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SSgt Baloo

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Everything posted by SSgt Baloo

  1. Re: "Neat" Pictures Hey! Harry Potter enlisted! ETA: I just realized, those guys are Marines!
  2. Re: A Thread for Random Videos Nah! Teh Bunneh only looks sweet. Anyone who knows, realizes teh Bunneh's heart is black as sin and smells of brimstone. Teh Bunneh is deh ebbil!
  3. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares Riffing on Saturday Mornings, combined with not-Saturday-morning elements: Kukla Fran and Oliver North Super Friends of Carlotta Johnny Quest for the Lost Ark Pinky and the Brain that Wouldn't Die Scooby Doo and the Lost Planet Airmen And one last take on Scooby: Scooby Doo, When are You?
  4. Re: Super Zeroes Mouse-Man: Mouse-man has the ability to communicate with mice! Unfortunately, mice aren't very bright and have terribly short attention spans, so that even though he can command mice to do his bidding, they are easily and quickly distracted and therefore they rarely follow through unless Mouse-Man is right there to remind them. Mouse-Man has wisely decided to use his abilities for entertainment purposes only, and is moderately famous for his trained mice act.
  5. Re: A Thread for Random Videos Is this for real or is it a pastiche cobbled together from serials? Oh, G-d! Just when I forget how bad TV was during the seventies, someone reminds me again!!!
  6. Re: Range: Sensory It just occurred to me that, in some versions, Perseus was able to view Medusa's reflection in his shield without harm, thus enabling him to fight her without actually gazing directly upon her. How come she's vulnerable to her own reflection?
  7. Re: Free-flying cyborg insects steered from a distance I was thinking much the same thing.
  8. Re: Quote of the Week From My Life. Pavlov would be so proud. I'd rep you but I must spread some first.
  9. I've always had a soft spot for marginally super heroes and would like to brainstorm with everyone here to come up with more than a few. Note: This isn't about "Reals", so "parking meter man" had better have a power more exotic (if not necessarily any more powerful) than a pocket full of change. My first entry: Captain Fits-and-Starts! Captain Fits-and-Starts has the power of intermittent super-speed. In practical terms he is able to teleport to anywhere within walking distance (so long as he could otherwise walk there by foot). While the movement itself is instantaneous, he must wait several seconds before he can do it again. Captain Fits-and-Starts is otherwise a normal, slightly out-of-shape middle-aged man. His only superfeats thus far are the rescue of a child about to be run down by a car, and the foiling of a purse-snatcher.
  10. Re: Things You'd See in a World Full of Supers... I just had a passing thought. Can you imagine just how HUGE BtBO's cowpats would have been? At least you wouldn't have to worry about stepping in one (unless you're Paul Bunyan), but you might have a long hike ahead to detour around one.
  11. Re: Things You'd See in a World Full of Supers...
  12. Re: What Have You Watched Recently? Monsters vs Aliens As a lonstanding fan of cheesy science fiction movies (I been watching 'em since age 3, in1961), I loved this flick on so many levels I don't know where to begin. ...So I won't.
  13. Re: What Have You Watched Recently? The Wrong Door Favorite bit? Probably this
  14. Re: What Have You Watched Recently? Turnabout (1940) What an unusual gender-bending tale from the '40s. Bickering husband and wife Tim and Sally Willows mutter a few angry words to a statue of a djinn and wind up exchanging bodies. How it got past the censors of the day is a complete mystery, as the subject matter would have been considered quite risqué.
  15. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine Brass Monkey is full of WIN!! Have some rep!
  16. Re: Cool Guns for your Games The muzzle blast alone should discourage all but the very stupidest of bears. Snubbies can be fairly accurate in the hands of someone who knows his stuff (and has practiced extensively with that gun).
  17. Re: I am so unbelievably proud...!! That is so very cool! You've got quite a bright kid there, Duke Bushido. I'd rep you (and by extension, your daughter) but I'm still repped out from yesterday.
  18. Re: Jokes A newlywed was preparing a roast for her new husband and wasn't certain how to proceed. She called her mother and asked how to prepare the roast. Mom's instructions began: "Cut the ends off the roast...". The daughter thought this was odd, and asked her mother why it was done this way. After thinking about it a minute, Mom could think of no answer but remembered that this was how her mother always did it. They called Grandma and asked why she cut the ends off the roast, but she didn't know either. All she knew was that her mother had always done it that way. Fortunately, Great-grandma was still alive and alert enough to ask. Her answer? "When I was young, the only roasting pan we had was too small, so I cut the ends off the roast so it would fit."
  19. Re: Jokes A man went to see his doctor and said "Doc, I want to be castrated." The doctor found this hard to believe, and talked to the man for over an hour, trying to talk him out of it. No matter what the doctor said, the man insisted that he wanted to be castrated. Finally, the doctor gave in and scheduled the man for surgery. As they wheeled the man out of the operating room, he spotted a friend of his waiting to go in. "Phil! What are you doing here? I didn't know you were sick." "I'm not sick. I just wanted to be circumcised." "Dammit! That's the word!"
  20. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine I googled "Knights in white Spandex" and the first hit was this.
  21. Re: Walking Network Guy Good question. I'm subscribing to this thread.
  22. Re: Quote of the Week From My Life. When my ex-wife was leaving me (for the last time) she threatened me by saying "I know people who could have you killed." My response was "You do and I'll haunt you for the rest of your life." I knew she believed in ghosts, and the look on her face was priceless.
  23. Re: Things You'd See in a World Full of Supers...
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