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SSgt Baloo

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Everything posted by SSgt Baloo

  1. Re: A person and an AI I did some searching. I asked a similar question a while back. I got my answers in this post and this other post.
  2. Re: A person and an AI Sounds almost like The Human Ton and Handy. ( ) Edit: you'll find a detailed description on this page: The Ticklopedia: Honesty to Ivan.
  3. Re: Super Transportation The Pegasus The Pegasus is the larger of two VTOL aircraft used by the Wardens. It seats 14, including the pilot/navigator and copilot/radio operator. There is a navigational dome just aft of the cockpit and both a dorsal hatch and aft ramp for easy egress. The V-tail design was chosen specifically to facilitate egress/ingress by flying supers while the craft is in flight.
  4. Re: Super Transportation Even more flying cars at Autoblog.
  5. Concord's Plane: Hippogriff The Hippogriff The Hippogriff is the smaller of two VTOL aircraft used by the Wardens. It seats 5, including the pilot. There is a navigational dome just aft of the cockpit and both a dorsal hatch and aft ramp for easy egress. The V-tail design was chosen specifically to facilitate egress/ingress by flying supers while the craft is in flight. Edit: incorrect name has been corrected. Check back periodically as I try to improve the concept. Right noiw* I can see there's not much headroom. More Edit: I just figured out this IS the Hippogriff, so I'll be making changes. Stay tuned. (Hopefully) Last Edit: I think I've fixed all the glaring faults so it probably won't change any more. On to the Pegasus! * I must've been channelling TCWOAN.
  6. Re: dark champions from each of the 50 states
  7. Concord's Plane: Erne The Erne Although designed as a wing-in-ground-effect (WIG) aircraft, and thus classified as a boat for licensing purposes, the Erne may, with auxiliary power engaged, climb to 20,000 feet. It's intended operating altitude (IOA) is, however, only 35 feet. While cruising at IOA, the Erne consumes only slightly more fuel than it does while taxiing. With a cruise speed of up to 250 knots, the Erne is both faster and more fuel-efficient than airborne or even most waterborne vehicles.
  8. Re: Super Transportation Thanks! I'll download the top views now and see what I can come up with. "Dumpster of Justice"?!? *Snicker!* I'll bet everyone in your campaign is having much fun. ______________________________________ Even the badguys need cool transport. This would be for a Golden-Age campaign and is based on the Weserflug P.1003/1 (link provided). Der Schwebeflugfläche (Or "Hoverplane" Auf English.)
  9. Re: Young Titans 2008 - Infinite Secret Crisis on Just One Earth! Which NAMBLA?
  10. Re: Fusions that aren't actually all that nightmarish I know all that. It's just that even at the time there was a glaring disconnect between Major Nelson's allowed behavior towards Jeannie and what every male in America was thinking. I didn't know about sex back then, but even I could tell that Tony was often being arbitrarily unkind to Jeannie. Of course, I hadn't learned the phrase "Because the script says so" (nor the network censor, neither). Edit: ISTR looking in National Geographic Magazine and seeing, in the front, advertisements for beach resorts with pictures of girls wearing bikinis but without navels (I later learned they had been airbrushed out). After the ads, many of the articles featured loads of pictures of "primitive people" who, just about all, had navels. I'm not condemning poor Tony Nelson, but commenting on the schizophrenic attitude that simultaneously lauded "swingers" but carefully hid any reference to what was swinging.
  11. Re: Young Titans 2008 - Infinite Secret Crisis on Just One Earth! As soon as I started reading I began "hearing" the Brain Spawn from Futurama. I hope your alien evil brains provide as much entertainment.
  12. Re: Handling day and night on infinite plane? You can't just run around willy-nilly applying logic to everything, man! This is the Internet. There are traditions to uphold! Now let's see some good, old irrational behavior like we're all used to.
  13. Re: Heroes from All Fifty States Ah, I see you went with the Master of Disguise, then?
  14. Re: dark champions from each of the 50 states Tarred, feathered, and run outta town on the rails? For jaywalking?? I think your Wyoming hero needs to switch to decaf.
  15. Re: Super Transportation Y-35 HST & Spacecraft Patterned after the X-24B test vehicle. In case I haven't made it clear, you're welcome to use these vehicles in your own games, so long as you give credit if anyone asks (and which can be as vague as "This was done by some guy from the Hero System Boards").
  16. Re: Fusions that aren't actually all that nightmarish
  17. Re: Handling day and night on infinite plane? The advantage to this is that there needen't be only one "sun", and intervening terrain and distance would make other, distant suns centers of their own "world" on the infinite plain.
  18. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares To my horror, I just discovered that you can substitute "Jar-Jar" for Ernest in any of the following titles: Jar-Jar Goes to Camp Jar-Jar Saves Christmas Jar-Jar Goes to Jail Jar-Jar Scared Stupid Jar-Jar Rides Again Jar-Jar Goes to School Slam Dunk Jar-Jar Jar-Jar Goes to Africa Jar-Jar in the Army With profuse apologies to the late Jim Varney.
  19. Re: How do you put someone to sleep? I do, but I really am NOT a morning person.
  20. Re: A Thread for Random Videos A Whole Bunch of "OOPS!!"
  21. Re: Super Transportation I just love oddball aircraft! Mig I-250 Sukhoi SU-5 Any Gerry Anderson production is also a good source.
  22. Re: Super Transportation Too many sharp angles and dark colors. Those are obviously the alien invaders commin' to take our wimmen! Seriously, good work! Another never-was from the Golden Age: XP-59C Comet II
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