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SSgt Baloo

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Everything posted by SSgt Baloo

  1. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine Just because it's fun: Bad Girls These loosely-associated radical feminists are plotting to overthrow the Male Pig Oppressor (MPO) by any means necessary to establish a peaceful, female-dominated society. Most of their lieutenants are radical feminists, but they have been known to exploit willing male volunteers as underlings and rank-and-file troops. These are referred to as "Male Members". Dracula's Daughter Leader of the Bad Girls, it isn't certain whether Dracula's Daughter is a "true believer" or just exploiting the Bad Girls to advance her own agenda. Her powers are those of a powerful vampire, though it seems that she doesn't need to kill to feed. Her many lifetimes worth of experience have made her exceedingly knowledgeable, cunning and manipulative. Quote: "Foolish child, did you really think you could thwart the queen of Darkness?" The Red Witch The Red Witch is the youngest and most idealistic of the group. Her powers seem to consist mostly of summoning and controlling other-dimensional creatures. She believes that the female-dominated society her group advocates will result in humanity reaching its full potential, that males as well as females will welcome the coming Female Dominion. At least that's what she tells herself when she finds herself strongly attracted by a well-constructed member of the "lesser" sex. Quote: "You just don't get it, do you? Once relieved of the burden of rule, you men will become docile, peaceful, non-aggressive and happy! " eve, a.k.a. the Monster's Bride, a.k.a. Bride of the Monster Eve was the creation of Doctor Frankenstein's grandson, Dr. Carl Victor, in 1935. While legend has it that he created Eve to be the bride of the monster created by his grandfather (Adam), in fact, Dr. Victor was simply trying to create an "improved" version of the monster. His theory was that the female brain is "naturally conditioned to respond to commands", and would result in a more docile creature. Unfortunately for the Doctor, not only was his theory incorrect, but his treatment of Eve gave her a very poor first impression of men. Her subsequent experiences once she escaped the Doctor's "custody" did nothing to persuade her otherwise. Quote: "You think women are weak. Let me disabuse you of that notion right now!" Hell-Cow Hell-Cow is a mystical creature summoned by the Red Witch. Rather than return to her home dimension when her task was complete, Hell-Cow decided to remain with the Bad Girls for reasons which she alone knows. She has the ability to breathe fire. Quote: "Mooooo!" Sute-Amet Sute-Amet is an egyptian princess/priestess whose magics have kept her alive for millennia. She carries a khopesh (Egyptian sword) and uses it for weaving her magic. She is also expert at wielding this sword as a weapon. Quote: "You cannot stand before the might of sute-amet!"* *Translation of " ”: "You cannot stand before the might of Sute-Amet!" Girl Hitler Girl Hitler was an admirer of Adolf Hitler, but came to the conclusion that Hitler's problem was that a: he was male and b: it was men who were holding back the superior race of women. Initially, she just tried to get her views heard in Women's Studies class at college, but decided to start her own feminist terrorist group (the FemiNazis) when she was expelled due to failing grades. Quote: “When the male world has been conquered, we will keep only what we need for breeding purposes and cheap, unskilled labor!”
  2. Re: Odd Champions campaigns
  3. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine Got 'em for ya!
  4. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine I liked that name and decided it was worth recycling. Besides, Ant-Man might've given the wrong impression.
  5. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine I re-GIMP-ed Phantom limb. Now his edges don't look so pixilated.
  6. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine I shortened the Shoveler's shovel. Link.
  7. Re: Villainous Organizations of Else Earth.
  8. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine Deleted from above, reformatted, and now the pics are online instead of attachments. maybe that will help? ----------------------------------------------------------- What can I say? I just like playing around with the darn thing. The Dependable Superhero League a.k.a. The Dislikeables The team's initials "DSL" originally stood for "Dependable Superhero League", but after a few disastrous outings the citizenry and media alike began referring to them as the "Dislikeables". Atom Ant Leader of the Dislikeables, Atom Ant's armored exoskeleton gives him the proportional strength of a human-sized ant, as well as providing flight and a variety of sensory abilities. Atom Ant has engaged a press agent to help offset the negative publicity their first efforts garnered. Quote: "It was an accident! It happened years ago! I can't believe people are still bringing that up!" Star Sapphire Star Sapphire has mystical powers that seem to involve the making and directing of blue mystical energy. She practices her craft daily, and promises never again to repeat the spell that led to the "Nude Bomb" incident. Quote: "You might want to back up. I'm not sure how this is going to work." Ed the Jungle-Boy When his parents went on safari in Africa, they had no idea they'd become lost until they stumbled upon a pack of very hungry hyenas. How the infant Ed survived is a mystery, but he claims he was raised by hyenas. Ed the JB seems to be an olympic-class fighter skilled in survival techniques of all sorts. He seems to be able to communicate fairly complex ideas to animals, and seems puzzled that other people can't be taught this skill. He is always accompanied by his faithful hyena companion, "Stuffy". Ed the Jungle-Boy is the only member of DSL whose association with the group hasn't tarnished his reputation. Despite this, most restaurateurs still refuse to serve Ed until he puts on a shirt and some shoes. Quote: "Stuffy good doggie!" Bluto Since childhood, James "Bluto" Blutarsky was a fan of the Popeye cartoons. From an early age, he began studying nutrition in the hope that some day he could become as strong as Popeye. Eventually, he hit upon a specialized diet that filled him with tremendous vitality and strength. He began adventuring as "Bluto" because even he could tell that he resembled that character more than his hero. Quote: "Hey! When they weren't fighting, Popeye and Bluto were best friends!" Ms. Grey Ms. Grey is an alien, stranded on Earth when her landing party was set upon by government-backed superheroes sent to capture the aliens' technology. While her companions managed to escape in their spacecraft, Ms. Grey had to adjust to living on a planet full of primitive ape-like beings. Ms. Grey has a hard time dealing gracefully with these "human beings" and is hoping that if she doesn't cause too much disruption of Earth's cultures her people will take her away from this cultural backwater when they return in a hundred years or so. Quote: "What makes you think that I could even think of procreative activity with a barbarian ape-creature such as yourself without becoming violently ill?"
