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SSgt Baloo

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Everything posted by SSgt Baloo

  1. Re: Game Mechanics Which is why my first suggestion was invisibility. You don't remember what you don't sense.
  2. Re: Game Mechanics Emphasis added. Actually, I think that's what "Personal Immunity" is for. How about: I don't have the book handy so I don't remember how much Personal Immunity's worth, but you get the idea, don't you?
  3. Re: I DISBELIEVE YOUR REALITY! OR The couch is really there! After giving it some thought, I mught consider giving them no breakout roll until they have at least -1 to their DCV. Of course if you want to just nail down every possible course of action the players might take so they can only do what you want them to, the problem isn't about disbelieving illusions.
  4. Re: Here cooooomes the Crimson Chin! I told you there was more! I further present: the Iron Lung, Platinum Princess, the Copper Cranium, and the Gilded Arches! ...And a lovely group portrait, suitable for framing!
  5. Here cooooomes the Crimson Chin! ...Or at least, his enemies! I present: the Nega-Chin, the Bronze Kneecap, H-2 Olga, and the Brass Knuckle! But wait! There's MORE!!!
  6. Re: I DISBELIEVE YOUR REALITY! OR The couch is really there! I think the "I Disbelieve!" response is an artifact of the original AD&D's mindset wherein, Gygax seemed to espouse an adversarial relationship betwixt GM and Players. But I'm just guessing. Players who disbelieve everything they encounter is a symptom of a campaign where nothing can be trusted to be what it appears to be. If the campaign in question is one the players used to play in, a little experience with your campaign should eventually break them of Disbelieving Tourette's Syndrome™. Of course, if they started doing this in your campaign, you may have grown overfond of illusory attacks. Cut it out. The only reason illusion works so well is because most of reality isn't illusory (and all you philosophy majors be quiet, this isn't philosphy but gaming we're talkin' about! ). You want to limit your players' ability to disbelieve? Give them clues when they really arefighting an illusion. That way you can simply tell them "Sorry, but none of the evidence I've presented to you is inconsistent with reality. Did you take 'from Missouri' as a psychological limitation?" I think a reasonable way to simulate "active disbelief" would be to grant the person a breakout roll (with all appropriate penalties) with a +1 for each -1 DCV penalty the player takes versus the alleged illusion. Skill levels used for DCV should never be used in this case, to prevent players from just buying defensive skill levels for the sole purpose of disbelieving illusions.
  7. Re: Your FIRST Super Hero Character My very first superhero was me with a towel tied around my neck. A coupla buddies and I tied towels around our necks one day and we spent the afternoon jumping off a shed trying to stay in the air. At seven years of age I learned the sad truth: Humans make terrible birds. Years later I was learning to draw and came up with these guys (done in Fabrique du Herois now, but at one time hand-drawn, albeit poorly). I present my first superteam (created in 1972 or 1973): Fist-man* An Homage to Popeye Nose-man* An homage to Sam Valiant, Private Nose (And my friend from High School, Ron Freas) Professor E=MC² and Robot C3174 A Mad Doctor Sworn to uphold the Good and the Best Friend he could possibly build. Superguy* Basically a hippie Superman. * Yeah, I wasn't very good at coming up with names back then.
  8. Re: I DISBELIEVE YOUR REALITY! OR The couch is really there! I am not singling out Hugh Neilson, but just using his clearly stated summation of how some GMs insist that disbelief must be portrayed.
  9. Re: Underwater Combat Mastery If he swims that fast, you might consider paying for the advantage: Usable as leaping. At 149 MPH, I suspect that even low-flying aircraft aren't safe from this guy.
  10. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine I'd say it was my ex, if she wasn't so thin.
  11. Re: A DC Animated-style tribute to Legatus Who is Legatus and why is he reenacting the Civil War?
  12. Happy Birthday QM! As a birthday gift, I give you two pics. The first is your image given coloration similar to a north American Mountain Lion (or as best as I am currently able with GIMP). The second is an attempt to make him in Fabrique du Herois.
  13. Jungle Squad: The Portrait! And here's the Jungle Squad at their most recent ice cream social.
  14. New Group: Jungle Squad! Defenders of the African continent, here they are, Bwana, Jungle Cat, Kerchak, Mightor*, and Shiela the Christian Jungle Girl with Buster the Showdog**. * Benchmarked from a 1960s Hanna-Barberra Saturday Morning cartoon. ** Inspired by the Prairie Home Companion skit: The Adventures of Buster the Showdog.
  15. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine Sorry!
  16. Re: What Have You Watched Recently? *pause* "Yarp!"
  17. ...And here's the rest of the crew: Dr. Anthony Jeckyll and Mr. Allen Hyde Dr. Jeckyll's Granson found the formula and took it in a different direction. Mysto the Magician Because you've just got to have a magician in a Golden-Age Supers campaign. Speed Demon He beat the Devil in a footrace and won superspeed powers.
  18. More Golden-Age silliness... Victory Archer and Miss America Because you need flag-suits in a Golden-Age campaign. Lucky Dan and Genii He's a hard-boiled dick. She's a love-struck genii. Hilarity ensues. Ratman and Ratgirl Just for Egyptoid. You know you like it.
  19. Re: What Have You Watched Recently? I watched Hot Fuzz last night and I thought it was great entertainment. I doubt you could call it "great cinema", but blending British sensibilities with an Action Movie (and an Intelligent sense of humor) resulted in a movie that was, in turn, laugh-out-loud funny and turn-away-from-the-screen horrifying. The final battle of the movie was priceless. There were a few moments that I found gruesome, but they were so over-the-top that I didn't mind so much.
  20. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine I thought Rosenstern and Guildencrantz were dead?
  21. Re: A Thread for Random Videos Too funny for words. I'd rep ya, but I'm out till tomorrow. I find that also both horrifying and hilarious.
  22. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine Your threat scares me not. I know how to look away from the screen.
  23. Re: More heroes: What's wrong with Minerva (tribute-to-Minnie) Mouse? I did a tribute to Mickey earlier in the thread and no-one batted so much as an eyelash. See?
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