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SSgt Baloo

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Everything posted by SSgt Baloo

  1. Re: Super Transportation The Defenders' Galactic Clipper The Defenders of Earth (Universe XZ-21) use this vehicle to travel wherever their missions take them. While small, this vehicle is capable of flight at high subsonic speeds within a planetary atmosphere, and much, much faster once above the majority of the atmosphere. The usual flight path of this vessel includes a very steep and fast climbout to over 100 km altitude, then a quick trip through the exo-atmosphere to somewhere above the destination, followed by a steep descent to the landing point. Recently, courtesy of Saucer-Man, the Galactic Clipper has been equipped with a Carson Bridge Generator capable of creating a subspace fold and enabling the ship to travel at apparently superluminal speeds.
  2. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine While we're waiting for it to come back on line, Here's something I did a coupla days ago. The Fantastic Four: Mr. Fantastic, Invisible Woman, The Thing, and the Human Torch.
  3. Re: Scientists claim warp drive is possible
  4. Re: Super Transportation Yes. Yes you are.
  5. Re: shadowcats vehicular Insanity Shop: YF-12 Stealth Fighter Ah, now I see the difference! Yours is a written description and mine is a "visual aid" (picture). Any questions remaining?
  6. Re: UNTIL Superpowers Database -- What Do *You* Want To See? Never! (it's more fun this way!)
  7. Re: dark champions from each of the 50 states
  8. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares Rambo: the Quickening Mission: Incredibles Charley's City of Angels It's Stayin' Alive Seven Stepford Wives for Seven Brothers
  9. Re: Handling day and night on infinite plane? That also provides the possibly of a mid-day *Flash!* followed by unexpected darkness. A giant hand reaches over and unscrews the bulb and inserts a replacement, thus ending the "eclipse".
  10. Re: Super Transportation The YP-54A Falcon was developed by as a follow-on craft to replace the P-50. While fast and maneuverable, the P-50 lacked the range necessary to fly escort missions over Europe from bases in England or almost any mission in the Pacific theater other than point defence. Having been allowed to examine a Whittle gas turbine engine in England during the Blitz, Tex Jones designed the Falcon with a turbine-jet of his own design. He retained some features of his ducted fan design, and the oversized first impeller at the front of the motor throws almost 70% of its airflow around the engine rather than through it. This helps keep it from overheating, and provides additional thrust at lower velocities than pure jets allow. The airframe itself looks quite similar to the P-50, but the resemblence is superficial. The roomy cockpit reduces pilot fatigue, as does the vibration-free (or nearly so) Jet-Fan engine. Instrumentation for the new, simpler powerplant is much less complex, reducing the pilot's workload, and making it less likely that a pilot would miss an enemy aircraft because he was still scanning his instruments. Pilot visibility is also aided by a much higher seat position than in the P-50. The wing is an unusual "swept" design. It appears that sweeping the wing to some degree delays the onset of compressibility and subsequent loss of control. The YP-54A is capable of impressive speeds of up to 600 MPH in level flight, and is being tested for maximum safe speed in a dive. To prevent overspeeding in a dive, the plane's flaps have been made more robust and serve as speed brakes. Cruise speed is around 300 MPH, while stall speed is about 150. The Falcon is expected to enter series production by late 1943.
  11. Re: Super Transportation The Caproni Lampo was a development of the Caproni-Campini. It was smaller, lighter, and more significantly, faster and more maneuverable. The first prototype had a conventional tail with both a vertical stabilizer and rudder and a horizontal stabilizer and elevator. When the XP-50 began operations in the Battle for Britain, the designers decided that their plane would have a butterfly tail also. This delayed production and the Lampo didn't enter production until after the liberation of Italy. The lampo was capable of cruising at 375 MPH. It was highly maneuverable and was more than a match for any propeller-driven plane with the possible exception of the FW-190, which had a slight edge in speed. One hundred and five examples of the Lampo were produced, and served the Free Italian forces through the rest of the war and into the early fifties, by which time they had been relagated to trainer status.
