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SSgt Baloo

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Everything posted by SSgt Baloo

  1. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares The Incredible Shrinking Man of La Mancha
  2. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares An inconvenient Troth An expert on Global Warming plans marriage when he falls in love with the prospective bride's sister. Hilarity ensues. Indiana Jones and a Nightmare on Elm Street Abbot and Costello meet Alvin and the Chipmunks Bing Crosby and Bob Hope in The Road to Cthulhu Dragon Talespin Several Children and their Dragon Friends try to earn a living by transporting goods and passengers to and from the island of Cape Suzettes while avoiding pirates and other misadventures. Gilligan's Island of Dr. Moreau
  3. Re: Darth Vader vs. The Hulk The Dude? With the Thing? Kill him!
  4. Re: Foods for those that just don't care anymore Batter-dipped deep-fried hamburger. Poutine: Wikipedia article.
  5. Re: Monster Island Did he say "Chicken Man"?
  6. Re: Non Powered Superhero Campaign How about: Midnight Skulkers The Masks Crazies in Costumes The Vigilance Committee Black, White and Gray Shadowmen The Citizens The Huntsmen Sheepdogs (link to source) Also, I suspect that very many "costumed heroes" would just be ordinary citizens with an odd sense of the dramatic, a cell phone with the local police on speed-dial (or 911), binoculars, and no desire to do much more than calling the cops unless they're forced to. Then of course there'd be posers. Remember Die Fledermaus or Bat-Manuel from The Tick animated and live action series'? I assume there would be at least a few "super-groupies" making it worth somebody's while to get costumed up and "talk the talk" in hopes of getting the babes.
  7. Re: Steampunky gadget pool "Rockets from the sockets!" Yeah, I know. Wrong genre.
  8. Re: New Character Idea... I'm guessing that the essential part of the character isn't the obvious powers, but the ability to switch meatpuppets by a gruesome method. I suspect a nasty transform "Whole human into one-armed meatpuppet" might work the way he needs it to. One Probable limitation would be "must follow grab", and I'm sure there might be others such as "Victim must be unconscious or otherwise immobile". The rest is just powers and movement.
  9. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine World's Bestest! Iron Bat and Titan Iron Bat is sort of like Batman Beyond, but contemporary and wearing more obvious armor. Titan is a native of Klepton who was rocketed to Earth in an attempt to save her from Klepton's imminent destruction*. Having spent much of her life on Earth, the light of our yellow sun and the absence of Kleptonite combine to give her powers beyond those of mortal men, *Of course, when the planet failed to explode, Lar-Elle divorced Titan's father and the Science Council's Child-Protective Services banished Jork-Elle to the Fandom zone, where he is constantly hounded by Fanboys who believe he's the reincarnation of Christopher Reeves.
  10. Re: Abbot and Costello Meet Doctor Destroyer Henceforth, Dr. Destroyer will speak in the voice of Maurice LaMarche in any campaign I run.
  11. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares Indiana Jones and the Temple of Dr, Doom From the Files of Police Squad: -- Hellboy on Patrol!
  12. Re: Underwater Combat Mastery I'd just have the fast swimmer grab the victim and swim down. A lot.
  13. Re: Beware the churck tank it's Our Lady of Excessive Firepower!
  14. Re: Solar HERO: Mercury---ready for mapping? I confess. I was trying to make an actual-size globe of mercury and figured "Well, the planet's handy and no-one's ever gonna photograph it..."
  15. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares "Dammit! I've got the sound turned all the way up and I still can't hear what they're saying!"
  16. Re: Super Transportation More neat stuff, suitable for near-future Sci-Fi settings: The Rhombus VTOVL SSTO space vehicle. The Ithacus VTOVL transorbital assault transport.
  17. Re: Super Transportation Cool! Link: DARPA seeks submersible aircraft concepts Now every superhero (and villain) will want one!
  18. Re: Darth Vader vs. The Hulk Well, if not, I'm certain you could position him in a direct line between the Death Star and a target it can lock onto.
  19. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares I saw that! Good, if light, entertainment. How about the Ritz Brothers in "Goodfellas" Godzilla meets Frankenstein! (*Stomp!* *Squish.*) Godzilla meets Ben stein!!! Abbot and Costello meet Ben Stein Or: How about this?
  20. Re: A Thread for Random Videos I'd rep you both, but I'm out and I probably need to spread it whan I'm able.
  21. Re: House rules for Comliness - critique, please I'd rep you but I'm out. I've always tried to take Com into consideration in situations where it is a factor, and am glad to see so many ideas about how to implement (or seamlessly eliminate) it.
  22. Re: Planet cracking missiles Of course, considering the forum we're in, the science might be a bit more rubbery in the campaign where such is going on than in our own. In a hard science campaign, I suspect someone wishing to remain undetected by such an early warning system would have to hack the system that does the detection and make an exception for their own particular "signature". "What the... what just happened? "Kelso Station just evaporated!" "I don't understand!?! The detection grid didn't give a peep!" "Run diagnostics! We've been hacked!
  23. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares The Apes of Wrath Godzilla VS the Wizard of Oz Russ Meyers Presents: Beyond the Valley of the Care Bears
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