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SSgt Baloo

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Everything posted by SSgt Baloo

  1. Re: Doctrine for beginning vampire slayers? Repped.
  2. Re: Black Cat & Starfire in Fabrica De Herois Your attachments are bitmaps. They work better if they are GIF, JPEG or PNG files, with PNG being the preferred format.
  3. Re: A Thread for Random Videos Someone give this man a shrubbery!
  4. Re: COM as a function of health...? My idea was that studies indicate that the underlying basis for beauty consists of cues like skin clarity, symmettry, physical gracefulness, hip-to-waist ratios, etc., all indicators of general and reproductive health. I'm not talking about make-up, how you dress, or anything superficial like that (those should be skill levels applicable to specific cultures or some such). ETA: You can look at a healthy horse, cat or dog and conclude that it's a beautiful animal despite the fact that it's not wearing clothing, make-up, etc. Don't confuse cultural bias with "health and beauty".
  5. Re: International Talk Like a Pirate Day! Arrrr! Repworthy, but some else'll have to get you for me. I've still gotta spread some.
  6. Re: Naked Advantages Single and Grouped Sorry, but I misread the thread title as: "Naked Adventurers, Single and Groped." Now I'm disappointed.
  7. Re: The Sednoids, A News Class of Object from Deep Space I had a bad case of sednoids last autumn, but with antibiotics I got over it.
  8. In more than another thread, the subject of eliminating COM as a characteristic has reared its head. I was thinking that one standard of "beauty" which keeps cropping up is how a healthy person looks when compared to an unhealthy one. Clear skin vs blemishes. Symmetrical structure vs asymmettry, etc. We can tell healthy animals from unhealthy ones, and usually they are deemed more visually pleasing than unhealthy animals. What if COM were a figured characteristic based on the character's overall health? How would you determine someone's COM as a result of their overall physical condition?
  9. Re: The Kryptonite Alternatives On occasion, I've had heroes who temporarily lost their power(s) because I forgot they had them (and so did the GM). "Hey, don't you have that life support?" "Oh! Yes I do! I wonder why my character fell asleep anyway?
  10. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares One of the earliest genre crossovers I can remember seeing:
  11. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kg4ztJ32iPI
  12. Re: What else is a classic trope ? Really, really smart animal sidekicks: Lassie, Superdog, A western-themed hero's horse, etc.
  13. Re: Classic Comic Book Characters "Say, you!" I'd like to see Johnny Thunder done up in a 250-point package.
  14. Re: Pulping the Renaissance With a few tweaks, the 1632 series would be ideal for pulp-flavor goodness.
  15. Re: Shameless Plug: A Star Trek Resource Found another site I collaborated on: Starfleet Military Reserves
  16. Re: Fod? It's a superplane. Sucking up and spitting out debris only happens when it advances the plot.
  17. Re: Shadowcats Vehicular Insanity Shop: General Questions How about some of these?
  18. Re: How Much Food? Article: A History of Rations and Army Rations Historical Background Subsistence and Army Cooks History Page Civil War-era Recipes COMITATVS (Has links to roman cookery) Military Rations at Answers.com Any website devoted to nutritional science will very likely have way more than you need. The military sites show what people believed to be good nutrition at the time.
  19. Re: And finally... I was thinking much the same thing. You could put an eye out with those things!
  20. Re: Super Transportation The Super-Bus The Superguys' transport isn't much to look at until you see what it can do. Cobbled together from a salvaged Greyhound Scenicruiser and a crashed UFO, the Superbus is cabable of operations on land, in the sea (to depths of up to 12,000 feet or more), in the air (supersonic VTOL) and in space (hyperdrive). The Superbus serves as a mobile base for the Superguys, as well as providing rapid transportation.
  21. Re: A Thread for Random Videos Man, I'll bet this was embarrassing!
  22. While most of my stuff is appropriate for Champions or Star Hero, I figured we should have a thread somewhere for the pictures we have all done, whether by modifying an existing picture, using a picture-generating program, drawing something and scanning it or whatever. You don't have to post any pictures here, but rather post a link to a site where you have several (I use Photobucket). My main album Futurama and More Futurama: The New Justice Team! Piratey Stuff Space Stuff Lots and lots of superhero-related pics. Super Transport If you've got pics of your own, post links regardless of genre.
  23. Re: A Thread for Random Videos The Day the Earth Stood Still -- music performed by the Austin Wind Symphony. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=feQ7ZzOM2nQ
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