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SSgt Baloo

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Everything posted by SSgt Baloo

  1. Re: Amalgamation Characters I might, but since Cassandra started this thread I'd rather not commandeer it. Cassandra, I'm waiting....
  2. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine Since I based Cosmo: of the League of Villainy on Characters from the Fairly Odd Parents, I decided that the REAL reason he's not as much trouble as he might be is that his wife Wanda constantly counters his evilness (which in reality isn't evil, but stupid impulsivity) with her intelligence and ability to wrap him around her finger. Thus I present: Wanda Woman!
  3. Re: Mundane Superhheroes (and Villains!) Jumping Jack The unofficial Superhero of Jackson, Mississippi, Jumping Jack can jump nearly an eighth of a mile and is something of a scrapper. He is as strong as the strongest Olympic weight-lifters and is somewhat durable as well. He has incredibly quick reflexes and is known for his ability to to dodge bullets or anythinmg slower.
  4. Re: Mundane Superhheroes (and Villains!) Radio Man Radio Man patrols the streets of [insert City Name Here], using his power to listen and transmit tv and radio signals to gather evidence of crimes to report to police. His other ability, to accurrately re-create audio and visual data he has recorded, has been helpful to police when describing suspects, vehicles, and other evidence. Other than that, however, Radio Man has no other overt powers. Captain Cab When patrolling more violence-prone neighborhoods, Radio Man is often accompanied by Captain Cab. Captain Cab has (he says) all the strength and toughness of a city cab. At the very least, he is able to lift more than three tons and run at 35 miles per hour and is more than a match for any normal criminal he meets.
  5. Re: Super Transportation Very good! I like to think I'm not the only one posting to this thread. Now I have evidence! Huzzah!
  6. Re: What Have You Watched Recently? Looney Tunes: Back in Action I have such a good time picking out the in-jokes and topical references that I can overlook the wooden acting and the sometimes-too-obvious look of people interacting with cartoon characters who aren't there.
  7. Re: Amalgamation Characters American Woman
  8. Re: Super Transportation Biff and Barf's Spaceship.
  9. Re: Super Transportation The XP-50 was developed in 1940 by Tex Jones for production by Vultee Aviation. It is powered by an 8-cylinder radial diesel driving a ducted fan and is capable of over 400 MPH. Several examples were shipped to England just prior to the Battle for Britain, where they proved themselves admirably as they were nearly as maneuverable as the Spitfires and much faster at high altitudes. The Butterfly tail was designed to reduce drag while preserving pitch and yaw control. The tail surfaces are interchangeable, reducing the number of different parts required to be maintained for spares.
  10. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares I could stand to watch that. From a safe distance, of course! Cthulhu Babies Invasion of the Saucermen at Mayberry RFD Plan 9 from Inner Space Bad News Care Bears Grumpy Old Mystery Men
  11. Re: Super Transportation Batplane II In 1940 Batman contracted Tex Jones to construct a VTOL craft similar to (but much smaller than) Tex's personal hoverbus. The result was the Batplane II*, which Batman took delivery of in November of 1941. The Batplane II is propelled by two ducted fans, each driven by a TJ-300 radial supercharged diesel 8-cylinder motor producing about 1,200 horsepower. Top speed is above 350 MPH, and maneuverability is superb due to the vectoring vanes in the fan housings. The thrust of the engines may be diverted through an angle from 95 degrees down and forward through 10 degrees up and back. The engine is tuned to allow a variety of fuels, from light fuel oil to 90-weight gear oil, but it runs best on a mixture of kerosene and heating oil. When trimmed for maximum efficiency (300 mph at 18,000 feet), the Batplane II consumes only 9 gallons per hour, making it more than twice as fuel-efficient than many automobiles of the day. *Loosely based upon the XP-67 Bat.
  12. Channelling a few novelty songs here... Dr Who Put the Halibut on the Poop Deck The King and I Yust Go Nuts at Christmas The Cockroach that Ate WPRP in Cincinnatti
  13. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9tqIluIi3_U&feature=related
  14. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares I can just imagine Barney Fife as the commandant.
  15. Re: Super Transportation The Payan 340T Transport of Les Champions from 1936 to 1948
  16. Re: How do you put someone to sleep? The more we discuss this the more convinced I am that "sleeping" lies in the province of SFX and needs to be worked out with the GM. As we have seen, many different effects can potentially be used to simulate sleep in the hero system. I suspect that since people don't tend to spontaneously fall asleep during a battle the game designers didn't consider it important to define sleep as thoroughly as "stunned", "knocked out" or "unconscious".
  17. Re: A Thread for Random Videos I've always been fond of the Pat And Stanley version. Caution! The next link has wimmen in underwear! Probably NSFW! You have been warned! This version is kinda nice, too.
  18. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine
  19. Hero of the everglades! Billy Kowznofski had always been interested in manatees since he first visited his grandparents in Florida when he was five. Right in their back yard was a channel of water that was home to a manatee. One summer evening he was in his grandparents backyard enjoying a family cookout when a drug-runner's boat zoomed through the manatee's channel. Billy heard a thud and knew in an instant the manatee had been hit. Ignorong his grandparents' warnings to stay clear of the water, he dove in and swam towards the injured beast. He found the manatee bleeding profusely from several deep parallel gashes left by the boat's propeller. He finally started noticing his elders' cries and called out for them to call Animal Rescue. Although the adults pleaded with Billy, he would not leave the wounded animal until the Animal Rescue people arrived. They carefully hoisted the manatee from the water and took him away. Billy's folks took him inside and cleaned him up. "Grampa, will the manatee be okay?" "The rescue people will do their best Billy." Days later Billy found out that the manatee didn't make it. For the rest of the summer, he spent much of his time gazing at the canal, wishing his manatee could have lived. As Billy grew older, his skin began acquiring a grayish cast and when he hit puberty, he grew at an incredible rate. Billy's parents took him to all the experts, but nothing they could do could stop his growing without risking great harm. Finally, at age sixteen, Billy's unnatural growth Spurt topped out. Billy had to travel by rail to see his grandparents that summer, since he weighed over one and a half tons, and stood 13 feet tall. Billy hated being different, and spent a lot of time swimming in the canal behind his grandparent's home. Billy discovered that he could easily hold his breath for several minutes. Gradually, he discovered he had all the powers (and liabilities) of a human-shaped manatee. He asked his grandparents if he could go to school here in florida rather than having to travel on the train again. His parents agreed that Florida seemed to suit him better than the cold mid-western clime they lived in. Billy attended school in Florida. When he went to college, he majored in Marine Biology, specializing in aquatic mammals. Upon graduation, he applied for a position as Park Ranger at Everglades National Park. There's little possibility that he could pass for normal so He had his name legally changed to: Man-atee Guardian of the Everglades!
  20. Re: Mundane Superhheroes (and Villains!) Cool! Repped!
  21. Re: Unwanted advances Bob Tiger: "Sorry, I'm married." Thunder Rabbit: "You got a sister?" The Cat Without a name: "Meow." Lance O'Bannon the Singing Cowboy: "I'm not interested, pard. Sorry."
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