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Everything posted by Pariah

  1. With lots of pictures. Then Little Boy Pariah can read it to me.
  2. I enjoyed the few pages of the one I've read so far.... (I've done almost no non-school-related reading in the past year. It's sad, really.)
  3. I prefer cores to be hard. Like Ni-Fe.
  4. You know how to make holy water, don't you?
  5. I dream in 8-bit. New Topic: What your favorite superhero orders at the all-you-can-eat buffet.
  6. It's April, and I still couldn't pick him/her out of a police lineup.
  7. On certain nights When the angles are right And the moon is a slender crescent It's circle shows In a ghostly glow Of earthly luminescence Earthshine A beacon in the night I can raise my eyes to Earthshine Earthshine A jewel out of reach Form a dream to rise to Earthshine Floating high In the evening sky I see my faint reflection Pale facsimile Like what others see When they look in my direction Earthshine Stretching out your hand Full of starlit diamonds Earthshine Reflected light To another's sight And the moon tells a lover's story My borrowed face And my third hand grace Only reflect your glory You're still out of reach Form a dream to rise to Earthshine
  8. Wow, that's a profound lack of interest right there.
  9. What you did there, I see it.
  10. We do what we're told We do what we're told We do what we're told Told to do
  11. Q - Hey, I've got a date with Zooey Deschanel! How cool is that? A - He's waltzing with the penguin again, isn't he?
  12. Teleportation. It's not that much more expensive than Running, really, and having Fixed Locations would make it easy to get to the office. NEW TOPIC: Subtle signs that Petey the Stone Cold Penguin, the official mascot of the sport of Curling, is now your Representative in Congress / Parliament / Althing / whatever.
  13. You're not from around here, are you?
  14. Borrowed from our old friend bunneh: Q: What's black and doesn't work?
  15. If we're not having fun, why are we here?
  16. Yeah, I introduced the kids to it the other day. My two-and-a-half year old son has started using the phrase "monkey stuff".
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