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SSgt Baloo

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Everything posted by SSgt Baloo

  1. Re: new spin on Justice League The rest of the League of Villainy! Cosmo, Fairy Godfather of evil! Elemento, master of alchemy. Raven, ruler of the night skies.
  2. Re: new spin on Justice League I did the Justice Guild of America (from JLU: Legends). The Evil Justice League of some as-yet un-numbered parallel universe: The League of Villainy! Namrepus, the evil analogue of Superman, The Ferret, agile agent of evil, not only does he fight with imcredible strength and agility, he can easily squeeze through holes no larger than his skull. The Iron Queen, the Amazon who would rule the world of men. Zig, the fastest man alive and he'll go to any length to keep it that way. Coming up Next: MORE!!
  3. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine I've been watchching episodes of JLU on Youtube. Last night I watched Legends, and just had to do the Justice Guild of America. Here they are: Streak, Catman, Black Siren, Green Guardian, and Tom Turbo
  4. Re: Heroes from All Fifty States I'm with them. The world doesn't have enough pixie-like superheroines. Honeybee 1 FTW.
  5. Re: If Earth was hit by a Meteor Scooped, but I love the music-only one. Very cool.
  6. Re: Fantasy Hero 101 Of course, if he really did mean rouge, then at least the character comes equipped with his own powder-puff (fluffy-bunny-tail) to apply it with.
  7. I was just trying to come up with new ideas for this other thread when I decided to start a new one. Lets come up with mundane superheroes or supervillains, then use Heromachine, Fabrique du Herois or other means to make his/her/it's picture. I'll go first with a minor supervillain: Used Car Sales-Man! Lester "Call Me 'Less' because that's what you'll pay" Smith was a small-time used car salesman with his own lot, filled (eight cars to be exact) with "incredible deals", and little to show for it but a balance sheet that was heavily tilted towards loss with only token attempt at profits. He was surely headed for bankruptcy when "The Event" changed his fate as most certainly it had others. Where before, people were immediately put on their guard by his eager (some might say desperate) approach to customer relations, suddenly now people (especially customers) seemed glad to see him, and easily succumbed to his sales pitch, no matter how outrageous his claims, no matter how obviously decrepit his inventory. When dissatisfierd customers returned to his lot with complaints, he was easily able to explain away the problem. Oddly satisfied yet puzzled customers would return a few times before giving up, and the few times he wound up in court Lester found that even the prosecuting attorney bought his smoke and mirrors, at least long enough to move for acquittal. Lester is an otherwise ordinary man with extraordinary (or possibly supernatural) persuasion. Since his ability only extends to himself, he is happy making unconscional profits by buying high-mileage cars and selling them for well over bluebook. Occasionally a customer will realize they've been had, but this is usually after a couple of weeks' worth of singing the praises of their "great new car" and Lester's ability to get them into it for such a pittance.* * I am purposely leaving Lester's stats, powers, and abilities vague so anyone inclined to do such things may come up with their own write-up for the guy.
  8. SSgt Baloo

    Combat robots

    Re: Combat robots Cool Video of .
  9. Re: Fantasy Hero 101 I don't think that word means what you think it means.
  10. Re: new spin on Justice League Per BobGreenwade's request: The Flash: A martial artist who following a lightning strike at a nuclear waste dump, can teleport himself to any location he can see, -- an ability accompanied by a blinding flash of light at the starting point. Green Lantern: A mysterious man who walks the city's back streets, dressed in green Victorian-era clothing and carrying what looks like a green gas lantern -- which is actually a mystical device with a variety of powers. Firestorm: A firefighter who was rescuing two kids from inside a burning chemical factory when an explosion gave him the ability to generate and absorb flame. Sgt. Rock: A retired Marine drill sergeant whose body was transmuted to a rock-like substance after exposure to a mysterious glowing meteorite.
