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SSgt Baloo

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Everything posted by SSgt Baloo

  1. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine First GIMP-ed image (from the Venture Brothers):
  2. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine Thanks! I used to have Paint Shop Pro, but that was on a computer that is long dead.
  3. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine And here's the rest of 'em: This program doesn't let you make anyone who isn't handsome. I tried adding some blemishes, though. I forgot to give her a bowling bag. Sorry!
  4. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine I started drawing when "flipping bits" was the way to edit most pictures. Mind you, if there's a free graphics program (like OpenOffice is for text) I'd like to know where to get one. Here's s'more, the Mystery Men! I just couldn't find a good picture of IB.
  5. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine I gave him a staff and used it as the neck of his guitar. I added in the rest using MS Paint, the only paint program I have.
  6. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine Done!
  7. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine See? I told you it would continue... The League of American Justice Part II: The Martian Mangler Harpie Green Flash
  8. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine No "probably" about it, but that hasn't stopped a lot of us. Here's a re-imaginedJustice League: The League of American Justice Bat-Man Whip-Woman Blacklight To be continued....
  9. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine Here's a few where I was just messing around. [ATTACH]27923[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]27924[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]27925[/ATTACH]
  10. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine The Marvel Family (at least the ones that count). [ATTACH]27920[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]27921[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]27922[/ATTACH]
  11. Re: WWYCD: "Tell me about your teammates." I have had only one character that I can remember any details of his team-mates. Most of their names escape me, but TCWaN probably wouldn't bother to remember them anyway. The Cat Without a Name: Moe, Larry, and Curly: One of 'em's always good for a scratch or a treat. I don't think they're very bright, even for humans, but most of the time their hearts are in the right place. At least they get me tuna when we've got it and not that dried up cr@p that comes out of a box. That Strong Guy (not his real name): I dunno. He's not as well trained as the trio, but at least his keen hearing helps me get his attention when I want in or out. I think that's why he installed a door I could operate myself. The guy who waves his hands around a lot (also not his real name): I think he knows more about me than the others, but he hasn't told them anything they don't already know. At least he treats me with the respect due a reigning monarch. Not the best of my subjects, but worthy, nonetheless.
  12. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine A villain (possibly Mouse-man's nemesis):
  13. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine From Bad Guy High, it's SuperPower Girl! I honestly didn't know about her when I did my own version earlier in this thread.
  14. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine Here's one inspired by a movie title I just heard about:
  15. Re: Non Cliche Supernatural Professions An agent of the IRS! Quite appropriate if the character is a vampire (or is that typecasting?)
  16. Re: Realistic Aviation: Discuss I just found this table of V-speeds and was wondering what (if anything) might be useful in a detailed, realistic (or possibly cinematic) setting? Plus, I have a question for some of the better-educated members of this board: How is cruise speed (Vc) determined? ISTR reading about several different aircraft with cruise just above stall (Vs1), just short of maximum level flight speed (Vh), or somewhere in between. Can anyone 'splain this to me?
  17. Re: Non Cliche Supernatural Professions Dude, don't leave me hanging. Post some links! Oh, and how about an archaeological expert on obscure/dead languages?
  18. Re: Knockback "realistic"? Actually, I'm fairly satisfied with knockback as it is. I just noticed in the other thread that a lot of folks had some interesting (if somewhat complex) takes on alternative ways to implement knockback. I started this thread mainly to improve the signal-to-noise ratio in favor of the knockback discussion.
  19. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine Here's my version of two perrennial favorites.
  20. Re: Knockback "realistic"? I expressed myself poorly in the OP. Most of the "but..." examples given where KB is used in a non-super, non-toon setting are applications I can agree with. Heck, in some western settings, knockback is almost mandatory. I was just asking how you'd modify KB if you thought it was necessary to do so.
  21. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine One thing I don't like about this "hero maker" is that you can't really do humanoids with animal characteristics or just plain animals. Fortunately, there's plenty of photos out on the web to illustrate my favorite nonhuman character: The Cat Without a Name.
  22. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine One More from the Tick:
  23. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine Well, just like there wasn't a "pudgy" template for Arthur, there isn't a "skinny & emaciated" template for the Monarch, Dr. Venture, Dean or Hank. One makes do with the materials at hand. And one makes mistakes. I didn't think to have dean wear a tie until after I'd posted him.
  24. In another thread there is a debate over how unrealistic knockback is. Setting aside the notion that knockback is as realistic as someone hoisting a full-sized car and then throwing it any distance at all, I can see where some folks don't like knockback. Personally, I've only used Knockback in superhero campaigns. It just doesn't belong anywhere else (except in a tooniverse, where it should be even more unrealistic). In my own opinion (and in my own campaigns) attacks which do not impart kinetic energy to the target (lasers, heat rays, etc.) did not do knockback. Killing attacks that rely on making small holes in the target (arrows, cmall-caliber bullets, stillettos, piercing swords: epee, foil, rapier for example) would do less KB than a normal attack. If you agree that knockback needs "fixing" how would you do it? Would it take into consideration that heavy objects (or heroes) striking lighter objects might impart more motion than the reverse? Tell me. How would you reconstruct knockback?
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