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SSgt Baloo

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Everything posted by SSgt Baloo

  1. Re: How to make the Loner feel not so Lonely? Looks like Zed-F is off his meds again! Quick, fetch the butterfly nets!
  2. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares Cats on a Hot Tin Roof Cats and Dogs: the Musical Roadrunner and Coyote Ugly The Wrath of Madeline Kahn Mom and Dad Save the World is Not Enough
  3. Re: Teen Hero Names Fusion 2.0? How about Damnager? (From the slang term "damnage"). How about giving it some color (Red Gauntlet, f'rinstance)? Gauntlet by itself is kinda dull. Bland. How about Baditude? Akamai (smart or sharp guy) or Kahuna (god of surf-sand and wind) Or Akamai Kahuna or how about Da Kahuna or Big Kahuna? (Did I mention Kahuna?) If he's willing to fess up to his wanna-be status Hodad would be perfect. I got nuthin'. Other people have mentioned better ideas than I can sprout right now. K-18 (twice as good as K-9)? McGruff?
  4. Re: Wanted: Heroes Lance O'Bannon the Singing Cowboy: He would return the Unvillains to their home dimension and assist them in making their world a better place (thus maintaining harmony across the multiverse). "Been there done that." TCWOAN: *If I don't respond maybe they'll just go away.*
  5. Re: Brooklyn Superhero Supply Company I so want a one-gallon can of omnipotence! I'd rep you but I've already been too generous today.
  6. Re: Waking up with not-so-super powers You are teh Eeebbill!!! For my own moderate superpower I'd like the ability to transform any broken/non-functioning mechanical or electrical device into a like-new/functioning mechanical or electrical device. Then I'd go into business restoring cars, boats, planes,etc.
  7. Re: Confedrate Comics For ideas on how the south might have won, there are tons of resources available for inspiration. I'll cite 2 books and a movie: The Guns of the South -- Harry Turtledove. Apartheid-era South Africans with a time machine sell AK-47s to the Confederacy. How Few Remain -- Harry Turtledove (part of his Timeline-191 saga). Written orders from General Lee do not fall into the hands of Union soldiers. The Confederacy wins at Gettysburg, setting the stage for a protracted hostility that does neither nation much good. C.S.A.: The Confederate States of America A Mockumentary in the form of a BBC history program aired on CSA television, complete with ads for fictional products and programs.
  8. Re: Cool Guns for your Games I have no idea. I suspect it was rather light, with it's short-length (but still legal) barrels.
  9. Re: My campaign plans for Mechanon Oh, no!! Johnny Five has gone EVIL!!! ETA: Love rthe concept. Will shamelessly steal it if ever I have a chance to run Champions again.
  10. Re: Waking up with super powers I agree with Certified. Just what cat powers in particular were you referring to? And in response to the OP: What would you really do if you woke up with super powers? Roll over and go back to sleep. Unless coffee's ready I'm not rolling out for anything. What kind of powers would you like to have? A HUGE cosmic VPP. That way if I ever need to change things up, I can. If that was too powerful, the ability to replicate any object I have ever touched out of nothing could be quite useful. What kind of powers would you NOT like to have? Energy blast powered by flatus and/or eructation (look it up ). Would it matter if only 1 in a billion people had powers vs 1 in 100 million, or even 1 in a million? It probably matters quite a lot to anyone affected by these superpeople in some way. As for myself, only if any of those superpeople were bent on world domination, epic-scale vandalism or, at the very least given to antisocial behavior. Even then, only if they were not particularly powerful compared to myself. Then I'd be pissed. Would you tell others? Only if they had clearance and a need-to-know. How do you think your life would change? I think the sort of things I worried about would be quite different. Less worry about finance, more worry about world events like starvation, war, etc. Any other thoughts on the subject or questions that need to be asked (that I didn't think of)? What is the air-speed velocity of an unladen swallow?
  11. Re: Hero System Good Idea/Bad Idea... But I LIKE the wookie monster!
  12. Re: Cool Guns for your Games In my own experience, burning up 12-gauge shells all day can cause some discomfort even with a recoil pad on the buttstock. Most of my shotgun experience was obtained with a Baikal side-by-side "coach gun". Most of my shooting buddies preferred semiauto shotguns because the recoil energy was diminished by the action of the self-loading system (or possibly spread out over a longer timeframe). In any case, if you were just shooting targets with the intent of shooting a lot in one afternoon, most of my friends recommended a semiauto over a pump action, single- or, double-barrelled shotgun. While there were times my shoulder was "tenderized" after a day of shooting, I never (except momentarily) regretted having so much fun.
  13. Re: Giant Crab vs. Dragon Tank? Giant crab, hands down! Tanks taste terrible with garlic butter.
  14. Re: Confedrate Comics Well, apart from anything else, I suspect that Coke and Pepsi would not be available in the US (invented in Georgia and South Carolina, respectively).
  15. Re: Hero System Good Idea/Bad Idea... Good Idea: Ice Age Hero Bad Idea: Ice Sculpture Hero
  16. Re: Confedrate Comics Woo-HOO! I win your catgirls!
  17. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares Addams 12 Gomez and Fester join the police. Addams Family Feud Addams Family Matters "Hey, Uncle Fester! Got any cheese?" (Actually, I suspect "cousin Urkel" would fit right in.)
  18. Re: Transgendered Superperson Except her clothes are designed to fit her contours. Try dressing her in Roy's wardrobe and things don't fit very well.
  19. Re: Transgendered Superperson TCWOAN: "Meow?" "Meow?!?" "Meow!!!" *Dammit! I STILL don't have thumbs!* Bob Tiger: Brother-in-law (and wife) is member of Unseelie court. Asks wife to check if this is another of BIL's practical jokes. Will opt to change back to male if that's what wife wants (if momma ain't happy, ain't NOBODY happy!) Lance O'Bannon, The Singing Cowboy: Will make whatever sacrifices necessary to continue do-gooding. Will require a new name and a change of wardrobe at the very least.
  20. Re: Dr Zero's Art Thread
  21. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares Swedish Bikini Team Chef "Tudey ve-a shell meke-a pupcurn vheele-a zee beekini teem dunces a pulka! Bork Bork Bork!" Jive it to Beaver "Eddie Hax'ell, dig dis: Wally, if yo' dumb broda' tags along, I'm gonna - oh, baaaad afternoon, Mrs. Cleaver. Ah be baaad... ah' wuz plum tellin' Wallace how pleasant it would be fo' De Beavuh t'accompany us t'de movies." uliusJay aesarCay Etway utay, utBrayè? Translations courtesy of the Chef/Jive/Valspeak/Pig translator
  22. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares Miss Piggy-Sue Got Married
  23. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares Miss Piggy Does Dallas (Yeah, I know! Poor Jim henson is spinning in his grave like a decaying gyroscope. )
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