  11. Re: new spin on Justice League Per BobGreenwade's request: Superman: A medical geneticist who was working on transgenics when a group of neo-Nazis, offended by his gross tainting of the purity of humanity, broke in and injected him with all of the formulae. He now has the powers of multiple animals, and calls himself Superman just to tweak his nose at the neo-Nazis' quasi-Nietchean philosophies. Batman: A zoologist who grew up with an unusual affinity for bats. He can communicate with them, call them, and to a degree even control them. He has extended-range hearing, and his costume gives him minor bat-like abilities such as gliding (to simulate flight). Robin the Boy Wonder: The youngest person ever to win an Olympic gold medal in archery, Robin went on to become a famous circus performer using a variety of trick arrows. (This goes back to Robin's conceptual origin, with Robin Hood.) Wonder Woman: The world's most successful woman, she's reached the pinnacle in not only the business world but also in numerous intellectual and athletic pursuits, including several martial arts. (Think a female "Mr. Terrific.") To be continued....
  12. Re: new spin on Justice League I've been doing this sort of thing all along. The League of American Justice: Part 1, Part 2 The unforgettable Motown Justice League: Soul Man, Shadowbat, American Amazon, Brother E.T., Tae Kwon Doe, and Aquarian. Click on one to see a bigger pic. Another alternative Justice League: Starman and The Bat: Clark is the nightstalking avenger while Bruce wound up with superpowers. They team up with Blue Shift (Female Flash), Quasar (Galactic Guardian), Brown Dwarf (Different take on the Atom), and Chameleon (Exile from dead Mars, Replacing Martian Manhunter).
  13. Re: Sgt. Rock Something like this guy perhaps?
  14. Re: Bad Movies.org reviews The Champions of Justice I am quite simply agog.
  15. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine
  16. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine Edit: Lightning Guy* *Just some guy I made up. The name has been changed to protect the guilty.
  17. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine
  18. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine Here's s'more: Wonder Woman, Green Hornet and Kato, and (Picture moved to a different post)* *Didn't realize I was stepping on a copyright with that one.
  19. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine Here's a couple of guys who might not need an intro, but I'll give their names anyway: Doc Sampson and The Leader
  20. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine Of course, some might prefer The Governator!
  21. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine Here's my candidate for Captain California!
  22. Re: I have a dream. (and MAN was it wierd!) Last night I dreamed that I came across a small spacecraft that was disembarking little dinosaurs slightly bigger than housecats. They were intelligent and talking to each other psionically. Apparently they were planning to conquer the Earth by selling themselves as cute pets. Once they were widely distributed, they would then grow to full size and sieze power. I was in the middle of formulating a plan to thwart them when I woke up.
  23. The rest of the Justice Team Assemble! Blue Shift (Speedster), Quasar (Galactic Guardian), Brown Dwarf (Master of size and density), Chameleon (Exile from dead Mars, master of disguise and concealment). Together with Starman and The Bat, they are: the Justice Team!
