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SSgt Baloo

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Everything posted by SSgt Baloo

  1. Re: Jokes So many T-shirts, so little time and money. He has more than one sister (or are they daughters?) I was married to one and dated the other. They're wonderful at the start, but after a while they drop the fasçade.
  2. Re: What Have You Watched Recently? This (on Robot Chicken): Weird Al Yankovic - Weasel Stomping Day
  3. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... Any campaign where you get to fight Space Nazis deserves rep! (Repped.)
  4. Re: Golden Age Heroes... I just looked at "My Blog" and I don't quite understand how to get started. Is there a manual? ETA: Never mind, I figured it out.
  5. Re: Campaign Idea . . . almost. I am reminded of the character called in to fix the wiring in House II, the Second Story, portrayed by John Ratzenberger. "There's your problem. Looks like you've got some kind of alternate universe in there or something."
  6. Re: Golden Age Heroes... It seems that the web pages referenced in the OP are going away Real Soon, Now. If anyone would like, you may save whatever you can with my permission. The only caveat is that when I finally get my own computer again, someone (anyone) please send me copies of what you preserved. Thank you.
  7. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares Meet the Swiss Family Robinson Lots in Space (the story of a real-estate agent in the Asteroid belt.) Send Me No Flowers for Algernon The X-Philes (Two FBI agents police the pornography industry.) Mr. Ed, Edd, and Eddy Heaven can Wait on Godot Mr. Kafka Goes to Washington Daddy Daycare: the Hellraiser Files
  8. Re: Things You'd See in a World Full of Supers... NIMH has a lot to answer for. Repped. Ideas stolen benchmarked from The Wrong Door: Superhero Tryouts Super Sandwich, the superhero whose sole power is the ability to create an absolutely terrific sandwich to order, without any ingredients to start with. The adult entertainment industry might have a slightly different character, but maybe not. Certainly some of the actors might have meta-abilities that aren't really "superpowers" except in that context. The homeless would probably come in a larger, more colorful variety than they already do. I always thought that a super-strong hero might have a custom-built bicycle manufactured for him by a custom motorcycle company. Try riding any normal bicycle at 60 MPH for any length of time and you'll get the idea. Likewise, human-powered aircraft might be slightly more common. I suspect any hero capable of propelling his pedi-plane faster than about 100 kph (or therabouts) would either have to file an exception with the FAA or obtain a licence (and a type certificate, if he's gonna be carrying passengers). Depending upon how common metahuman children are, the signs denoting school zones and crosswalks might be different. The school crossing guard might have a bit more ability to enforce the rules.
  9. I was just wondering what sort of things you might see in a world full of supers. This could be either something you thought of right now, some time ago, or something you put in your own campaign. In one campaign I ran, there was a "Mutant Ghetto" in many larger towns. Mutants gathered together for social, moral, and even financial support for one another, in much the way gay communities coalesced a few decades ago. In one such Mutant-town, the local heroes gained a following among the younger mutants when they opened their headquarters in the neighborhood and started making friends with the locals. In that neighborhood, you might see a boy (he'd be in his 30s by now) with Moose Antlers. In another such world, you might have seen some guy panhandling on the streetcorner, unshaven, wearing less-than-pristine tights and cape and holding a sign that read: "I used to have superpowers but my archenemy took them away from me. Please help!" Would anyone else care to share?
  10. Re: I superhero photomanip-ed myself. I agree with DusterBoy! You can't really prove you've been to Armageddon without pictures (and maybe a few autographs).
  11. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine ... I'd rep ya but I gotta spread it a little.
  12. Re: Making up a current Day Germany for Champions..... How about a squad? Then he can sit back and give helpful advice to his cannon fodder underlings.
  13. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares Full. Of. Win! Repped.
  14. Re: What Have You Watched Recently? Meet Dave.
  15. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares It Happened One Night at the Opera It Happened One Night at the Roxbury
  16. Re: Jokes I was unable to extract that bit of information from that chicken or I'd tell you.
  17. Re: Jokes Kitchen Tips for Bachelors*: The absorbent pad in the bottom of the meat package is not reusable. Throw it away. Never, EVER fry chicken in your underwear. It doesn't matter how much that cut of meat cost you. If you left it on the counter overnight, throw it away. If you can't identify an object you just removed from the refrigerator or freezer because it's covered in green fuzz, it doesn't matter what it used to be. Pitch it. Never fry anything marinated in fat-free dressing. It welds whatever was marinated in it to the pan. * I learned these things through personal experience. #2 is especially important!
  18. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... That is soooo repped!
  19. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... :rofl: Repped!
  20. Re: "Neat" Pictures Spoilered for mild "bad language".
  21. Re: Earth x DC Comics like setting In a world with Supers, it's not inconceivable that among Der Führer's minions might be an Überschiffserbauer (Super-Shipwright) with a dedicated corps of skilled laborers to rapidly build the necessary vessels. With giant green Nazi Gorillas to do the heavy lifting, Operation Seelöwe might have gotten off on schedule.
  22. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine Bad pun! No cookie! (Repped)
  23. Re: Earth x DC Comics like setting Maybe Nazi Germany had more giant green Nazi gorillas in that timeline?
  24. Re: Masked Crimefighters And The Bill Of Rights Concealing the identity of undercover cops isn't done when the case is being prosecuted in court. At that time, it is revealed that "Moose" is actually Officer Rocko, of the Investigating Law Enforcement Agency (ILEA). Undercover cops testify as themselves, but it is also established that, while presenting himself as "Moose", he was actualloy in the employ of the ILEA, and while doing so, he witnessed the events he is testifying about. Superheroes interested in preserving their secret IDs probably don't operate that way. Rather, they must rely on providing police with tips and other assistance so the police can find sufficient evidence to convict.
  25. Re: Update to 6ed? I recommend H6 (or H6.1) and H6.2. The supplements can each have their own number after the dot based on when it finally becomes available. Hint: I'm STILL waiting for Golden Age Champions, a vaporbook if ever there was one.
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