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SSgt Baloo

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Everything posted by SSgt Baloo

  1. Re: Defending the Earth: Giant Asteroid Golden! Repped.
  2. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine So... Have they become visible yet?
  3. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine I checked and got this message: "Site temporarily unavailable. Data transfer limit exceeded." Since I uploaded 15 pics at one whack (and probably accessed a few more images than that at my hosted site), I'll bet that counted towards the total. They should become visible again at the top of the hour. Sorry for the inconvenience.
  4. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine Note the symbols on Hauptmann Hitler's and Todtsmeister's chest. They are senior officers in the the Nazi Sturm-Krieger (Storm-Warrior) program and these symbols identify them as such (Sturm-Krieger-Offiziere).
  5. ...And finally... Five more: Lady Lotus*, Mizz America (not a villain, but in 1940's America, she's treated as something of a loose cannon, what with her opening cans of worms others would like to remain closed), Reaper*, Ryoko (three guesses who inspired this one and the first two don't count!), TodtsMeister *Not invented by me.
  6. Of course you realize, this means MORE! Here we have some more villains suitable for a Golden-Age campaign. Some of the more durable (or generic) ones might be suitable for more modern campaigns, as heroes or villains. I give you: Dracula, Hauptmann Hitler* (Boo! Hiss!), Herr Doktor Zombie*, Hotaru*, and Knorda. *Invented characters.
  7. More: Villainy Good(Bad?)ness Here are some villains. Some I made up and others I didn't. No links this time, but the no-prize goes to who can figure out which is which and provide a link yourself. I hereby present: Aikidoka-San, Armless Tiger Man, Black Talon, Black Toad, and Chthon.
  8. Re: Lame Superhero Rollcall What? Did somebody say something?
  9. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine
  10. Re: Request Go for it! Tell us how it went, and what the reactions were to the "visual aids"*. *NOT an STD!
  11. Re: Lame Superhero Rollcall You are such a wet blanket!
  12. Let's make a difference!! I hereby present: The Civic-Minded Five! Roll call: Four-Legged Man! Captain Mucilage! Jungle Janet! The Carpeted man! "RoRowr!" And yes, you too Feral Boy! I tried to get a little more wild-eyed craziness into Feral Boy's expression, but I think I need more practice.
  13. In doing research for Mr. Terrific, I discovered that he was selected at some unspecified time as the Lame Superhero of the Week at Blogzarro.com. I subsequently learned of the Gay Ghost at the same website. I was wondering... who would YOU nominate for consideration as the lamest superhero? Aquaman is disqualified from this competition as he is arguably not lame and yet a lot of peoples' obvious choice. Anyone else is fair game. I would like to nominate the Elongated man. Apart from his presumed abilities in the boudoir, stretchiness isn't a particularly intimidating superpower. "Don't mess with me Mutha-F#$%&*+ or I'll go all Silly-Putty on you!" Yep. I'm shakin'. Let's face it. Stretchiness doesn't haul the freight in my book unless it helps you deliver (or absorb) a payload of whupass. Let's face it. If Dr. Destroyer (or the functional equivalent thereof) were holding me hostage, I'm not sure I'd be wanting to see "good ol' Ralph Dibney"* riding over the hill to save the day if anyone else were available (and this includes a few villains). Who would you nominate as lamest superhero and why? *See? Even his not-so-secret identity name sounds lame.
  14. Re: Riffing on the All-Stars... ...And don't EVEN tease the Atom about his short stature. He'll kick your "biblical beast of burden"!
  15. Riffing on the All-Stars... And the last five: The All-Star Squadron: ...And the rest (in more-or-less alphabetical order) are The Spectre, Star Man, The Atom, The Flash, and Wildcat.
  16. Riffing on the All-Stars... Yet some more iterations of Golden-Age heroes, to include some retconned ones as well: The All-Star Squadron: The next six (in alphabetical order) are Hourman, Iron Munro, Johhny Quick, Liberty Belle, Mr. Terrific* and Sandman. *Winner of the Lame Superhero of the Week award!
  17. Riffing on the All-Stars... Yet some more iterations of Golden-Age heroes, to include some retconned ones as well: The All-Star Squadron: The first five (in alphabetical order) are Dr. Fate, Dr, Midnite, Firebrand, Green Lantern, and Hawkman.
  18. Re: Genres HERO GAMES may want to avoid (intended to be humorous) "--- And today's episode of HERO Chef, we have Dr. Destroyer, the reigning champion versus the Silver Server, former Herald of Galactimus Prime, now head saucier at Chez Priceé, Manhattan." "They're wheeling in the Secret ingredient that must be used in every dish they prepare tonight and it's... Lobster! Oh, that's a bit of bad luck for the silver Server, as he has a deadly allergy to shellfish -- developed when he was captured by the Fearsome Nautilus of Cincinnati Ohio! Looks like Dr. D has subverted the system again to his benefit! Can no-one stop this madman in his quest for culinary world domination?" "No, wait! Silver Server is using his telekinesis to handle the lobster. All is not lost!" "That's right, Bob! ...And Doctor Destroyer doesn't look happy! Was that a chair he just threw at Server?" "More action on Hero Chef, right after these commercials!..."
  19. Re: Game Mechanics Wicked cool idea! If the guy could turn it on and off at will, that would be even better. Combine this with invisibility and you'd have a nearly unstoppable spy/thief/whatever. "Can you describe your assailant for the court?" "Well, it was some kind of guy, I think, and I kind of remember he was wearing some kind of clothes, mostly, and he maybe had eyes and maybe a head and...? Ya know what? I just can't remember."
  20. More, more, more... Karate (Batfink's sidekick), Krypto, Martia Manhunter (why are there no female martians?), Meteor Man, Mighty Man
  21. And yet some more... Glory, , Iceman, Invincible, Joe Hercules
  22. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine [Johnny Carson] I did not know that. [/Johnny Carson]
  23. Re: Pistol Damage Class By Caliber Dude! That post was three years ago! Give the guy a break!
  24. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine Three unrelated heroes: , Daredevil, Feral, and Flashman*. *Actually, Flashman is something of a cad and a coward, but he inevitably takes credit for saving the day, and receives unmerited recognition by crown and country, while the true heroes fail to stick up for themselves due to an irrational idea they call "sportsmanlike conduct" (or some such blather).
  25. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine The Impossibles: Fluidman, Multiman, Coilman.
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