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SSgt Baloo

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Everything posted by SSgt Baloo

  1. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine Right here: Dynagirl
  2. Re: Der Psychology of der Super Human
  3. Re: Pulp Hero Binding How ingeeeeenious! I wish I had known that when my 4th edition Champions book started to disintegrate. Instead, I went to an office supply store and bought a butt-load of page protectors (according to my Little Black Book of Useful Knowledge® that's two hogsheads' worth of page protectors ) and a large D-ringed binder. I then carefully removed all the pages from the Champions books and inserted them, in order, into the binder using the page protectors. Not only did I impress my friends with my ingenuity, but I could open the book to a specific page without it trying to close itself again.
  4. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine Five more:Chapulin Colorado, Crimson Fox, Darkstar, Electra Woman, and Fantômette. More later. Ciao!
  5. Re: A Thread for Random Videos Milk gives you wet dreams?
  6. S'more again. British Lion Yet again, but I think this is as good* as I can get to how I imagine him. Captain Klutz Captain Planet Catclaw Catwoman Eartha Kitt-style (more-or-less). * Close. I meant to say close.
  7. Re: A Thread for Random Videos Holiday Force: Sparkler v.s. Wet Blanket(NSFW language, implied nudity, boobage.) Bloody Bunny (teh bunneh must have commissioned this one.)
  8. Re: A Thread for Random Videos 3 Stooges teach the alphabet.
  9. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine Here's five more: Black Widow Blankman Boodikka British Lion I still want to give him a shorter beard and bushier hair, but I like how I made his symbol on the shirt (it's the logo of some food company). Captain Barbell
  10. Re: "Neat" Pictures I used to be a zombie kid. Mom would come into the room, throw open the curtains, and announce: "The sun is shining and the birds are singing! It's time to get up-it-ty!!" When I was little I just crawled sluggishly out of bed, but when I was a teenager I really did get uppity! Once. Ever. (Turns out Mom had a great right arm.)
  11. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine I rummaged around and found a list of superheroes and superheroines, so I spent much of today constructing ones that did (or still) exist. Astroboy After he'd been upgraded to an adult. Avengelyne ...if he wasn't an anthropomorphic bat. Bibleman reminds me of a jokebook my grandmother bought for me when I was in my early teens. It was written by a pastor and was full of "clean" humor. The only thung funny about that book was how hard the pastor was trying to be "hip" (and failing miserably). At least Bibleman doesn't look to be as lame as that jokebook even if he is a propaganda tool. Black Cat Some claim that Black Cat was the first superheroine to fight crime in a "bathing suit". I can imagine that G.I.s looked forward to every issue. At least, until it became obvious that she was already as naked as she was going to get. Then they switched to G.I. Jane (link possibly NSFW). More later! G'night, folks!
  12. Re: Saint in Blue /Brute with the Badge I almost forgot Lance O'Bannon, the Singing Cowboy*. Lance would gallop up on his robotic horse, interpose himself between the two combatants, and give a SPEECH that would likely have them shaking hands and apologizing to each other for the misunderstanding. They would probably become friends and both would turn over a new leaf. Lance really was that persuasive. *Lance O'Bannon, the Singing Cowboy was a serial western-style cowboy whose main ability wasn't his combat skills (impressive though they became during the course of the campaign) but his ability to persuade people. He was in a high-powered (400 points) 4th edition campaign where each character had been drawn through the dimensions to an Earth that was in serious crisis (nuclear terrorism, C'thulhoid creatures popping up in the oceans, etc). Lance was an Über-Singing Cowboy from a cinematic world. The other characters were similarly high-powered.
