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SSgt Baloo

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Everything posted by SSgt Baloo

  1. Re: A Thread for Random Videos The short film District 9 was modeled after: Alive in Joberg
  2. Re: Which way? He'd probably write the song and sing it along the way, and it would prove somehow instrumental in the peaceful resolution of the conflict. He's wierd that way.
  3. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... I'd rep this but I must spread some. Do tell! I don't know if I repped you for this, but I'm out for the day. Would someone else do the honors please?
  4. Re: Organized crime in a world where "vice crimes" don't exist--what do they do? Actually, androids are anthropomorphic robots intended to closely resemble human beings. They need not be organic. Replicant, on the other hand, is a term coined by Ridley Scott because if he had used the term "android" there might be certain expectations from the audience that would result in what I like to refer to as Geekoplexy (a combination of Geek and apoplexy). Geekoplexy is what happens when a geeks expectations are not satisfactorily met, resulting in remarks such as "The director of this movie is an idiot!! Everyone knows that Androids Dream of Electric Sheep!"
  5. Re: Organized crime in a world where "vice crimes" don't exist--what do they do? Knowing that porn stars license replicas of their own genitalia, I would imagine there might be a market for illegally-cloned copies of famous personalities who don't want unlicensed replicas of themselves running around. Another possibility is identity theft by either cloning and inhabiting (by whatever means) a duplicate of the person whose identity is to be used. Plot seed: An "abandoned" warehouse catches fire. Within the warehouse are row upon row of stasis tubes. Each of the tubes contains exact duplicates of political figures, top executives from various vital industries, and even some law enforcement and military figures. When decanted, the duplicates claim to be the originals, that they were kidnapped several months (or years) ago. Surely, some drugs will be illegal, at least in the context of, say, performance-enhancing drugs in professional sports. Plot seed: A bank robbery is foiled by a new hero whose powers are a result of illegal performance enhancers. Do the heroes turn him in or turn a blind eye? If the latter, what happens when the drug-using "hero" has to do "favors" for his supplier? What if the drugs are slowly killing him or changing him in negative ways?
  6. Re: Bigger Inside Than Out And here's another side view: The Actual vehicle in question was hinged at the back, with the whole external hull swinging open. Within the bottom half of the open hull was a stairway leading to the rest of the interior.
  7. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares [quote=tkdguy;1887590]Gorillaz in the Mist Godzillas in the Mist The Terror of Tiny Toon My Three Sons of Kong The Love Bug Zapper: Herbie goes to Hell
  8. Re: Bigger Inside Than Out ISTR a campaign where my character had a coffin-sized Tardis-like vehicle that was the size of a 747 on the inside. I bought the outside to be 747-sized, and then enough shrinking to make it coffin-sized (~ 2m x 1m x 0.5m). It opened like a clamshell for ingress/egress, and could travel throughout spacetime. It looked sorta like this (but without the extendable nacelles): In the same campaign there was a character who carried a secret base in his backpack. You entered it by climbing down a ladder inside the opened bag. I think it was several acres large. Yes, I still get headaches when I think about that campaign.
  9. Re: How to make the Loner feel not so Lonely? Meany!
  10. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares Victor Victoria Regina Pink Panther Sweat Tarzan of the Naked Apes Lawrence of Hoboken Dancing With Chipmunks A Briss Too Far United Magic Kingdom
  11. Re: Military Eye for the Civilian Gal I honestly had never heard "Zoomies" in this context before (and the definition of Marine is priceless). I'd rep you but I must spread it first.
  12. Re: Villainess Romance Appeal? You did pass Biology, right? Good girls might be fun-loving, but "Bad Girls" are fun! There was a little girl Who had a little curl Right in the middle of her forehead. And when she was good She was very, very good. But when she was bad she was incredible! Just yesterday I watched a Stargate: Atlantis episode that had a guy with similarly persuasive abilities. It was called Irresistable. Maybe now that Bloodclaw is gone, Twilight might return? [/tangent]
  13. Re: How to make the Loner feel not so Lonely? I think if you had this power you'd find that there is always more than one. Unless, of course, you are so reprehensible that good, decent people will have nothing to do with you (and even then there'd probably be a few sickos lining up).
