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SSgt Baloo

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Everything posted by SSgt Baloo

  1. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares Title: Legally Blonde Ninja? Wherein the title character from the Legally Blonde movies goes on a junkett to Japan and thwarts ninjas with her excessive cuteness and silly handbag-dog.
  2. Re: dark champions from each of the 50 states @Remjin: Dude! It's hard as heck to quote bulleted statements and keep the numbers in order. So I didn't! Name: EmEskimo Name: Who cares? What? You couldn't just call him Casino-man or something? (This guy must really hate cowboys.) It's Caballero (two "l's), but that's okay, he doesn't speak Spanish anyway. It's Spudman! He'll keep an eye on things! The Cheesinator? What part of the Dakotas are the Black Hills in? You could have a character based on Wild Bill Hickock's ghost or maybe a mysterious avenger calling himself Dead Man's Hand? How about if the giant Texan statue came to life? (I could find no pics -- Texans please help!) I googled 'Michigan "state symbol"' and got the following image: I offer condolences to Michiganders everywhere (or apologies, depending on whether this turns out to be an appropriate symbol or not.)
  3. Re: Heroes from All Fifty States Regular or premium?
  4. Re: Super Transportation I found a bunch of aircraft diagrams and had to download and clean up as many as I could (Scanned images often turn out a bit wonky). Of course, I can never leave well enough alone, so here's one of my first efforts.* Edit: JP-51 "Jetstang" *The P-67 and XST-71V are my first efforts, though the clean-up on the "Batplane" is still incomplete.
  5. ETA: 15 MAR 2012 I started a playlist > < on Youtube. If anyone finds something you think I might want to know about , either PM me a link or post it in this thread, if appropriate./ETA Ordinarily, superheroes shouldn't have to wait for the bus or hail a cab. This thread is for links to (or pictures of) aircraft, spacefraft, or any combination of the two that superheroes might use. XST-71V Supersonic Transport General Products Aerospace Shuttle Mk IV (GPA-S Mk IV) Golden Age Batman's Batplane (XP-67 Bat) ETA: I removed the original and replaced it with this, though I've done a couple of different variations on this same airframe since. CS-10 Chapparral The XST-71V supersonic transport is a development of the technology that went into the SR-71. The original purpose of this craft was to provide the US Military with a supersonic transport with VTOL capability for its Rapid-Deployment Forces. Unfortunately, the cost-benefits analysis for this VTOL-SST was completed after the first few prototypes had been assembled. The XST-71V was demilitarized and sold to Danforth Industries, which has refitted the vehicle with Electrostatic thrusters powered by a compact prototype electroplasma power generator. Performance is still classified, but top speed is estimated to be Mach 3+, and maximum altitude is more than 100,000 feet (roughly 30,000 meters). It is currently on loan to the International Defenders of Freedom. Originally designed as a SSTO replacement for the shuttle, the GPA-S Mk IV program was cancelled. In order to recoup at least part of the expense of developing the thing in the first place, GPA has made this shuttle available to several different superteams at different times. It is currently on-loan to the Near-Space Defence Force for testing advanced propulsion systems. When the Brotherhood of Justice asked to purchase the burned out hulk of the XB-190 so they could restore it to flying condition for their own use, the GAO advised the Air Force to sell it for whatever they could get, after removing all classified systems. Eight months later, Professor Mind rolled out this pale gold aircraft and began submitting paperwork to have it certified as a spacecraft. The FAA and Nasa were difficult to convince that the refurbished aircraft was now space-capable, but after a quick jaunt to the moon, officials approved the design. The BoJ has used this craft to construct their own space station in geostationary orbit above the U.S., and has even aided resupply of the international space station. Performance is unknown, but there is some speculation that the vehicle uses a faster-than-light propulsion system, at least when in space.
  6. Re: Heroes from All Fifty States Not at all. Just put it back when you're done.
  7. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine They're always after me Lucky Charms!
  8. Re: dark champions from each of the 50 states Disclaimer: Of course, no State would condone such a "hero" operating with official sanction. Having said that, I'm sure there would be at least a few working with plausibly-deniable sanction. How about this guy? He's a martial-artist who can emit (or become) an unpleasant brown cloud of smoke (flash vs sight/smell, change environment, desolid, etc.), Called Smog.
  9. Re: I have a dream. (and MAN was it wierd!) I dreamed that the Earth was being invaded by highly adaptable life forms that could, to an extent, mimic earthly animals, in function if not exactly in form. I was doing everything I could to combat the invading animals until I found one that resembled a dog. It acted friendly and submissive so I took it home, to discover there were two more like it in my back yard. The rest of thee dream, I just sat and tried to figure out how to keep humanity from being replaced.