  13. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine
  14. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine
  15. Re: A DC Animated-style Cat-Girl I tried to make Hepzibah of the Starjammers, but my hands aren't steady enough to do her tail justice. Hepzibah (almost)
  16. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine I kind of got caught up in a Superman riff today, with a coupla tangents. Super-Briton What if the infant Kal-L had landed in Scotland, England, or Wales? Superbrother What if Superman didn't look like a WASP? (the outfit is done in the colors of Ethiopia). Superwoman What if Kal-L had been born a female? Alternative Superman Costume What if Clark Kent wore contacts? Dayglo Superman What if the F.A.A. ruled that flying superheroes had to wear high-visibility clothing? Scarlet Bat What if The Waynes had adopted the infant from Krypton instead of the Kents? Batgirl I always liked Yvonne Craig's portrayal of Batgirl.
  17. Re: The Cat Without A Name I haven't run The Cat WithOut A Name for about 15 years and no longer have the character sheet. I call him TCWOAN because the other PCs only ever referred to him as "the cat" (examples: "The cat wants out!", "How the @#%$ did the cat get out by himself!?!", "Larry, give the cat some tuna.", etc.) I'll describe him as best I can and anyone who wants to is welcome to write him up. Originally, he was a 250-point character, but that was Fourth Edition. The Cat without a name looks like the picture above. He has all the powers of a cat, but has superior distance vision, the strength and intelligence of a human, and is extraordinarily durable. He has high defenses, and is resistant to anything less than a high-caliber pistol shot (.44 magnum, .45 ACP, etc.) He can understand several languages in both spoken and written forms, but isn't yet able to make recognizeable speech sounds. He can, with some effort, type out words and phrases on the computer, but his paws are significantly larger than the keys so there are lots of typoes. His main power is a fully invisible Ego attack (defined as the ability to induce a form of narcolepsy in his victims). It's big enough to stun or K-O most normals in one shot, but it can take some time to take down a superpowered opponent. His primary tactic is to let his "servants" (the superteam that adopted him) tackle the bad-guys up close while he sits back and puts them into a coma. Out of combat he acted as something of an advance scout. Because he looks like an ordinary cat, he can sometimes infiltrate places by simply walking inside when someone goes through the door. TCWOAN had gained a slight reputation with his team-mates of being at least "Lassie smart". They hadn't yet made a connection between the cat and the occasional clues that would sometimes appear on their computer display (full of typoes). They were trying to determine if their computer was either haunted or developing self-awareness.
  18. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine Here's one I haven't seen anyone attempt yet. Vampirella
  19. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine I'd give you corny joke rep, but it seems I must spread some around. Somebody get this guy for me?
  20. Re: Ape Name Needed I can't believe no-one has suggested "an ape named Ape" (inspired by George of the Jungle).
  21. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine Rejected by the Justice Fraternity as being too outlandish to be respected as superheroes, these four banded together to create their own team: The Sub-Humans! Tigress Equipped with lightning-fast reflexes, the strength and senses of stealthy jungle-cat, Tigress is the spokesperson for the group since, besides the fur, tail and cat-ears, she's the most "normal-looking". Dr. Lizardo A scientific genius and gadgeteer par excellence, Dr. Lizardo suffered a laboratory accident which gave him his eerie powers. Cow Girl Despite being 12 feet tall and stronger than any ox, Cow Girl struggles to maintain her femininity despite her size and power. Pixie Commando Don't let his small size (8" tall) fool you. Pixie Commando's magical powers cut any foe down to size!
  22. Re: "DC" Version of Tejas Twister Sho 'nuff! I'll bet his enemies call him "Dust Devil".
  23. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine I'd give you Mermaidman Rep, but I've got to spread it around. Instead, I give you Barnacle Boy in his prime (but without his "dixie cup" hat)!
  24. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine Just a few more: Granite Man Stoplight of Justice Weather Witch Who doesn't like Ororo Munro, huh?
  25. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine More Stuff: two heroes and most of the rest are villains (heroes first): Superman Every time I look at the "athletic" superman, he just looks too skinny. Redback A heroine from Australia, I haven't decided whether she's Golden Age or not. If you have an opinion, persuade me. The Anti-American Eagle I just wanted to do some stuff with the Hawkman bits and figured I'd use a name inspired by Our Man Flint. Black Widow De-Man Ghost Girl I haven't decided if she's a hero or a villain yet. Feedback welcomed.
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