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SSgt Baloo

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Everything posted by SSgt Baloo

  1. Re: The Dragon Hunters (Steampunk) Somebody rep Teh Bunneh for me, huh? I still have to spread some.
  2. Re: Nazi Flying Saucers Here's another: The BF-109 Fliegendiskette was designed to test an experimental "schwebenvorrichtung" (levitation device or L-motor) concealed within the disc-shaped "wing". While the Mercedes-Benz DB-605 motor did, in fact, drive the propeller, a second generator behind the pilot generated electricity for the levitation motor. The thrust of the L-Motor was not restricted to the vertical axis, but could be electrically steered through a full 360° to provide very fine control of direction attitude, and altitude. Performance figures are unknown but Nazi scientists claimed the device would have been capable of supersonic speeds had they time to improve the design. If this technology has been duplicated since the fall of the Reich, it is undoubtedly a closely-guarded secret.
  3. Re: Nazi Flying Saucers More Nazi Flying Saucer Links: Disc Aircraft of the Third Reich How the V-7-Legend arose The UnMuseum: Real Flying Saucers
  4. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares Christmas specials we might not want to see: It's a Charlie Brown Nightmare before Christmas The Day The Earth Stood Still on the Night Before Christmas Beneath the Valley of a Christmas in Connecticut How the Grinch Stole Hubcaps A Miracle on Elm Street A Cloverfield Christmas Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer and the Island of Doctor Moreau Frosty Goes Hawaiian Santa Claus Conquers the Planet of the Apes An American Christmas Carol in King Aurthur's Court
  5. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine And here's one of my favorites: Bob Tiger, in the new format.
  6. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine Fortunately for Earth, two champions crossed over in pursuit of Dr. Equus: Hugo Danner Super-Equine, artificially evolved to possess powers and abilities far beyond those of mortal horse! Iron Horse When trouble looms, Tony Sparkplug dons the Iron Horse armor to defend the helpless (and promote Sparkplug Industries)!
  7. Dr. Equus and his Four Horsemen... In a nearby parallel universe, the dominant life form is equine. In an attempt to escape justice, the evil mad scientist, Dr. Equus (possibly an assumed name) has entered our universe. He plans to take over this "Planet of the Apes" and rally an army of humans with which to re-invade and conquer his home universe. To this end, he has "uplifted" some of his most trusted henchmen to be his lieutenants as the Four Horsemen of the Apocolypse. Dr. Equus Evil Genius and Master of many esoteric sciences. War Super-strong up-close-and-personal combatant! Pestilence Weakens his foes with deadly and fast-acting diseases! Famine Causes his opponents' metabolisms to speed out of control, rendering them gaunt, hungry and weak! Death Just a touch of his scythe spells instant death!
  8. Re: Super Transportation In 1943, Republic Aviation recieved an order for a jet-propelled aircraft based upon the P-47. The P-47 airframe was ideal for such a conversion, as it's engine, supercharger, and ducting, once removed, freed up considerable space for a (relatively) straight-through installation. The Republic 450 was a proof-of-concept design intended only to test the proposed engine, ducting, and tailpipe configuration. The Airframe used was an early P-47B that had been used as a chase plane for flight tests. Modifications made apart from engine and ductwork included raising the horizontal stabilizer from the fuselage to partway up the vertical stabilizer. The Production Aircraft was designated P-72. Based upon the P-47D (block 25) the new aircraft was designed from the outset to be easily converted from pure fighter to tandem-seat trainer. The bubble canopy extended over an auxiliary fuel tank behind the pilot. The auxiliary tank could be removed and replaced by an instructor-pilot's position with an extra set of controls and minimal instrumentation, a process which could be completed in an afternoon, given the sufficient parts and labor.
