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SSgt Baloo

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Everything posted by SSgt Baloo

  1. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... I'm outta rep. Could somebody get this guy for me?
  2. Re: Your PCs might be Underpowered if... ... unruly toddlers constitute a significant threat to the team. ... the team's super-transport has to be back by 10:00 PM or Mom will get MAD! ... the last time they failed to duck at the sound of microwave popcorn popping it resulted in several embarassing hours in the Emergency Room. ... the team brick wears a truss. ... the team speedster uses a walker. ... the team energy projector's best attack can be countered with air freshener. ... the team martial artist's best attack is accidentally stumbling into his opponent. ... the best you can be is the least anyone else can do. ... the team's headquarters formerly housed the team refrigerator. ... the team refrigerator is the second-fastest member of the team.
  3. Re: your pcs might be OVERPOWERED IF... I've done that before, but I was low on paper and ink at the time.
  4. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... Not to be confused with Sears Champions (they all wear sans-a-belt pants and the team gadgeteer uses Craftsman tools).
  5. Re: Whoops! Did I really allow that power? Oh, no! It's Them!
  6. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine Koo-koo ga-choob! (or whatever it was )
  7. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine *Snicker!* He's got BARNACLES!
  8. Re: Jupiter Impact!!?! :rofl:I'd give you rep, but I just ran out.
  9. Re: "Neat" Pictures G-d bless the Space Program! (And a legal system that recognizes that, under the right circumstances, some people just need to be punched.) Kind of reminds me of the story of the 82-year-old Marine who was assaulted by a would-be robber, only to kick the @ss of his youthful assailant. I saw security camera footage of the event on The Smoking Gun Presents: World's Dumbest. That'll teach 'im to show his elders respect!
  10. Re: Jokes The above Joke is such a Treet!
  11. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares [And just because I can't resist:] The Silence of the Lambchop Starring Shari Lewis as Clarice Starling. ETA: ...and I had no idea that Shari Lewis co-wrote the Star Trek episode: The Lights of Zetar, but I found out when looking her up on Wikipedia!
  12. Re: Jupiter Impact!!?! Maybe they thought it would make for a fun weekend...?
  13. Re: Jupiter Impact!!?! I actually liked GINO and ID4, but as for the rest I have to agree with you.
  14. Inspired by this thread, I'm interested in finding out how the law in your campaigns have accommodated superpowers. to give an example, in one of my campaigns, flying supers were regulated much like ultralight aircraft. They were, with few exceptions, restricted to no more than 5,000 feet AGL (Above Ground Level). They were not permitted to fly at night (once again, there were exceptions, f'rinstance in Alaska, they were required to wear safety lighting when flying in twilight conditions). Restricted airspace was surrounded by no-fly-zones which were marked by special beacons similar to the landing systems used for carrier landings: the closer you were, the lower the altitude you were permitted to fly. In most of my campaigns, the secret identity of the accused was protected prior to conviction. Once convicted, a defendant's secret ID could be revealed, but only if specified during sentencing. In some cases, the Secret ID of a conbvicted criminal could remain protected if certain government agencies could guarantee continued good behavior. What kinds of legal precedents were set in your own super-settings?
  15. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares Clockwork Banana Splits Clockwork Fried Green Tomatoes Clockwork Strawberry Shortcake
  16. Re: "Neat" Pictures Why can't it be both?
  17. Re: Your PCs might be Underpowered if... ... the most useful ability any of them possesses is asking "Do you want fries with that?" ... Mechanon spots them 100 yards in the inevitable race for their lives. ... the team mentalist can't even read his own mind. ... the team brick needs assistance getting the lid off a jar of pickles. ... the team martial artist is punch-drunk from all the times he's accidentally beaned himself. ... The team energy projector's big power-up occurred when he bought a box of matches.
  18. Re: your pcs might be OVERPOWERED IF... ... the last time they asked for light it created a whole new universe.
  19. Re: An Opportunity For Self-Improvement TCWOAN: "I'm a cat. How could I possibly improve on that?" Bob Tiger: "Well, it might be nice to be able to change into human form once in a while...?" Lance O'Bannon the Singing Cowboy: "I don't think I need to change a thing. Thanks for the opportunity, but I was dealt a pretty good hand to begin with so I think I'll pass."
  20. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World of Warcraft Doctor Zhivago Who?
  21. Re: Cool Guns for your Games There are two main activities the military engages in when waging war: Killing people Breaking things Beyond a certain size, a weapon's focus shifts from killing people to breaking things. Shoot a .50 cal bullet through an engine block and the engine ceases to function. A howitzer is more often used to attack buildings and equipment than it is for attacking people. Likewise, an M-4 isn't much use against an armored vehicle half a mile distant. Basically, using a .50 caliber round for antipersonnel work, while effective, underutilizes the energy of a bullet that heavy travelling that fast. Thus, anti-materiel.
  22. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...
  23. Re: Cool Guns for your Games Warden: "That's it! No more MacGyver reruns for the inmates, and that goes DOUBLE for Mythbusters!!"
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