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SSgt Baloo

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Everything posted by SSgt Baloo

  1. Re: What-If (WhIf) Setting Resources Yes. Multiple times: The Videssos series The Darkness Series The War Between the Provinces ...and possibly some more.
  2. Re: Walking With Strangers Good to see I haven't been forgotten. I'm enjoying this and will rep you as soon as I can (I seem to be out this morning).
  3. Re: Gestalt of Electability Yes, but considering the locale wouldn't that be a given? I'd rep you, but I'm out.
  4. Re: Prefect Duplication? Maybe he wanted to duplicate an old Ford?
  5. Re: Nazi Flying Saucers Well, now we know the origin of Space-Nazis! Excellent find, without regard to the veracity of the material itself. It can always be true in your campaign if you want it to be.
  6. Re: supper skills Watch out for Trencherman with his Supper skills! He'll eat you for breakfast!
  7. Re: Marvel Galaxies Nice to see the Starbucks franchise still going strong in the new universe. Or were they banished to that one location midway between the Milky Way and the Black Galaxy?
  8. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares Young Doctors in Love with American Werewolves in London The Sound of Mucus It Came from 20,000 Leagues Beneath the Sea Cheech and Chong: The Day the Earth stood Still Smoking Star Trek Wars: When Nerds Collide! The Cheyenne Social Fight Club The Wild Wild Westside Story The Nightmare Before Independence Day That Darn Cat on a Hot Tin Roof Russ Meyers Presents: Beneath the Valley of the Care Bears The Longest Day of the Triffids
  9. Re: Famous People Super Heros Dude! Pictures! ETA:
  10. Re: Sell my friends on DCV It's a little-known fact that Ballerinas make the best assassins. Nobody takes them seriously until they pull that rifle out of their tutu! A perfectly reasonable approach for heroic games. Supers are (usually, but not always) better than that. You're confusing special effects (how it looks like it happens) and game mechanics (how it's resolves irrespective of the SFX). I can make a very high-dex, combat-effective character and proclaim he's really clumsy, but lucky. If he hits the badguy, it's because he was aiming at someone else. If the badguy missed, it's because he tripped right when the BG fired. The game mechanics just show he has a high dex and maybe some skills, the SFX only define what6 it looks like when the guy actually does what he does. If you really don't want characters to be excellent in combat just because they have a high dex, then I suggest that "familiar with unarmed combat" be required to use your full dex to calculate OCV. Otherwise, you get half OCV or some such. I wouldn't penalize DCV because people instinctively do what they can to avoid danger when they're aware of it. Unfortunately, they're frequently surprised and have a DEX less than 10, so it doesn't help them much anyway. The PCs are better than that, so they should have "familiarity with combat" for free or have it required unless their character concept demands that everybody else in the party cover the poor schnook whenever a fight of any sort breaks out. But to adress the OP directly, the characters aren't dodging bullets. They're just moving so as to throw off the aim of the person shooting at. I have used firearms before and can attest that it is difficult to hit a stationary, man-sized object without taking care to aim properly. It's relatively easy to hit a stationary target at close range, but if that target is junking around, bobbing and weaving and especially if he's shooting back, the shooter will be so pumped full of adrenalin that his aim will be only a charicature of accuracy. It's amazing how many bullets get expended by police and badguys when things go bad, without effect. No matter how good you are at the range, calmly shooting holews in paper, your ability to put holes in things deteriorates when you're pumped full of adrenalin, trying to stay behind cover, and overcoming your natural reluctance to be shot at so you can come out from behind cover long enough to get a clear shot.
  11. Re: Foods for those that just don't care anymore You used a straw?!?
  12. Re: Foods for those that just don't care anymore Back in the seventies I tried snorting Coke but the ice cubes gave me brain freeze.
  13. Re: Famous People Super Heros Wasn't that Dana Carvey?
  14. Re: What-If (WhIf) Setting Resources Found a short story of possible interest: The Defenders of Antarctica
  15. Re: Super Transportation The USAAF liked the performance of the YP-52, but requested some changes to ease maintenance and ground handling. The US. Navy preferred the taller landing gear of the XP-52 but preferred the "High Tail" configuration. The Navy Department ordered 20 [somebody suggest a Naval Designation to insert here], which combined these features, deleted the "bumper" tailwheel and replaced it with a retractable tailhook.
  16. Re: Abbot and Costello Meet Doctor Destroyer Dude! He is so not getting my vote!.
  17. Re: Super Transportation Tex Jones' TJ-309 (XP-52 prototype) Just after Pearl Harbor, the War Department issued a requirement for an aircraft that was faster and more maneuverable than the Japanese "Zero". The specifications as written were drawn up before any solid intelligence could be gathered on the Zero to gauge it's real-world performance, and were therefore based on guesses and overestimations. While several manufacturers offered studies indicating when they might be able to produce such a weapons system, Tex Jones sat down and built one. Less than six months after the requirement had been issued, the TJ-309 was undergoing flight testing under Tex Jones' supervision. While Tex Jones' manufacturing capability was limited, he offered to licence the design to any company willing to produce it. Curtiss turned down the offer as they were certain their new development based on the P-40 would prove easier to produce for only slightly less performance. Tex Jones shopped the TJ-309 around until finally Lockheed Aircraft decided to give it a go. They offered Tex Jones an exclusive contract, but he declined as he was friends with Kelly Johnson and didn't want to risk harming their friendship.
  18. Re: Normal Smell/Taste one sense? The way I understand it, discriminatory smell/taste would enable one to tell that two steaks came from the same steer or different ones. Normal sight only allows one to see that iron pyrites and gold are both yellow, shiny substances. One could, with specialized knowledge, identify them as what they are, but that would require hefting them, subjecting them to chemical tests, or some other process independent of sight alone. Fully discriminatory sight would enable you to tell that similar lumps of gold and iron pyrite were different materials even if you didn't have the knowledge required to identify either one. Analyze would enable you to distinguish between a golden object and an identical object made from an alloy of gold, as if one were a living mass spectrometer. Q: Discriminatory is a prerequisite for purchasing Analyze, isn't it?
  19. Re: [Mythos Supers] That thread reminded me of my favorite CoC session. My character was the Scientist who started with a sanity of 96, but just couldn't get a break with the Sanity rolls. He routinely went temporarily insane at every encounter with "something beyond" with clocklike regularity. If the "Professor" (I regret I have forgotten his name) went nuts, the rest of the party knew without a doubt that whatever caused it was the Thing Which Must Be Destroyed (or thwarted). He was the guy who, at least once in every adventure, would ask: "Couldn't I just wait in the car?" In that (final) scenario, one character had already looked upon the object that "Man was not meant to know" and died. My character caught a glimple of the object and, contrary to all experience, became as calm and certain as he had been crazy in oall his other adventures. This immediately alerted the characters that Something was Dreadfully Wrong. They foiled whatever had driven the Professor insane, but he was forever after a completely insane NPC.
  20. Re: Abbot and Costello Meet Doctor Destroyer "Candygram for Mr Grond!"
  21. How would you go about building a super who is really a remote-contolled vehicle? That is to say, a robot that is not inherently autonomous, but controlled by the "real" character from a remote location. I'm thinking Duplication with Mind Link, but how to build the "shared" senses? Just go ahead and riff on this, because I'm not sure where to begin or emd such a character, except the "Robot" has no "mind" apart from the operator controlling it.
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