  9. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine I deleted the relevant post and reposted it below. I uploaded the pictures to my Geocities account and linked to those pictures instead of the attachments.
  10. Re: Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens Bob Tiger: Spending time with his family. Any day his brother-in-law doesn't make an appearance. Good food. Cars he can fit in. Getting an acting gig he can sink his teeth into. The Cat Without a Name: Tuna! Spreading his genetic material around. A warm sunbeam. Getting rubbed or petted when he wants it. Not getting petted when he doesn't want it. Oh, and, um... those humans who serve him.
  11. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine I love this guy! I'm out of rep, though. Could somebody get The Arc for me?
  12. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine Dang! I forgot to give FM any stitches! And Wolf-Woman was supposed to have a black nose like Good-Boy! (Fixed in the below attachments.)
  13. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine The Monster Squad: Wolf-Woman Leader and founding member of the Monster Squad, Wolf-Woman is a werewolf who was repulsed by the idea of eating human flesh (she prefers beef). She is strong with unearthly reflexes and speed. While she possesses claws and teeth, she is reluctant to use them because she hates bloodshed. She is a champion of the people, the SPCA, and a Monster rights activist. Le Frog Founding member of the Monster Squad, Le Frog is the team brick, capable of lifting incredible weights and leaping tremendous distances. He is also able to stay underwater indefinitely, since his skin functions as an efficient oxygen extractor. Count Vegemite Count Vegemite is the third founding Member of Monster Squad. Despite his unusual diet (Count Vegemite is a vegetarian) the count seems to be fairly healthy for a member of the undead. He is the mystic of the group, and prefers to work nights, for obvious reasons. La Diabla La Diabla is a supernatural being who is difficult to describe. She is a fallen (risen?) demon who is no longer welcome in the infernal regions due to her recent conversion to Christianity. Despite her unusual situation (or perhaps because of it) she retains most of her devilish abilities, which include the ability to produce flame and heat at will and cross dimentions. Frankenstein's Monster Frankenstein's Monster (a.k.a. "Adam", a.k.a. "FM") claims to be the actual creature described in Mary Shelley's novel. Inhumanly strong and durable, FM can absorb electrical energy and use it to heal his own injuries. He has an encyclopedic knowledge of various sciences and is the team's scientist and sometime gadgeteer.
  14. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine Look! We can do toes now! Woo-hoo! It seems, however, that I'll have to experiment some more to get the background effects I'm looking for. The method I formerly used to lighten the background now just reduces saturation, leaving it dark and muddy-looking.
  15. Re: A Thread for Random Videos This one always made me laugh: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=91KK09FAux4&NR=1
  16. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine
  17. Talking Cats After much browsing upon YouTube it seems to me that cats tend to speak more clearly than dogs, even if they might not have any better understanding. Cats: Oh my dog! Cats Talk and Sing REMIX (Oh Long Johnson) (possibly a hoax, but a good one nontheless. More Here.) Dogs: Talking dogs (Oh, really?!? )
  18. Re: str end in MA All in favor? Aye! Opposed? Ch'rp-ch'rp, ch'rp-ch'rp, ch'rp-ch'rp, ch'rp-ch'rp, Ch'rp-ch'rp, ch'rp-ch'rp.* Motion Carried! *Sound of crickets chirping.
  19. Re: Fun with Thugs and Mooks Tex Jones from my Pulp/Superhero campaign, ran into Moose and Rocko while infiltrating a gangster's compound (I forget the specific illegal activity the Gangsters were engaged in). Tex caught 'em by surprise, laid them both out and disarmed them before they could act. He subsequently gave them a "You guys should turn ovewr a new leaf" speech and maxed out his PRE dice. They ran away, only to turn up later at Tex's Chicago factory/workshop, looking for work. "We was thinkin' over whut ya's said to us last week and we was wonderin' if you needed some watchmen?"
  20. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine
  21. Re: Because someone had to do it... Scroll through the "Pele" options and the skeleton is the second-to-last option.
  22. Re: The Champion Protocols (ie how to take down your character) I can't recall enough details about the other characters, but if you offered the Cat Without a Name some tuna, he'd probably be uninclined to act against that person (as long as more tuna was forthcoming). Actually, as smart and strong as he is (for a cat) all you'd have to do would be to send an automaton of some sort to run him down. His only really effective attack was an ego blast. Can't be stunned or knocked out? I guess it's time for the cat to go hide. Niaw!
  23. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine New Group: the Impossible People A brilliant theoretical Physicist, Mostly-Invisible-Man was rendered mostly invisible when an attack by a supervillain caused an experiment to go awry. Ruby has the power to transform herself into a living gem. Oh, and she can shoot fricken lasers from her eyes. Good-Boy! was rescued from a mad scientist who wanted to combine human intelligence and cunning with the enthusiastic loyalty of a golden retriever. He was partly successful. Golem: mysterious and silent, it appears that Golem is made of self-healing living clay. While he never speaks, his actions indicate a depth of wisdom and dedication to the common good that is unequalled. Flying Fishwife is a heretofore unknown life form discovered by the Impossible People when they were vacat-, er, doing research at a beach resort. Yeah, that's it! Queen of the air and seas, she seems able to control both fish and fowl.
  24. Re: Because someone had to do it...
  25. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine No, but is it too late to claim credit anyway?
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