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SSgt Baloo

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Everything posted by SSgt Baloo

  1. Adding hairiness! Actually, I shaded the picture as normal and added the "granite" in post-production (GIMP) by selecting everything that needed to be "granitized", adding noise, and using a coupla filters (including Gaussian Blur) to get the texture about right. Then I edited the colors, reducing the saturation and adjusting the hue until I liked what I saw. I did use the method you described when adding the Camo pattern to the Motown Bat-homage and one of the characters which follows. Here are Cowboy Bob, 'Squatch, Minerva Mouse and Wolfen.
  2. Re: A Thread for Random Videos Just because I advocate the second amendment doesn't mean I want every fool to own a gun. I now know that I can be truly horrified and amused simultaneously.
  3. Hey! I finally figured out how to do fuzzy tails! Tigress V2.0
  4. Re: The Silence of the Catgirls or too much realism in fantasy Second verse,same as the first. Repped. Again, I'd rep ya, but It'll have to wait. I agree. And in response to the request for Catgirl pics, here are a few (you folks just aren't looking hard enough!) This link IS safe for work, but it links to others that are not. You have been warned! http://www.jaynaylor.com/betterdays/archives/2008/05/chapter-22-roll-4.html Blue Crash Kit has at least one catgirl. Fur Will Fly has at least two. And here's two of my own (the second one is my second attempt at the same character).
  5. Re: What if Motown owned DC Comics? Here's the rest of the Motown-Sponsored superteam: Blue Streak, Brother from Another Planet*, Tae Kwon Doe, and Aquarius. *Inspired by the movie of the same name.
  6. What if Motown owned DC Comics? I give you the Motown-Sponsored superteam: Founding members: Soulman, American Amazon and Shadowbat.
  7. Re: "Neat" Pictures I was thinking very much the same thing.
  8. Re: "Neat" Pictures Either way, it's still an interesting story.
  9. Re: "Neat" Pictures Jackass Saves Dogs!
  10. Re: Super-6 Here are the rest (still not in their original style): Captain Zammo and Private Hammo, Magnet-o Man, Super Scuba, and Scortch
  11. Super-6 When I was 8 years old, there was a Saturday-morning program that I really enjoyed called Super 6. It was about a superhero employment agency and featured their six top agents. Here are my favorites but not, of course, in their original style: Super-Bwoing, Granite-Man and Elevator Man
  12. The DNAgents: I used to collect the DNAgents comics, but it's been a while since I've even thought about 'em.. Here's Surge, Rainbow, Tank, Amber and Sham.
  13. ...And furthermore: After re-doing the adults, I finally figured out that Dash had a HUGE chin for a kid, so I fixed that, too.
  14. Riffing on the Incredibles. ...And of course, once I gave him a smile, I had to restore his youth. ...And once I'd restored his youth, I had to do likewise for Elastigirl.
  15. Re: Less Hodge, but more podge. Just because you asked.
  16. Re: Less Hodge, but more podge. Here's two more: Frozone and Syndrome.
  17. Re: Less Hodge, but more podge. You may be disappointed (perhaps just a little). I decided to do the Incredibles (I think someone else did them, but I like my take on them. Here's Mr. Incredible, Violet , Dash, and Elastigirl.
  18. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares I'd give you Rod Serling Rep, but it seems I must spread it around s'more.
  19. Less Hodge, but more podge. And just a few more: Candy-Striper, Midnight Rider, Mint Julius, and Soda Jerk.
  20. A hodge-podge of supers: Not part of a group, I was just stream-of-consciousnessing a bunch of supers. I hereby present: Afro-American Eagle, Bi-Panda Bear, Bipolar Bear*, and Icecream Man *Bipolar Bear is from the Tick animated series.
  21. You did wait, right? 'Cuz I told you there was more.... The Rest of the Sports Fans: Linebacker*, Croqueteer, Purple Boxer, Swimmer, and the Ref! *Inspired in part by this: Terry Tate: Office Linebacker!
  22. A Sports-themed Supergroup: The Sports Fans! With Eightball, Base-Brawler, Badminton-Birdie, Battledore, and The Iron Goalie! But wait! There's more...!
  23. Re: "Neat" Pictures Moving pictures, but relevant: (the only video I could find that wasn't about some musical group called Heat Shimmer .
  24. Captaiiin Plaaaanet! (Well, not quite). Here's my parodic version of Captain Planet and the Planeteers. I do not intend this to be a mockery of someone's cherished childhood memory, but what the hell, it WAS some pretty preachy stuff, and the badguys seemed more interested in destroying the planet than making sustainable profits. I hereby present Captain Treehugger and the Treesquad: Hothead, Windy, Loam, Dampira, and Emo.
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