pre-Terran History Rough Outline How about if Canada (for whatever reason) annexes the U.S?
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