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SSgt Baloo

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Everything posted by SSgt Baloo

  1. Re: What-If (WhIf) Setting Resources As was the Wildcards series edited by George R.R. Martin. Good stuff, all!
  2. Re: The Addams Family I finally figured out where I heard of Granny Frump and why Uncle Fester's last name ought to be Frump. She was (in the TV series) Morticia's mother (played, appropriately, by Margaret Hamilton). If Uncle Fester was Morticia's brother, and not her brother-in-law then he also was a Frump. Look! I brought proof! The Addams Family: Happy Birthday Grandma Frump
  3. Re: The Addams Family What's the URL of that website? Lurch was the butler.
  4. Re: The Addams Family It had to be Frump (Unless I forget Grandmama's last name).
  5. Re: Are we Ready to Rock? I dunno...are we? Got 'im for ya!
  6. I really think this BBS should have a central forum for materials usable in multiple genres for threads such as this. I'm posting it in Champions since superheroes frequently find themselves in What-If worlds. Warning: If you are a decent human being you may find some of these videos offensive (and possibly NSFW). The first vid I found is a music video based on the book (or possibly the movie) Fatherland. In it Germany won the war in Europe and there was a cold war between the US and Greater Germania (most of Europe). Sampolit film: Germania What if the Confederate States of America had won the "War Between the States"? C.S.A.: The Confedrate States Of America - Trailer - 2004 Having read the WorldWar/Colonization series by Harry Turtledove, I find this one particularly cool*: World War Two: An Alternate History Pt1. If anyone has links to Alternate History resources, post links to them here. * Apparently so did the guy(s) who did this. There's a WorldWar credit at the end of Part II.
  7. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares I think we have a winner!
  8. Re: Time to Find Crime Buy the character with one (or more) deep cover IDs. A barfly will hear rumors that a street-level thug won't hear and vice versa. Likewise a few points spent on Contacts might give your character a contact within the mob, perhaps an information broker who works the seedier side of town. A friend/follower who's a private eye might get the word on the street from some of his contacts. You might have several followers (á la any number of supers and pulp heroes). Heck, you might just give him a few dice of luck to ensure he finds himself in the right place at the right time.
  9. Re: Brisco county jr in the 21rst centurychampions universe I used to run a character something like him complete with Missile Deflection with the SFX of shooting bullets out of the air. Of course, Lance O'Bannon, the Singing Cowboy predated Brisco by a few years but he was an Old (B-)Western hero in a futuristic setting. He actually had a robot horse one of the other characters built for him. I forgot what point I was trying to make, but I think Brisco's knowledge of the law might be somewhat out-of-date (of course, there may be laws still on the books that he knows that nobody pays any attention to). I suspect Brisco would probably gravitate towards the private eye business, with a style uniquely all his own.
  10. Re: Halloween Themed Session...ideas? My favorite line from that movie: "Wolfman's got nards!"
  11. Re: Heroes from All Fifty States Submitted as a contender to replace the missing entry for New York. By day, Adesh Seetahal is a mild-mannered janitor in a high-rise apartment complex. By night he fights crime as The Super!
  12. Re: As Thick as a Brick (brick fan thread) Hulk's an old-school electronics tech. "If that doesn't work, get a bigger hammer!"
  13. Re: Kill the Dude with the Thing You just don't hang with the right crowd. Yep. That light from the heavens is a dead giveaway.
  14. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine Done!
  15. Re: X-Men Emphasis added. I would suggest that "Teenager" constitutes a social limitation rather than a physical limitation. You have a different status under the law than older people. Most states make that distinction at eighteen, so nineteen-year-olds might not need this disadvantage. If people dismiss them as being a "mere youth", there may be some discriminatory elements as well, at least when travelling incognito as a teenager. Some stores limit the number of teenagers allowed indide at once, in many states the rules regarding when you can drive and with whom even with a valid license may be different, the sorts of goods and services you may purchase freely may be restricted, etc. Having said that, I'll see if I can rep you s'more. I look forward to seeing what you can do with 250 points and wish you'd been a member of the groups I played with back in the day -- we'd have had better characters with a lot less munchkinning, at the very least.
  16. Re: "Neat" Pictures When I was a young man ther was no such thing as too many boobs. Now I'm older and wiser and realize you can so have too much of a good thing. More than two is too many, more than a handful is appreciated but not necessary.
  17. Re: "Neat" Pictures And we all love you for it. Here, have a catgirl. (I'm outta rep, I hope that'll suffice!)
  18. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares Riffing on (mostly) Disney: The Rescuers Down Underworld Gothic American Tail: Feivel Goes Bad Chippendales Rescue Rangers Chip and Dale's Power Rangers Lassie in the Hallmark Hall of Fame's production of Cujo 101 Ugly Dachshunds Snow White and the Seven Deadly Sins Alice does Wonderland Sleeping American Beauty The Lyin' King (Pick your favorite love-to-hate politician, lawyer or used-car salesman as the star) Poke-Haunt-Us The ghosts of dead Pocket monsters return to kill their trainers and just about anyone who gets in their way. The Halfback of Notre Dame Mulan Rouge Oh, Brother Bear, Where Art Thou? Chicken Little Stuart gets a little brother when the Littles adopt!
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