  12. Re: "Guard, begin the unnecessarily slow-moving dipping mechanism..." I'm not an athiest by any stretch, but I always thought that the plastic jesus on the dashboard was there to provide a false sense of hope?* *J/K! I never put plastic Jesus on the dashboard. I'd rather have one o' them half-nekkid hulee-hulee girls with the spring in her waist.
  13. Re: "Guard, begin the unnecessarily slow-moving dipping mechanism..." Please elaborate.
  14. Re: "Guard, begin the unnecessarily slow-moving dipping mechanism..."
  15. Re: "Guard, begin the unnecessarily slow-moving dipping mechanism..."
  16. Re: Mundane Superhheroes (and Villains!) the Flying Boxer Foreman Joe was a world champion heavyweight boxer, the son of a famous boxer and hamburger-promoter. His boxing career came to a sudden halt when, during a crucial match, he leaped back and did not come back down for several minutes. Prior to this moment, Foreman Joe had no idea he was super. Foreman's Boxing victories were negated by the World Professional Boxing Federation since he was a super and could no longer compete in this league. Fortunately, Foreman had been investing in a hamburger franchise that was doing well: Foreman Joe's Burger Box, which was at that time the sixth most successful hamburger franchise in the US. Foreman Joe was able to reimburse the Boxing Federation's prize money and turned down an offer to box in the World Unlimited Boxing Guild (WUBG) because he wasn't that punchdrunk. WUBG boxers have been known to punch holes in armor plate during exhibitions, and Foreman Joe knew he wasn't in that class. Still, he missed boxing and joined his Neighborhood Watch association when youth gangs started recruiting from the local high schools. After repeatedly being urged to become a real superhero by his Neighborhood Watch friends, Foreman finally decided to dig out his old trunks and gloves and his wife made him a cape. He's still part of the neighborhood Watch program, and is now a volunteer Policeman and assists with child safety programs, drug prevention and the like. He can often be seen flying around the neighborhood with a pair of binoculars in one hand and a radio in the other. Foreman Joe, the Flying Boxer, is an Olympic-level boxer who can also fly. While he can fight if need be, he prefers to call in the police and provide additional muscle as required. Mostly he serves as aerial surveillance for the local police, who provided him with training, binoculars, and a radio. In cooler weather, he wears an insulated warm-up suit over his trunks and a red-white-and blue flyer's helmet.
  17. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine More inspiration from JLU: The Injustice Gang! With Lex Luthor, The Shade, Copperhead, Cheetah, Solomon Grundy, Star Sapphire, and the Ultra-Humanite.
  18. Re: Alcohol touch I don't think you understand addiction (or alcoholism) very well. My parents were recovered alcoholics and quit via Alcoholics Anonymous (I myself attend Alanon). I think the possibility for addiction should be a matter of role-playing. Otherwise everyone who drank a lot at some time in their life (most military folks when they're young, college students, etc.) would become alcoholics. The rest of your build is elegantly brilliant. I suggest that alcoholism, if it were neccessary to address the problem, should be handled by role-playing and not game mechanics. Edit: I forgot, but could someone rep this guy? I'm out.
  19. Re: How do I build this power: Always face away from me I'd rep you, but I'm out. A little help here?
  20. Re: "Guard, begin the unnecessarily slow-moving dipping mechanism..."
  21. Re: "Neat" Pictures At first glance those looked like smiley faces on their helmets.
  22. Re: Super Transportation This is an old Starship Design from the Alpha Quadrant Institute of Technology, the Friendship. It is supposed to have been a competing design for the contract that ultimately resulted in the TOS Enterprise and its like.
  23. Re: Super Transportation This vessel was encountered by the League of Democracy Defenders in 1998. The vessel is armed with three beam weapons that can produce an estimated 100 megawatts of power, focussed in a beam about 3 meters in diameter. It is believed that this vessel may have been sent by the PahRhynthian Empire, as its configuration is quite similar to other vessels which have definitely been identified as such.
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