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SSgt Baloo

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Everything posted by SSgt Baloo

  1. American Villains (Still Golden-Age) Fallen Angel, Cheetah, Marionnette, and "Dr. Mood", master of psychological warfare
  2. More WWII Baddies... Agents of the Reich (and potential postwar enemies/allies): Aufseher (Overseer), Schatten (Shade), Graf von Bluttrinker, and Gepanzerter Riese (Armored Giant)
  3. Re: Wait - you punch WHAT?!? (or what would the damage from an atomic bomb be?)
  4. Re: Wait - you punch WHAT?!? (or what would the damage from an atomic bomb be?) Oh, I almost forgot. Almost half a conventional bomb's weight is explosive (rough figure -- do not try at home). I suppose a nuke has at least a quarter of it's total mass as explosives. The rest would be the bomb casing, the nuclear materials, and the triggering mechanism. BTW, these are all guesstimates. Like any good scientist I expect my figures to be within an order of magnitude of the correct figures.
  5. Re: Wait - you punch WHAT?!? (or what would the damage from an atomic bomb be?)
  6. Re: Most interesting character ideas you've seen from others? Cool! "Don't bother with the kid, he's just the sidekick!"
  7. Re: Wait - you punch WHAT?!? (or what would the damage from an atomic bomb be?) I think the big sticking point for most people is the perception that hitting anything containing explosives will make it explode, and that hitting a nuclear bomb will set off a nuclear explosion. Not true. You have some radiation from the uranium or plutonium parts that made the bomb nuclear, but if the stuff isn't compresed just right (or the two masses brought together with enough force, in the case of some designs) you may not get any more "Bang" than if an equivalent amount of explosive went off. In fact, the level of radiation may not be much more than if the bomb hadn't exploded in the first place. The only reason a nuclear blast spreads contamination far and wide is because it sucks up debris which is less heavy than the bomb materials, irradiates it, and then shoots it way high in the atmosphere where winds can spread it widely before it all settles out. HOWEVER There would still be radioactive chunks blown all over the environment. Even if the stuff were finely distributed as an aerosol, plutoniom and Uranium are very heavy substances. Like iron filings in a glass of water they would settle out very quickly. The people standing at ground zero of a failed nuke would primarily be concerned with surviving the initial blast. Having done that their next priority should be getting out of the contaminated area as quickly as possible and removing any potentially contaminated material from their bodies. It surprised many people to discover that ordinary soap and water will remove most nuclear contamination from the outside of a human body. If they evacuated the contaminated area and decontaminated themselves correctly, there would still be the worry that they might have inhaled radioactive material or been struck by radioactive debris in the blast which then lodged beneath the skin layer. Of course, if I were a superhero, I wouldn't worry about it too much unless my player, instead of asking for a "radiation accident" asked if he could just let me die so he could write up a new, "better" character. Most explosives are designed to be very stable, so they can be handled as necessary for shipping and so forth. Of course, sometimes accidents happen, (another example). Disarming a nuke by beating on it isn't the best way to minimize damage, but the destruction will be quite a bit less than if the bomb had functioned correctly. And Furthermore... The same explosive is also likely to be used in bombs with a delayed fuse, so the explosives might not explode anyway, especially if the destruction of the bomb resulted in damage to the timers or to the fuse(s) themselves.
  8. Re: More. Yes, more!! *accepts award* I never got to play TR very much. He was the first character I had with "Targeting Sense" for his hearing, and he got around by super-leaping. (Duh!) Thank you! You've been a wonderful audience! I'll be here all week! Try the veal!
  9. Re: Regenerating End. Having given it some thought, I think the Regen usable for 2 characteristics would work for Body and Stun, and just having an END reserve with a REC equal to the character's REC might work. How does that sound?
  10. Re: Regenerating End. Bingo! Or at least simulate it.
  11. More. Yes, more!! I said there was more, now didn't I? Here are: Agent Dunn, Thunder Rabbit, and Lance O'Bannon, the Singing Cowboy* *Inspired by Rex O'Herlihan from Rustler's Rhapsody, but at superheroic power levels.
  12. I used to play these guys! Here are all my hero characters that I can remember, in the approximate order I created/played them. Some have been updated to a more modern appearance. Here are: Fist-Man, Robert the Red, The Cat Without a Name, and Bob Tiger. But wait! There's MORE!!
  13. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares Already been done: Link. Opening credits: Another link. More odd Trek crossovers here. (I highly recommend Stone Trek.) [/hijack] American Werewolf in Kindergarten Cop The Money Pit and the Pendulum Electra-Glide in the Blue Lagoon
  14. Last night I dreamt that I was walking along a stream, I heard voices coming from underneath a bridge. I looked under the bridge and saw a bunch of anthropomorphic mice*. they had gathered under the bridge because there was "good" air beneath the bridge and "bad" air everywhere else (a subconscious connection to the many fires and "smokevercast" we've had locally for several days now) they were talking about their friend who had fallen into the water and was drowning. I reached in the water and rescued their soggy friend before continuing on my way. *See: American Tail, Chip 'n' Dale's Rescue Rangers, or Flushed Away for examples.
  15. Re: A Thread for Random Videos Wrestling mismatch of the century:
  16. How would you go about making REC that works like Regeneration? I considered linking REC to Regeneration, but that woudn't necessarily force a REC at high negs.
  17. Re: WWYCD: Escape Stronghold! It's been many years since I used Stronghold (or GM-ed a game or played in one for that matter). I'd have to know a bit more about the "accommodations" before I can be very specific. Still (keeping to just Champions characters).... Lance O'Bannon the Singing Cowboy: He has 12d6 of luck. He'll just sit back and wait for something to turn up. If they give him a guitar, within 24 hours, the warden and all the guards would be helping him escape, plus his friends, and a sizeable percentage of the prison population would seriously consider reforming. Bob Tiger or Thunder Rabbit: About the best these guys could hope for is time off for good behavior. Escape artists they aren't. The Cat Without a Name: He's "just a cat" (with human Strength and Intelligence). If he behaves himself, maybe they'll give him the run of the place, never realizing what they've done. Of course, if they know how smart he is, he's screwed, because 10 STR might be enough to break out of a kitty-carrier, but 10 INT isn't enough to really outsmart multiple someones who're on to you. If they know how strong he is, but think he's "just a dumb ol' cat" things begin to look better. His one really super ability (the ability to undetectably induce sleep, a fully invisible ego attack) isn't much use in opening doors, etc.
  18. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine
  19. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine Deputy Dawg: @ Toonopedia @ YouTube (a video) @ Wikipedia I recall watching Deputy Dawg on Saturday mornings. I suppose I was entertained, since I do not also remember checking the other channels to see what else was on.
  20. Re: Hell's Heroes Must... Channel... Bill Preston...?
  21. Re: Futurama People and bots! Amy Wong, Kif Kroker, Zapp Brannigan, Calculon, and a picture of the crew disembarking at Mars University.
  22. Futurama People and bots! Phillip J. Fry, Turanga Leela, Bender Bending Rodriguez, Hubert J. Farnsworth, and Dr. Zoidberg.
  23. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares And to Think That I Saw It in a Nightmare on Mulberry Street
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