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SSgt Baloo

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Everything posted by SSgt Baloo

  1. Re: Transform: Class of mind I'd think of it more along the lines of "changing the target's OS". He still thinks and acts the same, but the way his brain processes the information is different.
  2. Re: Evil Schemes for the Average Megalomaniac
  3. Re: Planet cracking missiles I'm not saying it's impossible, but does anybody have plans to set up a detection system like that anytime soon?
  4. Re: Planet cracking missiles I don't think undetectable means what you think it means. At the present level of technology, anything not in Earth orbit has an exceedingly good chance of remaining undetected. Space is big and unless you're looking in the right direction you won't see a thing.
  5. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares My Fair Lady of Burlesque With the Help of Professor Henry Higgins, Stripper Dixie Daisy must pass herself off as a refined lady while investigating the murder of several of her coworkers, for which she is the primary suspect.
  6. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares The Trouble with Harry and the Hendersons. When the Hendersons turn up dead in a small Vermont village, Harry the Sasquatch, along with several of the villagers, try to dispose of the bodies, each thinking they are responsible for the deaths. Sources: The Trouble with Harry Harry and the Hendersons (Movie) Harry and the Hendersons (Television)
  7. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares A Hannukah Carol
  8. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine Yeah, I've been guilty of the same thing.
  9. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares Tarzan and Jane Eyre Wuthering Heights 90210 Charlie and the Invasion of the Body Snatchers Pirates of the Carribean: Dead Woman's Chest It Came from Beneath the Fog
  10. I'm a little cornfewsed by the description of "extended breathing. Example: LS: Extended breathing, 1 END per minute. Okay, just how does this work? If the character isn't *really* breathing, does he get recoveries using this LS or not? If not, why bother? You can't simulate a dolphin or a whale or a penguin able to remain submerged for long stretches of time but still able to expend a lot of energy chasing after fish (or whatever). If you can, what's the disadvantage? Somebody explain this to me carefully and using small words. Thanks in advance.
  11. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine Perhaps something like this:
  12. Re: A Thread for Random Videos I loved Amazing Stories! Especially this episode
  13. Re: Underwater Combat Mastery I'd rep you for this but I just repped you for something else.
  14. Re: dealing with unconscious villains Yes, I do believe that's the guy!
  15. Re: Science marches on... We're doomed! DOOOOOOOMED!!
  16. Re: Golden Age Resources: Superweapons of WW II Are you describing the "pidgeon-guided" bombs?
  17. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares The Cisco Kid meets the Frisco Kid Hilarity ensues.
  18. Re: "Neat" Pictures I wanted to rep this, but I gotta spread some first. Help?
  19. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares Halo-ween: a Nightmare on Elm colony The Master Chief and his crew are sent to a planet where an insane, unstoppable killing machine ( Michael Myers) and a supernatural homicidal maniac (Freddy Kruger) are terrorizing the population.
  20. Re: Evil Schemes for the Average Megalomaniac A country adjacent to Atomic Khan's (AK's... he runs at least one, doesn't he?) attacks and nearly destroys AK's nation before AK pulls out the stops, drives back the invaders and very quickly ends the war, annexxing the invading country. The other country's reason to invade is unclear, but AK had been negotiating with that country for vital resources that would aid AK's plans for world domination (yeah, I expect he was the one at the table -- Megalomaniacs don't tend to delegate). The UN wants AK to reestablish the annexed country, but NATO doesn't want a war in their own back yard if they can help it. If the heroes investigate they discover that somehow AK somehow manipulated (or controlled) that other nation's leaders to attack, giving him the pretext to counterinvade. Ominously, AK is in negotiations with a third nation for more vital resources, and they aren't going well. Since his most recent attempt on the President failed, the Angler (TA) failed, TA has acquired a mind-controlling device and is now subtly putting supers in his power. He isn't programming them with anything more specific than undying loyalty to him, but when he thinks he has enough supers in thrall, he plans to unleash them to take over first, the USA, then the rest of the world. He plans to keep GWB on as a front man, so it won't initially be obvious who's been pulling the strings. A powerful telepath will probably be the first to notice something awry. The cult of Vampires engineers the overthrow of a small third-world country, installing one of Caine's non-vampire minions as dictator (like Renfield, but less obviously insane). One of his first edicts is that all adult citizens donate one pint of blood per month to the national bloodbank. This will provide an endless supply of food for the vampire puppeteers while providing revenues for the national coffers as they sell the surplus. The Vampires plan to establish embassies in first- and second-world countries from which to extend their influence over the rest of the world. (assuming that all vampires worldwide aren't His latest plague mimics the effects of alcohol, lowering inhibitions and coordination. Eventually, they pass out, and if a treatment is not found, they will die. The black market for "sex toys" just got more variety. Police are discovering that someone has genetically spliced humans and animals to create sex slaves available to the highest bidder. The problem? The law needs proof they are "human" to recognize their humanity, and no animal cruelty laws have been broken (that they have evidence for). Both the police and the SPCA are asking for the heroes' help! Potentially NSFW Examples: The world's Nerdiest villain builds a device to teleport ComiCon 2008 to his secret island headquarters so he can enjoy the event without being arrested and obtain (by duress) any memorabilia that suits his fancy. Either the heroes must recognize that the Con is in danger and thwart his plan before he carries it out or they must find out where the con (and all the people) have disappeared to. Of course, since he's "the World's Smartest Man", it's only fair that he scatter clues about that any sufficiently intelligent person could use to deduce the whereabouts of the missing Con. Feel free to make the clues and answers to them as obscure as possible as only a TRUE nerd... I mean, GENIUS! will know the answers. Example clue: A life-sized model of the Jupiter 2 (picture) is left standing on the site where the convention center was previously. Upon careful examination, the navigation dome (top deck, center) is set to coordinates that corespond to the location of the next clue, etc., etc. As god of the storms, Set begins to drive hurricanes backwards across the Atlantic, through the Mediterranean sea and into Egypt in an effort to restore Set worship in his homeland. The avatar of Horus, weak after centuries of neglect, appeals to the heroes to stop Set before he becomes too powerful to be stopped. Of course, Horus knows where the Maguffin is hidden for just such an emergency, but he's too old and weak to make the journey (unlike the heroes). If Set realizes the heroes are going after the One Thing That Can Stop HimⓇ he will summon (traditionally) evil creatures such as scorpions, clouds of biting flies, hippos, crocodiles, etc., to hinder the heroes. If these things don't stop the heroes (and they shouldn't), Set himself will drop what he's doing and confront them himself. Hopefully they'll have the Maguffin in their mitts by then.
  21. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine No. It isn't just you. Darn!
  22. Re: Over-the-top Stretch Limousines Two words: Land. Yacht. I tried to find a bigger picture but this is the best I could do. The illustrated limo has 26 wheels, it articulated (hinged in the middle) and has a second driver's position in the back so you can back the thing up easier. It isn't street legal, but they can take it out if they get a parade permit (their standard practice). In case you're wondering, that really is a helicopter perched on the back. I'm not kidding: Link!
  23. Re: Over-the-top Stretch Limousines Didn't that first one belong to Cassanova Frankenstein?
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