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SSgt Baloo

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Everything posted by SSgt Baloo

  1. Re: Depression-era and WW-II settings from a Not-American perspective Thanks to all for your informative replies. Anyone else?
  2. The Depression Era (pulp) and WW II (golden age of superheroes) are both good settings for a campaign. I've read a lot about these times, but most of what I've read was written by American authors for an American audience. If you are not from the USA (and you've probably heard a lot about the US perspective anyway) please tell me what facts and events you'd like to point out to an American who's read very little about these eras. Anyone...? Anyone...? Bueller?
  3. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine Fixed that for ya!
  4. Re: Superhero Images QFT. (and repped!)
  5. Re: Hero System Good Idea/Bad Idea... I am reminded of the similarly-titled segment from Animaniacs. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f8PhzrmBgMI
  6. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... Reminds me of the Family Guy episode: Blue Harvest. Obi-Wan Kenobi (Herbert): Hi. My sexy friend and I are looking for a ship to take us to Alderaan, and I'm willing to pay big money. Han Solo (Peter): Well, you've come to the right place. I'm Han Solo, captain of the Millennium Falcon and the only actor whose career isn't destroyed by this movie. Link to more Quotes.
  7. Re: What if Billy Batson's mother grounded him forever ? I've already repped him on someone else's behalf. Could someone rep this one for me?
  8. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares Got 'im for ya! Heaven forfend! My suggestions: Stargate CPA An office comedy about the accountants in charge of verifying expenses for a highly classified secret project. Stargate Babies Because when it gets to this point, you've jumped a geriatric shark.
  9. Re: Superhero Images If I haven't said it before, one's fantasies don't always work well when translated to real life. As a depiction of someone who's sexual dimorphism has been exaggerated, she's fine. In the real world, she'd be, at best, a circus freak. I like catgirls, too, but I've never met one. I suspect the "real thing" (should some mad scientist ever try to make one) would be just freakish, at least until one could become accustomed to her looks.
  10. Re: Superhero Images Of course, her lift-to-drag ratio suffers, but who cares!
  11. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares Psst! It's Chihuahua!
  12. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine ...But I can help! Lose the RPG. Most of my fave characters have been charismatic bricks, so their main attacks have usually been large chunks of debris. Kind of inaccurate, I know, but the demoralizing effect on enemy morale is quite a help. Curse you, Pariah! I wanted to say it first!
  13. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... My repstick's empty, %$#@-it! Somebody get this guy for me, huh?
  14. Re: Poison's Champions Art Thread Excellent. My one quibble is that she seems to be carrying a "package". Or is she really a clever transvestite?
  15. Re: Western Hero Movies to watch and possibly be inspired by: Silverado Rustler's Rhapsody Pale Rider They Call Me Trinity Trinity is STILL My Name My Name is Nobody
  16. Re: Golden Age resources: whatever you can think of. I recommend the following book: The Homefront : America during World War II, by Mark Jonathan Harris, Franklin D. Mitchell, Steven J. Schechter. It's a good oral history similar to, but slimmer than The Good War by Studs Terkel. It contains lots of good info for a Home Front campaign, all rendered in first-person accounts by people who were there at the time.
  17. Re: Mystery Men In a pulp setting, he could just as easily be Skunkman with the ability to transform into a skunk, both intentionally and inadvertantly. Hilarity ensues.
  18. Re: Third Annual Christmas Champions Episode Consarn it, I'm outta rep again! Somebody get this guy for me!
  19. Re: Super Transportation I finally decided what Tex Jones' (1938) secret engine (pre-turbine) was: the Nutating Engine.
  20. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine Of course not! The ripper is the scapegoat for Lex Luthor's diabolical biological experiments.
  21. A more plausible Powergirl... The version of Power Girl I did above started out as an attempt to make Super Girl. For those of you who don't recognize her when she's smiling I did the following version:
  22. ...And furthermore... I haven't forgotten the distaff members of the superman family: Power Girl* and Super Girl * At last! A magic cleavage window (of sorts) without "cheating" the program!
  23. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine I decided it was time for me to stop fiddling around and do some indisputably human(like) characters. Without further ado, I present a gallery of "what-if" supermen, in this case, what if he's arrived in a different era and a different culture: Aztec Superman Roman Superman Scotsman Superman Victorian Superman ...And of course, Contemporary Superman
  24. Re: Poison's Champions Art Thread Cool stuff! I'm all repped out for today, so I'll try and get you tomorrow.
  25. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine A sidekick for Bob Tiger: Tigrrl!
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