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SSgt Baloo

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Everything posted by SSgt Baloo

  1. Re: A Thread for Random Videos Very short Porky Pig cartoon. (NSFW -- Language) .
  2. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine And now I'm just riffing... Captain Super-American, Miss America and Super-American. I just like the idea of the two biggest boyscouts in comicdom (Captain American and Superman) being Amalgamated. Of course, the exception to this rule is Miss America, where I assume it must be Supergirl and Captain America's patriotic sister/cousin/maiden aunt were Amalgamated?
  3. Re: Golden Age resources: whatever you can think of. Link to: Golden age cars (thread). WWII US Air Craft And because it never occurred to me until this very moment, a link to a Wikipedia article about the Golden Age of Comic Books.
  4. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine Because I like flag-suited heroes.
  5. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine
  6. Re: Guns in Fantasy And here's a breechloading design that could have worked as a flintlock: the Burnside Carbine.
  7. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine I was trying to make my Grond-Analogue Dino-Man, but thought better of it when I saw the result. I couldn't put a tail on 'im and he wasn't scaley enough anyway.
  8. Re: Golden Age and Pulp Resources: Automobiles, weird and otherwise. I'm looking mostly for pictures folks. I'll do my best to find more, but if anyone thinks their google-fu is superior to mine, they're welcome to join in. 1938-1940 cadillac V16 The Old Car Manual Project You may have to do a little searching, but they seem to have a lot of stuff. Examples: 1939 Chrysler 1942 Hudson 1940 Willys-Overland
  9. The McQuay-Norris Streamliner. Based on a Ford V-8 chassis, this was one of many Cars of the Future built during the '30s. 1937 Nash Lafayette ad. 1940 Nash Ambassador ad. 1938 Phantom Corsair (or "Flying Wombat") Videos: Streamlining automobiles. 1937 Plymouth Theatrical ad 1941 Oldsmobile Special ad 1941 ad for Oldsmobile Hydramatic transmission. GM Futurama - 1939 Defense Comes First With Oldsmobile - 1941 Stout Scarab Rube Goldberg in a Chevy-sponsored short Another Chevy ad from the '40s Early '30s Ford ad
  10. Re: Guns in Fantasy Truth is stranger than fiction. I hereby present the Harmonica Gun.
  11. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine Actually, unless he's a she, it should be El Torre.
  12. Re: Golden Age resources: whatever you can think of. A link to a site dedicated to "Art Deco", suitable for Golden age or Pulp campaigns. The Lippisch Aerodyne: (Possibly not "period", but don't it look cool?) Purported USAF flying saucers. My own theory is that they were not aerodynamically controlled, but that on-board turbine/electric generators produced power for the antigravity drives. The vertical fins and apparent control surfaces are there purely to decieve onlookers as to the true propulsion source, just in case a spy were to see one. Of course, since these are a little late for the Golden Age, you might imagine that Germany had a few of these in development sometime during the war.
  13. Re: Another: StarWars in my Sandbox Don't like coffee, huh?
  14. Re: Another: StarWars in my Sandbox
  15. Re: Trusting Systems vs trusting GM Judgement I was curious and Searched for all posts by Warp9. Out of 40 pages worth of posts, I sampled perhaps 1% of the available posts. He has a characteristic style, and that's all I'm going to say. I'm done with this thread.
  16. Re: Space Junk in Earth Orbit Actually, the space debris is NASA's and other in-the-know space-faring organizations' efforts at reducing the attractiveness of earth to cattle-mutilating and anal-probing aliens. Most of 'em are scared to enter near-Earth space as a result, and occasionally one gets disabled in orbit. Eventually, Earthly scientists hope that someone intent on real scientific exchange, rather than space-fraternity initiation, will show up and establish contact, if only to ask us to "Clean up out here, won't ya?"
  17. Re: Trusting Systems vs trusting GM Judgement Dnftt
  18. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine Another hero, this one from my V&V days, Argus! He was a Super-powered martial (sort of) artist with a flying motorcycle.
  19. Re: Genres HERO GAMES may want to avoid (intended to be humorous) Magic Mushroom HERO
  20. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine Well, I decided to try to make Powergirl or Supergirl and I suppose I missed. By how much, I'm not sure.
  21. Re: Essentials Universe (Amalgam) That explains it. That was after my time.
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