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SSgt Baloo

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Everything posted by SSgt Baloo

  1. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares Mechanon: The Musical! by Tom Lehrer.> We are the robot army! Fear us, Hu-man-i-tee! Mechanon built us for global destruction, Now you had better flee! There are innocuous robots, (yeah!) But we regard 'em with scorn! They follow Asimov's laws and they're harmless, Why, they don't even want to grind you like corn!
  2. Re: Mr. Fantastic Lots of good advice thus far. What about the movie version? In one scene in the second movie I saw him holding up that big ferris wheel along the Thames in London. Is that extra strength, an entangle or something else? Certainly he never punches anyone with that kind of strength?
  3. Re: Nazi Flying Saucers I recorded it yesterday and watched it today. Lots of gaming material to be mined but little actual substance.
  4. Re: The Classic Justice League starting members on 350 points No Coke! Pepsi!
  5. Re: Baby Destroyer Of course not:
  6. Re: Baby Destroyer I'm confused. Is a Baby Destroyer anything like a Pocket Battleship?
  7. Re: inventor skill - what's the point? I've often seen it used as the skill that allows the Super-Scientist to figure out what the mysterious alien device actually does and figure out whether you need to find the off switch or protect it from harm, and how to do either most effectively. Likewise I've allowed demolitions skill to help characters figure out "what destroyed the bridge" or "how to bring the skyscraper down on the monster's head." I always liked to encourage my players to buy interesting skills, and found that they are more likely to buy them if they can do something more exciting than "you need that skill to spend experience on "X".
  8. Re: "Neat" Pictures No, but I'll bet he saw the episode that revealed that little tidbit. I know I did!
  9. Re: Mr. Fantastic From the descrt5iption, I'd think most GMs would just lable that "Special Effects" and not worry about it.
  10. Re: Nazi Flying Saucers I'm Tivoing it!
  11. Let's face it: Most of the Fantastic Four are pretty easy to figure out. Sue Storm/Richards: Invisibility, Force Field elemental control with force wall, telekinesis and (mostly) invisible effects. Ben Grimm: Strength, Pre, possibly a dash of density increase, and some armor. Johnny Storm: Flame-themed elemental control with EB, RKA, force field and the like, with Psyche Lim: Egotistical. Mr. Fantastic? Well, he can stretch. A lot. He also seems to have extra strength when stretching (as in the movie where he kept that big ferris wheel from falling over... at least for a little while. He can reach out and grab people. Yeah, he's smart. He builds Deus Ex Machinae as a pastime. I'm not sure what all he can do apart from that. So... How would you build him? Anyone interested post one or more versions of Mr. F. My suggested power levels: Unlimited class: use as many points as you need to get him just the way you think he is. Powerful PC level: 400-500 points including 100 points (more-or-less) of disadvantages. Starting Character: 300 points including 100 points of disads. Starting Character on a budget: 250 points including 100 points of disads. Thanks in advance! I eagerly await your responses.
  12. Re: What does a "20 Comeliness" look like to YOU? Upon closer examination (amd a little Google-fu), I have discovered that this is not Jean Harlow but Greta Garbo. Here's a picture of Jean Harlow: ...And since tomorrow is Halloween, here's some hot chicks dressed for the holiday:
  13. Re: STR vs STR for entangles/grabs?? Can't we already do something similar by limiting the entangle to one body only?
  14. Re: What does a "20 Comeliness" look like to YOU? The point is, that while real life is variable, the author/director/casting director assigns the "look" to whoever the plot calls for. If the script calls for a babe to be hot, then she's hot, without regard for your silly sliding scales and variable tastes. It's a matter of definition. Examples of COM 20+ Beauties (if by definition only): Bugs Bunny in Drag Clara Bow Jean Harlowe Rita Haworth Marilyn monroe As a private citizen you don't have to find any of these "women" attractive. The Animated Bugs Bunny was attractive by Definition. That's why Elmer would go nuts and all "aw-shucks" whenever Bugs appeared in drag. Likewise, Clara Bow, Jean Harlowe, Rita Hayworth and Marilyn Monroe might not have been right-outta-bed-without-makeup gorgeous, but in the movies they appeared in, it was understood that they were the most beautiful women in that movie and all were highly acclaimed by the masses, even if many individuals preferred a different cup of tea. Other women could be cute or perky or more sophisticated, but the audience knew who the star was. It's the same way in the Hero System. If you want your character to be homely, sell back some COM. Likewise, if you want them average-looking, don't touch the base amount. Likewise if you want your character to stand out from the crowd, then by all means buy some COM for your character. It is hampered only by the perception that COM must have exactly thus-and-so special effects. Com is a game mechanic, assigning an abstract and somewhat arbitrary value to represent good looks and attractiveness without defining the special effects. Therefore, if your character thinks Blonde Bombshells are boring, then that's Special Effects and doesn't need a game mechanic. Just let the GM know before he introduces the Blonde Bombshell who's supposed to be this session's red herring.
  15. Re: Nano bots control The "cloud of nanobots" are only what it looks like. In other words: Special Effects. The actual mechanics are the powers, talents, and skills that represent what these nanobots actually do. Actually, the character's got Clairsentience, possibly an energy blast or killing attack, some healing (or regeneration), A transform and/or dispel/supress vs machines, and clairsentience. Probably all these powers are packaged in a multipower, elemental control, or a variable power pool that only lets the character create powers that represent things he's learned do with nanobots.
  16. Re: How to build a Cannon Bolt like power Sounds like this guy: Armadillo Man
  17. Re: A Thread for Random Videos Possibly NSFW (Subject matter): Man of Steel, Woman of Kleenex: The Video
  18. Re: A Thread for Random Videos Batman Reimagined: What if he were poor?
  19. Re: "Trained Animal" Vehicle I'm not familiar with Eureka 7 but it sounds like all you need to do is either build a vehicle with an AI and appropriate senses with enough strength to carry the character (and as many passengers as he reasonably can fit on a surfboard-sized vehicle)... OR Build a Follower using the same basic end results as your goal. At least with the Follower build there will automatically be some normal senses and some amount of self-repair capability.
  20. Re: NAZI Villians In my campaigns he was initially a valued lieutenant of Dr. Quaal, but became a rival for leadership of the Nazi Super-Soldier program.
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