  24. Justice Team Assemble! I was riffing on different ways to do the Justice League when I was inspired by a thought about how to entwine the origins of Batman & Superman. The first fruits of the Justice Team (not to be confused with the New Justice Team) are as follows: Star Man and The Bat Rocketed to earth as an infant to avoid a world-ending catastrophe, Call-Ell's spacecraft was struck by a fragment of his destroyed homeworld. This not only knocked his spacecraft infinitesimally off course, but absorbed his latent abilities. These abilities would've enabled him to absorb the energies of the yellow star which Earth orbited. Of course, things didn't quite work out that way. His slightly off-course craft crash-landed on the grounds of stately Wayne Manor, home to DR. Thomas Wayne and his wife Martha. Upon discovering the crashed ship and its precious cargo, the Waynes realized the infant was not of this Earth. Rather than turn him over to the authorities, the Waynes decided to raise him alongside their son, Bruce. Naming the interstellar foundling Clark Wayne (after Mrs. Wayne's cousin's maiden name), the Waynes removed every trace of the crashed ship, concealing the vessel itself in the old carriage-house. Clark and Bruce grew up as fraternal twins. Bruce was the more intelligent of the two, but Clark was more scholarly and had a knack for physical pursuits that Bruce could approach, but never equal. Both of them would have become nothing more than important businessmen had not their father, after taking the family to the movies and sending the chauffer home, decided the family should take a walk to a nearby bistro for a late snack before hailing a cab for home. Unfortunately, as they were passing an alleyway, two armed thugs accosted the family, demanding their valuables. When Dr. Wayne protested the rough treatment he and his wife were receiving, one of the bandits shot him dead. When Mrs. Wayne screamed, the panicky thug shot her, too. He would have shot the children as well if his companion, fearing the imminent arrival of witnesses and the police, hadn't dragged him away. Bruce and Clark were deeply traumatized by their parents' sudden demise and leanred to rely upon one another for support. They each swore an oath to fight crime as an adult. As teenagers, Bruce and Clark would explore the grounds of Wayne Manor. One day, they stumbled upon the ruins of the old carriage house. Within these ruins they discovered the wreckage of an alien spacecraft, embedded within the nose of which was a glowing piece of metal. Clark ran back to his room to get his geiger counter. When he returned, they discovered that the glowing rock gave off no radiation that could be detected. Clark rummaged around the ruins and found a rusty old crowbar to pry the glowing metal free. it took both of them to pry the metal loose from the ship. Clark picked it up and after examining it handed it to Bruce. The moment it touched Bruce's fingertips there was a sharp bang, and Bruce was hurled across the room. He landed against a wooden support and broke it in two, which quickly led to the collapse of the old carriage house. Bruce and Clark barely made it out. They were both surprised to discover that Bruce had sustained no injury. They examined the metal chunk but it appeared to have stopped glowing. Several days later, Bruce discovered that he was becoming stronger and faster, moreso than he could explain by ordinary means. When he discovered he was able to fly, he knew it had to have been the alien stone. He and Clark hid the remains of the alien craft in an old cave situated on the grounds. Bruce now had the means with which to combat crime. After talking things over with Clark, he decided to Major in Journalism and become a reporter. He developed a crime-fighting alter-ego that became known as Starman. Starman has tremendous strength endurance and durability. He has reflexes as good as the top percentiles of athletic competition. He can fly, see through barriers with some sort of X-ray vision, decipher sounds well beyond normal human ability, can hold hid breath for several hours, etc. Clark's plan to fight crime was initially to just become a police officer, but during his studies he quickly learned that police can't be as proactive as he's hoped. One evening, after attending a screening of the classic 1926 silent film, The Bat, Clark mused that if a criminal could strike fear into the innocent by seeming to be a supernatural monster, then perhaps a hero could use the same methods in pursuit of criminals? He Switched his major to engineering and now his minor depended upon what he thought might be good skills for a crimefighter. He reasoned that, without powers like his brother Bruce, he'd need to develop esoteric skills and advanced equipment, equipment that could only be devised by systematically studying the remains of the wrecked spacecraft hidden at home. After Clark graduated, he began fighting crime as The Bat. The Bat's costume is designed to resemble an out-sized bat. The dark colors make it difficult to see him in the shadows, while the yellow background of his bat insignia ensures thugs aim at his armored torso in preference to anything else that might actually be vulnerable. The Bat carries an assortment of crimefighting tools, hidden in a pack carried in the small of his back. The large bat-ears of his costume conceal antennae for GPS, cellphone, police band, and other frequencies. His cape is stiffenned by electrically-collapsible ribs to enable him to use it for gliding. The mask is equipped with infrared and ultraviolet optics as well as a sonic imager and photosensitive goggles for protecting his night vision. The knuckles of his gloves are capable of delivering a 100,000 volt, low-amperage shock, similar to that of a stun gun. Clark's level of physical development is equal to the best of olympian athletes, and possibly better than most. The suite of equipment The Bat carries is modular and mission-configurable, so there's no telling exactly how he's equipped at any given time.
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