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SSgt Baloo

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Everything posted by SSgt Baloo

  1. Re: So, Sixth Edition, has anyone reviewed it yet? So my question is: is it easier to use, about the same, or more complex than H5e?
  2. Re: "Superpowers" novel I read Soon I will be Invincible! earlier this year and enjoyed it a lot. Another one I just got from the library (just yesterday) is Who Can Save Us Now?, an anthology of superhero short stories by 22 different writers. So far it's pretty good.
  3. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... And done!
  4. Re: "Superpowers" novel I tried looking up Superpowers (the book) and got this website instead. Go fig!
  5. Re: Making up a current Day Germany for Champions.....
  6. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares Wild, Wild, West Side Story
  7. Re: Presence and Classes of Mind I love that movie!
  8. Re: "Neat" Pictures Russian Jet Cabrio I imagine putting the top up while airborne is out of the question?
  9. Re: Japan Plans Solar Space Powerplant to Beam Power to Earth It's about time somebody did it! If Americans weren't so paranoid about supervillains gaining control and microwaving random cities we might already have something of the sort in service by now. All you Eco-friendlies dreaming about hydrogen as the Fuel of the Future? Cheap electricity will help make that dream come true, and unlike hydroelectric power, we won't have to flood an existing ecosystem to get the juice.
  10. Re: I killed a PC. I had one brick character die a spectacularly disastrous death. Understanding that nuclear weapons are precision instruments which will not go nuclear if anything sets the explosive off besides the precisely-timed detonators within it, I broke open the case preparatory to removing the uranium core (that character was radiation resistant). The GM, knowing perfectly well that any bomb will explode to maximum effect if hit with any sort of hammer, had the bomb detonate to its full, nuclear effect. Of course, I knew that everyone else in the room had my specialized knowledge right up to the moment the GM almost gleefully announced: "The Bomb explodes, killing you and thousands of innocents! Write up new characters!" We fired him on the spot. We also habitually stopped and asked pointed questions regarding whether the GM's special knowledge agreed with the player's special knowledge before attempting to destroy anything more complex than an anvil.
  11. Re: My Demonic Housewife?? That depends. I'll bet she doesn't need the microwave to reheat leftovers.
  12. Re: Steampunk Star Wars (Needs Better Name) I believe you are perhaps confusing the term "Vaporware"? I think Steam Wars has a good ring to it. It also has the benefit of sounding enough like Star Wars that your players should get the idea without you having to spell things out for them. Of course, I myself have been known to be completely oblivious to the obvious on occasion*, so you still might have to explain things to some of them anyway. *I was over 40 before I realized how the phrase "watering the dog" came into common usage. Only when I caught my own dog having a drink from the toilet did the penny drop.
  13. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat NT: We've replaced the keyboards on everyone's computers with double-sided tape. Let's see if they notice the difference!
  14. Re: Champions 6th version I still miss 4th Ed. But I'll give 6th a once-over once it's in print.
  15. Re: Hero System Good Idea/Bad Idea... Good Idea: Iron Age Hero Bad Idea: Ironing Board Hero Good Idea: Bronze Age HERO Bad Idea: Brass Hat HERO Good Idea: Silver Age HERO Bad Idea: Silverware HERO Good Idea: Golden Age HERO Bad Idea: Golden Shower Hero
  16. Re: Military Eye for the Civilian Gal When I was still in the USAF, we were shown an official film that claimed the Border Patrol was the only Non-Military uniformed service. Of course, since things have been reorganized post-911, they may no longer be considered a uniformed service. My initial statement was made in good faith, despite the fact I don't seem to be finding any information to back my claim. The point is, there might be a non-military federal agency under whose auspices both civilian and military personell would be authorized to act in a law-enforcement capacity. Perhaps the Coast Guard might have been a better example?
  17. Re: Military Eye for the Civilian Gal Of course, just as the Border Patrol is a uniformed service with certain law enforcement powers and restricted jurisdiction, so might the Justice Brigade be a service to which military members may be assigned (when necessary) for the specific purpose of opposing super-powered threats. They might have jurisdiction wherever supervillains (however they are defined) are involved, and have very little power otherwise, apart from "Civilian Arrest" (however it is implemented in the locality in question).
  18. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares Oh, no, it's a dementor!! Where's my wand?!?
  19. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares It Came From Beneath the Sofa Creature from the African-American Lagoon Stargate Babies Dude, Where's my Corpse?
  20. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... If I hadn't already repped you this would have done it.
  21. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares Super Chicken Marsala Stargate: The Musical Sleepless in Supermegatopia The Day The Earth Stood Still Smokin It's either porn or about golf: The Fantastic Foursome Courtesy of Tom Lehrer: The Tropic of Calculus Probably been done, but: Band of Mario Brothers
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