  10. Re: Heroes from All Fifty States Nah! I just like watching Family Guy.
  11. Re: Heroes from All Fifty States Yet another candidate for the smallest state's protector: The Mighty Quahog!
  12. Re: Mundane Superhheroes (and Villains!) Here's another: Quincy Magoo had been down-and-out so long he'd nearly forgotten what it was like to have a roof over his head. On a good night he'd sleep in a dumpster, occasionally seeking out others to share his good fortune when he'd find a stash of "like-new" fried chicken from that place with the bucket or nearly-fresh burger-pats in the dumpster behind that place with the yellow arches. Late one night, Quincy picked the wrong dumpster to sleep in. He never knew the dumpsters behind that warehouse were a dumping ground for a local mad genius. He never knew that the damp refuse he was lying upon were soaked with illegal mutagens. He did, however, remember waking up to find that the dumpster he was sheltering in was in the middle of a huge inferno. The dumpsters around him had caught fire, the smoke choking and blinding him. Quincy Started to leap out of the dumpster, the only thing on his mind being to get somewhere safe. The next thing Quincy knew was that he was suddenly somewhere else. At first he thought he was in Chinatown, but eventually he figured out that he had somehow managed to "leap" from his dumpster behind the warehouse in New York to a dumpster in Hong Kong. He also noticed he was finding things he needed or could share with others every time he rooted around in a dumpster. Sometimes he'd find cases of food that looked like they hadn't left the factory. Sometimes it was clothing or medicine that turned up. Whatever he found, someone would need. Over time, Quincy learned how to control his power. He could choose any location in the world and, whatever the local equivalent to a dumpster was, he'd climb out of it in his new location. Whenever he looked for something specific in a dumpster, he'd teleport to a dumpster that either had what he was looking for or contained clues that would lead to the desired object. Quincy gradually grew into his role as protector of the homeless, detective to the poor. Very few know his real name, but if you ever talk to homeless people or the very poor, most of them can relate the legend of the Dumpster-Diver!
  13. Re: Popeye & Bluto Ah, but they were in the navy now and again, especially during WWII. I couldn't find Bluto in Navy whites, but here's one with Popeye. Edit: Here's one with both of 'em in white pants. My sister was a "Coasty" (US Coast Guard) and claimed that Popeye's usual wear (prior to WWII) was a Cost Guard uniform.
  14. Bluto does an encore... Here's an alternative Bluto.
  15. Re: My favorite squinky-eyed hero Popeye the Sailor and Bluto, his Best Pal/Worst enemy. I'm satisfied with Popeye, but I think I should've given Bluto "Bruce Wayne hair" or maybe gone with the Super and not Bruto template. Any suggestions for improvement would be appreciated.
  16. Re: Mundane Superhheroes (and Villains!) Go ahead and describe the character anyway. Maybe I (or possibly someone else) might have a go at it.
  17. Re: the artist formerly known as an unpronounceable symbol I'm so shallow that I just had to rep you.
  18. Re: How do you put someone to sleep? You've been taking lessons from Ben Stein, haven't you?
  19. Re: new spin on Justice League Just jump in and start tinkering. Eventually, you figure out what each of the Portuguese words mean (more-or-less) and all you really need to know is stuff like where the feet are or how to add color and shading to your selections. After that, all you need to know is how to use a screen capture to save the image and how to use MSPaint Or another graphics program to alter the image. You also might want to view Fabrique du Herois with Babelfish and look at this other thread featuring characters people are creating with that utility. There's a lot of useful information to be found on how to use it, and loads of examples of what you can do with it.
  20. Re: new spin on Justice League Thanks for the compliment, but I have to give credit to Fabrique du Herois for providing the templates.
  21. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares Actually, I wouldn't mind seeing any of these. Popeye is a much more likelable protagonist IMHO. And when he fought the big bads, open up a literal can o' whupass! You forgot one: What about Bob & Carol & Ted & Alice?
  22. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine I did a bunch for another thread, so I'll just provide links to the relevant posts here: Sgt. Rock (at another's request -- this sergeant really rocks!) New Revised Justice League according to Bob Greenwade's instructions: Superman, Batman, Robin, and Wonder-Woman. The Flash, Green Lantern, Firestorm, and Sgt. Rock (now a truly monolithic NCO!) The League of Villainy! Namrepus, The Ferret, The Iron Queen, and Zig. Cosmo, Elemento, and Raven.
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