  9. Re: Super Transportation When the P-49 began operational service, there were complaints about instability which made the plane sensitive in certain flight attitudes and with certain loadouts. To correct this problem, the Lockheed engineers extended the nose by two feet, repositioning as much equipment forward as possible. This not only corrected the instability but added enough fuel tankage to allow nearly double the previous combat radius. This new version was dubbed the P-49A. A Trainer version was developed To help transition pilots into the new "rocketplane", the P-49B, below. The rear canopy was hinged at the rear and seasted the instructor pilot. The front canopy was hinged on the right and was for the trainee pilot. Apart from a slightly lesser fuel capacity, the P-49B was as capable as the P-49A.
  10. Re: Super Transportation There's a real plane called the Skyfox, but I couldn't find drawings of it anywhere so I tried my best to approximate one from the pictures and from cribbing dimensions from an F-80 Shooting Star.
  11. Re: Super Transportation In 1939, Lockheed submitted a proposal to put a jet engine in a modified P-38 airframe. The proposed fighter was intended to be a photo reconnaissance aircraft with a provisional designation of XF-7, but during trials the great speed and improved maneuverability over the P-38 prompted the army to order armed versions as the YP-49. The rearward weight bias induced by eliminating the forward-mounted engines was compensated for by several different strategies, including adding an additional forward-firing cannon, changing the static angle of attack of the wing, and using a different airfoil cross-section to provide the desired rearward shift in center-of-lift. The horizontal stabilizer was raised to keep it out of the jet efflux from the engine, and an ejector seat was installed to help the pilot clear it should he need to bail out.
  12. Re: A Thread for Random Videos Proof we were clinically insane during the disco era: "Folkdancing" scene from Buck Rogers
  13. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... I didn't know what a tiefling was so I looked it up and found this:
  14. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine That's not just any Santabot! That's the Santabot constructed by Mom's Friendly Robot Company. More info here: Wikipedia article
  15. Re: Super Transportation In case anyone's interested, the P-40-J was inspired by an Argentinian plane: the Pulqui I. More video (in Spanish)
  16. P-40-j XP-40-J The XP-40-J was constructed as a quick-and-dirty way to test Tex Jones' jet turbine engine. His claims of superior performance over propeller-driven planes prompted Curtiss to offer him an airframe for modification. The resulting aircraft had superior speed and ceiling to the P-40 it was made from, but had slightly less range, though this was eventually offset by fitting external fuel tanks. The ability to group all six machine guns in the nose was another benefit of this configuration. The pilot's position was moved forward to partially offset the rearward weight bias caused by replacing a nose-mounted engine with an (admittedly lighter) tail-mounted installation. The horizontal stabilizer was raised to keep it from being masked by the wing at high angles of attack, especially on the take-off roll. The tailpipe was also angled downwards by 4 degrees to help offset the aircraft's tendency to keep it's tail "planted" during takeoff rolls. The XP-40-J was successful enough that it entered production as the P-46. The external tanks were moved to the wingtips, freeing the wing stations for ordnance.
  17. Re: A Thread for Random Videos http://www.gametrailers.com/player/42423.html
  18. Re: Nazi Flying Saucers I stumbled upon this while looking for stuff about Paratroops and wingsuits: Dust Possibly NSFW: Scantily clad blonds.
  19. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares I love Cthulhu A Cuban bandleader marries a scatterbrained nameless horror from beyond who schemes to become part of his act. Hilarity ensues.
  20. Re: Mountains of Madness?!? Ook?
  21. Re: Jokes A priest was walking down the street when he came upon a little boy with a Mason jar full of a clear liquid. Curious, he asked the boy what he had in the jar. The boy answered: "Preacher, this is the most powerful liquid in the world: kerosene! Bemused, the priest decided to educate the young boy: "No, my child, that's not the most powerful liquid in the world. That would be holy water." "What can holy water do?" Thinking he was getting through to the boy, the priest told him: "Well, if you rub a little holy water on a pregnant woman's belly, she'll pass a baby." The boy scoffed: "That's nothing preacher. Rub a little kerosene on a cat's ass and he'll pass a motorcycle!"
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