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SSgt Baloo

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Everything posted by SSgt Baloo

  1. Re: Super Transportation I updated the P-80 WhIf above to incorporate (approximately) 15 degrees of wing sweep.
  2. Re: Super Transportation In 1946, The Batman went modern:
  3. Re: Super Transportation Made a new one. This one's a slight modification of the P-80 Shooting Star.
  4. Re: How do mutants work out? "Whiff!"
  5. Re: A Thread for Random Videos Forget it, old people. No more TV for you starting in 2009
  6. Re: How do mutants work out? Finally! A reply to the title question! I'd rep you but I'mm out for now.
  7. Re: A Thread for Random Mooings Here's something a bit more family-friendly
  8. Re: A Thread for Random Mooings Moo! G-d yes! Moo!
  9. Re: Super Transportation Found it! It wasn't the YC-16 I was looking for but the YC-14!
  10. Re: Super Transportation This is pretty close to what Tex Jones (the Character) flew during the first couple of years of his adventuring career. The powerplants were an extremely compact form of internal combustion motor driving ducted fans. The flaps were an "Upper Surface Blown" system whereby the exhaust from the fans was directed over the top of the wings, and the flaps would direct the airflow in such a way as to convert a lot of the engine power into lift. A modern example of this type was the XC-16 (of which I will post pictures when I can find some. No luck thus far,)
  11. Re: Vehicle/Base construction question I'll just wait for the rest of you guys to hash it out.
  12. Re: Vehicle/Base construction question Dang! If I'd just kept my mouth shut I would've been vindicated.
  13. Re: A Thread for Random Videos NSFW: Language (one word, douchbags) Cat Staff Meeting
  14. Re: Vehicle/Base construction question Of course, if the character were a 300-point character, then he'd actually get a 301 point vehicle by spending 1 point for a vehicle with 300 points' of disadvantages. Maybe he will use that extra point to give the vehicle some useful ability, but I doubt it. For zero points he gets nothing.
  15. Re: Super Transportation Then maybe it's time to upgrade.
  16. Re: Super Transportation Cool!! Repped!
  17. Re: Nanobot Cloud I'd just call it a "natural disaster" and have there be several ways it could be destroyed/stopped. Perhaps they need to gather a sample for testing and discover that a concentrated burst of Z-rays will stop them dead in their tracks. Likewise there may be a MacGuffin that can switch off the nanobots or otherwise destroy them. If you want to make it as a power/person, I'd recommend building it as a sticky transform that's triggered by (and has senses to detect) proximity to metals, with the "person" being a desolid character that has a vulnerability to whatever it is that shuts it off (and there should be more than one way to do it). The trick isn't to give it so much body that it can't be stopped by anything less than a nuclear device, but to make the quest for the counter to this stuff challenging but not impossible. Once the characters learn what these nanobots are vulnerable to, there may be a further challenge in getting the experts to design/build the device which provides them with an "off switch."
  18. Re: Nanobot Cloud Since the "cloud" dismantles ordinary metal into atoms, then reassembles them as more nanobots, perhaps their ultimate weapon is just making enough nanobots so the next stage in their programming may commence. Stage One: Consume all metals on the planet, turning them into nanobots. Stage Two: the Nanobots, once sufficiently numerous, alter the balance of gases/liquids in the atmosphere/ocean to what the badguys prefer to breathe/drink. Stage Three: Convert all organic matter (including unprotected people) into organic "nanolegos" (whatever the building blocks of life are on Planet Badguy). Stage Four: Nanobots assemble these organic nanolegos into a duplicate of the Badguys' biosphere, right down to the plants, animals, fish and fungi. Stage Five: Upon completion of Stage Four the nanobots build factorys/housing/office space for the new badguy overlords. Stage Six: When complete, the nanobots clump together and deactivate, leaving behind easily exploitable piles of raw material.
  19. Re: Bestiary builds, what do monsters do with experience? It's simple. Monsters don't do anything with their experience. They keep making the same mistakes over and over and over....
  20. Re: Who was WWII's most important leader? He was also not present with the task force and would not second-guess the Admiral who was in charge of the fleet. The Admiral on site was, as pointed out uncertain as to the location of the enemy carriers and had no way of knowing that they weren't just over the horizon steaming right towards his fleet. Every minute the Japanese attack force sat off the coast of Oahu increased the chances that an enemy scout plane was directing counterattacking forces to their location. He had no way of knowing that a gamble on a third-wave attack would very likely (there's that hindsight again!) have been successful. He made the best decision he could at the time. Had Yamamoto wanted a bolder decisionmaker in charge of the fleet, he should have appointed one.
  21. Re: Pulp basics Wiki entry for the movie: Topper Your player may also be referring to the Ghost(s) who haunted Cosmo Topper (the protagonist of the movies).
  22. Re: Super Transportation I finally made good on that "in-progress" Batplane I posted at the beginning of this thread: Yet another interstellar-capable flying bus. Of course this one's more streamlined than the last one.
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