  14. Re: How does your world handle Magic/Psi? * *J/K!
  15. Re: Military Eye for the Civilian Gal "Straighten those shoulders! How long have you been in the army?" There was another (not at that site) that showed (presumably) the same Lieutenant looking as scruffy as the soldier in the above picture. One of the enlisted men asks him "What happended to them sweeping changes you were gonna implement sir?"
  16. Re: Military Eye for the Civilian Gal I think I owe you an apology. You weren't offensive nor did you have that intent. I'm sorry that some folks got touchy about the subject. My own comments weren't at you at all, and I did mention that I have seen examples of Official Stupidity© in my years in the Air Force. Any veteran on this board who claims never to have seen so much as one self-impressed tin god in uniform either wasn't looking or needs glasses. @ my military bretheren: Cut her some slack, guys! She's young enough that virtually all of her military exposure has likely been from movies and TV. The Military Person Mad with Power™ has a long history in movies and fiction. Anybody remember General Ripper or General Turgidson? How about those generals from Spies like Us who wanted to start WWIII? @ Balabanto: I guess I wasn't clear that I approved of your plan for how Sergeant Superior might prank the PCs. Besides, with a name like Sgt Superior, I'd expect the guy to be at least somewhat smug and self-important. I just hope the PCs will show him up! --SSgt Baloo
  17. Re: That Mechanon fella jest ain't right: a roleplay question El Guapo? Oh! Oh! I want to play cheese, too!
  18. Re: How does your world handle Magic/Psi? During the Sixties ISTR a lot of tolerance for belief in supernatural/psychic stuff. For example. the Bewitched TV series used "witchcraft" as a metaphor for race relations, religious tolerance, etc. I suspect that at some point the majority of people would begin to see the PSU as a "hate group" and people with magic or psionics would start to gain the level of acceptance that regular supers do. Of course, not everyone is going to feel the same way, but that's what secret societies are for!
  19. Re: Military Eye for the Civilian Gal [quibble: minor] As a retired veteran (20 years USAF) I really get tired of seeing military people portrayed as powermad, evil (or at least petty) tyrants. [/quibble] Having said that, I've seen my share of Uniformed Dolts™ and have to agree that there is *some* basis for the stereotype. I think Balabanto has presented a pretty good idea. If the heroes don't catch on as quickly as you'd like, you can always have one of them discover whatever device is being used whan perfoming teardown maintenance on whatever communications device is being tapped.
  20. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... :rofl: I'd rep this whole exchange (Rockhead sounds like tons o' fun!) but I must spread some before I can. Would somebody swing their reptonfa on my behalf?
  21. Re: How to make the Loner feel not so Lonely? First of all, you weren't fishing. I'm old enough to know the difference between self-deprecation and things that might look like it. I just thought it needed saying. Even average-looking people are attractive, especially once you mature to the point that your hormones aren't jerking you around. Give yourself some credit. You come across like a good, decent person. What's not to like?* *Not a pick-up-line. I'm pretty sure I'm "Old People" by your standards.
  22. Re: Confedrate Comics [Emphasis added] My mother had a friend with a "colored" maid back in the '50s. Her friend allowed as she had no prejudices and would even sit and drink tea with her maid on occasion, so long as the maid continued to "know her place". Even well-meaning people in your CSA setting who get that there is injustice going on may start from a position of "Well, a lot of 'em deserve what they get", making exceptions for the people they actually know. I still remember my dad shouting "Shoot 'em! Shoot 'em all!" at the TV during the Watts Riots. Don't misunderstand. That is not a good memory. You might do well to substitute "Non-White" for "Black" (or possibly "People of Color" or "POC" for short). To me, at least, it doesn't sound as incendiary. Also, My parents were both from the Deep South (Arkansas) and although my mom was open-minded about such things, My dad really hadn't gotten over much of his racial baggage until his experiences in California started to contradict the "Commonsense" (= racist B.S.) he had grown up with. [/soapbox]
  23. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares Mr. EDtv A Talking Appaloosa agrees to be the star of a reality TV series. The Road to Smallville John Harvey Kellogg opens a Sanitarium in Smallville Kansas shortly after a meteor shower sparks mysterious happenings. Saint Francis the Talking Mule A talking mule founds a monastic order.
  24. Re: How to make the Loner feel not so Lonely? Excellent advice! It seems I can't rep CourtFool enough (I've already tried today and have to spread some ). Read my reply to his first quote above.
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