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SSgt Baloo

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Everything posted by SSgt Baloo

  1. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... I finally spread enough to get him for both of us. Or maybe just for me?
  2. Re: I have a dream. (and MAN was it wierd!) That reminds me of the time I dreamed that I had learned how to use telekinesis. I was wandering through a huge junkyard and was lifting successively larger objects until I reached a limit of 17 tons (in the dream I lifted a truck that I knew weighed exactly that much). Later in the dream I had learned how to fly. When I awoke, I was so convinced that I had learned the secret of telekinesis that I stared sternly at a Bic lighter, willing it to move. After about 20 minutes, I finally started to feel embarrassed that I had been wasting my time trying to do the impossible, and was glad there were no witnesses to my stupidity.
  3. Re: I have a dream. (and MAN was it wierd!) It's been a while, but I've been having this recurring theme in my dreams. At first, things seem "normal", but then little "puffs" of gossamer stuff (like little clumps of spiderweb or dandelion fluff) starts descending from the sky. Whenever it get's wet, it activates and begins converting whatever living matter it touches into an alien life form. Somehow I am immune, and although I keep trying to warn people to watch out for the stuff, eventually, people become infected. People don't change physically, but they become part of the hive mind that is the invading ecosystem, and start hunting down the "unprocessed" so they can become integrated with the hive mind. At some point in the dream, I begin skipping backwards in time to counter the invasion, but with limited success. Sometimes I discover the way to stop the invasion, while in other dreams I can't figure out how to stop it from happening. The last time I had this dream, I kept trying to stop the invasion, but the hive-mind people captured me. I convinced the hive-mind not to kill me because I could time travel, and was therefore a valuable resource. My intent was to wait until I could time travel again (it comes and goes) and leap backwards far enough to enlist the help of scientists to develop a defense against the invasion.
  4. Re: "Neat" Pictures Boo-hiss! Somebody rep this guy for me. I'm still out from yesterday.
  5. Re: Jokes A grasshopper walks into a bar and hops up onto a stool. The bartender says "Hey! We have a drink named after you!" The grasshopper replies "Who'd want a drink called 'Bob'?"
  6. What "kinds" of bulletproof can you think of and how do you make it happen? Back in 4th ed., you had to have 12 rPD to be minimally "bulletproof". You suffered no permanent harm from 2d6K or less. Of course, due to the stun lottery you might still be KO-ed or KS-ed (KO = Knock Out, KS = Knocked silly or "con stunned"). How much more does it take to be unphased by typical firearms? (Extra credit: stat out the "bursting shell" that nothing short of can penetrate GA Superman's skin.)
  7. Re: Things You'd See in a World Full of Supers... A restraining order against Carbonation-Man from using his powers until he can prove he's carbon-neutral. Animal Control officers frequently outwitted by intelligent dogs and cats. Civil rights marches for the escaped rats from NIMN. Superguy fined for failing to clean up after supermutt left a steamer on the Dog Catcher's front porch.
  8. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares Tigger, Pooh, and Eddie Krueger too. Scooby Does Dallas Shaggy Dog Soldiers The Rocky Horror Slide Show King of the Beverly Hillbillies Babes in Toyland of the Giants Attack of the 50-foot Womanizer Earth Versus the Flying Wallendas The Day the Earth Still Stood Mr. Ed goes to Washington TaleSpin: Unrated
  9. Re: Quote of the Week From My Life. Overheard in a discussion of aviation safety: Another one I overheard: One more from a translation of OPR (Officer Performance Report) terms into plain English:
  10. Re: A Thread for Random Videos Strange Cloud ver Moscow
  11. Re: What Have You Watched Recently? Bizzarre Dinosaurs, Dinosaurs Decoded, and Prehistoric Predators (hyaenadon and entelodont episodes) on the National Geographic Channel. Great dream-fuel for me, possible nightmare fuel for others.
  12. Re: A Thread for Random Videos I never saw this Family Guy Episode
  13. Re: A Thread for Random Videos What if Star Wars was made by a bunch of guys without a budget? It would probably look something like this. Not bad, given the production values.
  14. Re: What Have You Watched Recently? Dogfights on History International. The Death of the Luftwaffe episode.
  15. Re: Super Zeroes Leisure Suit Larry: Short, balding, brash and somewhat homely, Leisure Suit Larry is inexplicably attractive to the opposite sex.
  16. Re: A Thread for Random Videos I am completely appalled. Laughing, but appalled.
  17. Re: What Have You Watched Recently? The Day the Earth Stood Still (the classic version, not the Keanu Reeves snoozer.) Favorite scene: Two doctors are discussing how amazing it is that Klaatu appears to be only 35 (he's 85-?) and how long-lived his people are while lighting up cigarettes.
  18. Re: What Have You Watched Recently? Earth vs the Flying Saucers
  19. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares The Day the Earth Stood Still Smoking Cheech and Chong portray Klaatu and Gort in this rollicking remake.
  20. Re: Super Zeroes Inconspicuous Man Joe Dokes is an average-looking middle-aged man. So much so that even his wife is hard-pressed to describe him in any detail. Inconspicuous Man's power is to be... well, inconspicuous. People he works with every day will recognize him only if they're actually looking at him. Facial recognition software always seems to draw a blank when confronted with his physiognomy. Unless actually looking directly at him, most people quickly forget he's even in the room. Help me out here, folks. What could this guy do for a living? Note that he is not a villain and that even if he bothered to wear a costume, no-one is likely to accurately remember what he looked like. This extends to film and other media. His image is somewhat ambiguous whether he's viewed by electronic means or photography. People can see somebody in the picture, they can even describe him, but someone looking at the image and then at him would not necessarily know they were the same person. I imagine that he has a difficult time cashing checks even at his own bank.
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