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Everything posted by Pariah

  1. Q: Wow, Adam West really sucks as Batman, doesn't he? A: Missed it by that much!
  2. He's still upset that that Pope after John Paul didn't choose the Papal name George Ringo. NEW TOPIC: What's for dinner at Avengers Tower tonight?
  3. They have some lingonberry jam I've been wanting to taste.
  4. Drinking papers and grading whiskey again, are we?
  5. I moved out to Langley recently With a plain and simple dream Wanna infiltrate some third-world place And topple their regime Those men in black with their matching suitcases Where everything's on a need-to-know basis Agents got that swagger Everyone's so cloak and dagger I'm feelin' nervous and I'm really kinda wishin' For an undercover mission That's when the red alert came on the radio And I put me earpiece on Got my dark sunglasses on And I had my weapon drawn So I grab my handcuffs, my cyanide pills, my classified dossier Tappin' the phones like yeah, shreddin' the files like yeah I memorized all the enemy spies I've gotta neutralize today Yeah, It's a party in the CIA Yeah, it's a party in the CIA I've done a couple of crazy things That have almost gotten me dismissed Like terminate some head of state Who wasn't even on my list Burn that microfilm, buddy, will you? I'd tell you why, but then I'd have to kill you You need a quickie confession We'll start a waterboardin' session No hurry on this South American dictator I'll assassinate him later That's when he walked right in my laser sights And my silencer was on (Phew!) And my silencer was on (Phew! Phew!) And another target's gone Yeah, we got our black ops all over the world From Kazakhstan to Bombay Payin' the bribes like yeah, pluggin' the leaks like yeah Interrogating the scum of the Earth We'll break 'em by the break of day Yeah, it's a party in the CIA Yeah, it's a party in the CIA Need a country destabilized? Look no further, we're your guys We've got snazzy suits and ties And a better dental plan than the FBI's Better put your hands up and get in the van Or else you'll get blown away Stagin' a coup like yeah, brainwashin' moles like yeah We only torture the folks we don't like You're probably gonna be okay Yeah, it's a party in the CIA Yeah, it's a party in the CIA
  6. It's just branded IKEA. I'll have to check to see who actually manufactures it.
  7. All the gold in California Is in a bank in the middle of Beverly Hills In somebody else's name So if you're dreaming about California It don't matter at all where you've played before California's a brand new game
  8. IKEA's milk chocolate with hazelnuts is also pretty good. I'm more a dark chocolate guy overall, though.
  9. The stuff they have at IKEA. Good stuff, especially the dark chocolate.
  10. You Swedes make good chocolate, I'll give you that.
  11. "Alpha" by Vangelis (from The Music of Cosmos)
  12. You know that your neighbour is a Canadian agent because although he is insufferably polite, there are a ton of Molson cans in the back of his black van, eh?
  13. What the [REDACTED] are you thinking, you [REDACTED] piece of [REDACTED]?!
  14. You mean Christina HenDDricks? He has the traditional costume, but due to copyright/licensing issues, he has Forbush Man's power set.
  15. Possum. (Side note: Why did the chicken cross the road? To prove to the possum that it could be done.) New Topic: Unexpected twists in the upcoming Captain America movie.
  16. Good Idea: Feeding stray kittens in the park. Bad Idea: Feeding stray kittens in the park . . . to a bear.
  17. You now know exactly what makes Deadpool tick.
  18. That pheromone control didn't work so well on Power Girl. Who would've thought a broken arm could be so painful?! New Topic: Non-superhero fictional characters you'd like to see with superpowers. (Example: Tim 'The Tool Man' Taylor with Iron Man's armor.)
  19. There once was a man, his name was Magellan A Portuguese skipper, the girls found him cute He sailed with five ships to find the East Indies Then come back to Spain with a bounty of loot Whoopie-ti-yi-yo, O happy Magellan! Starting your journey with hardly a care Whoopie-ti-yi-yo, strong brave Magellan You'll find the East Indies, you just don't know where They crossed the Atlantic and spotted a country Magellan said, "It's the East Indies at last!" But then someone shouted, "Hey, that's Argentina!" Magellan got cranky and chopped down the mast Whoopie-ti-yi-yo, settle down Magellan Put down that axe, there's no time to despair Whoopie-ti-yi-yo, keep trying Magellan You'll find the East Indies, you just don't know where A great storm arose in the mighty Pacific The five little ships were diminished to three At last land was sighted, Magellan was happy But then someone shouted, "Hey, that's Chile" Whoopie-ti-yi-yo, cheer up Magellan Check out your map and don't tear out your hair Whoopie-ti-yi-yo, keep trying Magellan You'll find the East Indies, you just don't know where It took them five months but they crossed the Pacific They spotted a land that was dotted with palms Magellan proclaimed "Yes, that's the East Indies!" But then someone shouted, "Hey, I think that's Guam!" Ay-ay-ay-ay, Oops Magellan Your fun little journey's become a nightmare Whoopie-ti-yi-yo, keep trying Magellan You'll find the East Indies, you just don't know where They sailed due West to the Philippine Islands Magellan was pleased as the natives grew near But then someone shouted, "I think they're attacking!" Magellan said, "What?" and got hit by a spear Whoopie-ti-yi-yo, farewell Magellan! You almost made it, it's really not fair Whoopie-ti-yi-yo, O Ghost of Magellan the East Indies Islands were right over there
  20. You tell me that you've got everything you want And your bird can sing But you don't get me, you don't get me You say you've seen Seven Wonders And your bird is green But you can't see me, you can't see me When your prized possessions start to weigh you down Look in my direction, I'll be 'round, I'll be 'round When your bird is broken will it bring you down You may be awoken, I'll be 'round, I'll be 'round You tell me that you've heard every sound there is And your bird can swing But you can't hear me, you can't hear me
  21. Breathe deep the gathering gloom Watch lights fade from every room Bed-sitter people look back and lament Another day's useless energy spent Impassioned lovers wrestle as one Lonely man cries for love and has none A new mother picks up and suckles her son And senior citizens wish they were young Cold-hearted orb that rules the night Removes the colours from our sight Red is grey, and yellow white But we decide which is right And which is an illusion
  22. Sweet child of innocence Living in the present tense Father Time will take his toll Rack your body and steal your soul What became of all the years Are you drowning in your tears Who will catch you when you fall Who will hear you when you call I will comfort you, take your hand and see you through I will take you through the door Who do you think you are Try to live forever and you won't get far I wait behind your door Makes no difference if you're rich or poor Though you're weary and afraid Still you try to flee my blade Come and walk in my new land If you'll only take my hand I will comfort you, take your hand and see you through I will take you through the door In the image of those who have walked before me here I am cast in the web of an ancient spell I am holding on to life, I'm drifting in the stream Everything's much clearer now We live within a dream and never wake Judge not by what you see More than you can count are here with me Give up your foolish pride All that walk the earth have died! What became of all the years Are you drowning in your tears Who will catch you when you fall Who will hear you when you call I will comfort you, take your hand and see you through I will take you through the door
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