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Everything posted by Pariah

  1. Q - How is it that none of you simians can do a simple calorimetry calculation?! A - I'd be surprised if that's really what happened.
  2. Life hangs now before me, Some faint and hollow dream. Things I may remember, And some I haven't seen. Chivalry and valor, Have gone the way of pride. The tide is slowly turning, And there's nowhere left to hide. My thought turns to the common man, The lights gone from their eyes. Beneath their tattered robes, They hide the pieces of their lives. The time has changed from magic, To a world of human ways. An old magician wrings his hands, And begs for yesterday. Pull the knife out slowly Lord; Let me join your alibi. With Godliness on our side, Surely we can't tell a lie. Pull the knife out slowly Lord; Let me revel in your pain. The sacrifice of progress, Will destroy all that remains... The sounds that still remind me, Of the voices of the past; The wind that blows behind me, And the shattering of glass. The days are surely numbered, And the hours growing long. The echoes fade behind me, Like some old forgotten song. Pull the knife out slowly Lord; Let me join your alibi. With Godliness on our side, Surely we can't tell a lie. Pull the knife out slowly Lord; Let me revel in your pain. The sacrifice of progress, Will destroy all that remains... All that remains And all that is now And all that we were before Days gone by forgotten, In ageless books and plays. The values of the ancients, Elude us to this day. A final word of warning, From the ashes of the past. What is put up in a hurry, Can surely never last. Pull the knife out slowly Lord; Let me join your alibi. With Godliness on our side, Surely we can't tell a lie. Pull the knife out slowly Lord; Let me revel in your pain. The sacrifice of progress, Will destroy all that remains...
  3. Oh the white folks hate the black folks, And the black folks hate the white folks. To hate all but the right folks Is an old established rule. But during National Brotherhood Week, National Brotherhood Week, Lena Horne and Sheriff Clarke are dancing cheek to cheek. It's fun to eulogize the people you despise, As long as you don't let 'em in your schools. Oh, the poor folks hate the rich folks, And the rich folks hate the poor folks. All of my folks hate all of your folks, It's American as apple pie. But during National Brotherhood Week, National Brotherhood Week, New Yorkers love the Puerto Ricans 'cause it's very chic. Step up and shake the hand of someone you can't stand. You can tolerate him if you try. Oh, the Protestants hate the Catholics, And the Catholics hate the Protestants, And the Hindus hate the Moslems, And everybody hates the Jews. But during National Brotherhood Week, National Brotherhood Week, It's national everyone-smile-at-one-another-hood week. Be nice to people who are inferior to you. It's only for a week, so have no fear. Be grateful that it doesn't last all year!
  4. Dancing bears, painted wings, Things I almost remember, And a song someone sings Once upon a December. Someone holds me safe and warm. Horses prance through a silver storm. Figures dancing gracefully Across my memory... Someone holds me safe and warm. Horses prance through a silver storm. Figures dancing gracefully Across my memory... Far away, long ago, Glowing dim as an ember, Things my heart used to know, Things it yearns to remember... And a song Someone sings Once upon a December
  5. Q - Wouldn't it be nice to see a return of the Bull Moose Party this election cycle? A - I've never seen someone so excited about felt.
  6. . . . then they'll be even angrier when Hillary is elected?
  7. Q - What do you mean, 'Zeus has a time share in Tahiti'? A - That should be illegal, except in Saskatchewan.
  8. "Mr. P., how do we _____ ?" "What does your procedure say to do?" Must be lab day.
  9. Q - Wow, I never knew Heaven had such an awesome barbecue pit! I hope you'll be serving the slow-roasted wild boar soon! A - The sky looks threatening. And I'm not talking about the weather.
  10. A. "Nominate a Supreme Court Justice" should be in there somewhere as well. B. Given the large number of prominent Republicans who have already expressed that they won't be endorsing or supporting Trump (Romney, McCain, both Presidents Bush, et. al.), I don't know that any of this matters. I expect he, like the rest of us, will be watching what President Clinton does in her first 100 days.
  11. He promised a night to remember Oh, and she knows it will be A happy little celebration For their seventh anniversary Her new dress is cut a bit lower Her lips a brighter shade of red She spent all day setting those blonde curls Tonight she's gonna knock him dead She's gonna show him how The fire's burning now Her heart beats faster as she thinks back on that day When he vowed they'd stay together To have and hold her in his heart She promised him forever Until death do us part Sealed with a tender kiss She can't help but reminisce and smile No doubt, this will be a night to remember They drive to the top of the canyon And pull right up to the edge They have dinner up above those city lights With a bloodless moon overhead There's a distance in her emerald eyes Her voice is a little cold As he takes another sip from his champagne glass He wonders could she know Hidden inside her coat Are letters his lover wrote Her heart beats faster as she asks him to remember When he vowed they'd stay together To have and hold her in his heart She promised him forever Until death do us part Sealed with a final kiss She can't help but reminisce and smile No doubt, this will be a night to remember She whispers in his ear and tells him that she knows She throws the car in gear, plunging to the earth below She whispers in his ear and tells him that she knows She throws the car in gear, it blossoms like a fiery rose He vowed they'd stay together To have and hold her in his heart She promised him forever Until death do us part Sealed with a fateful kiss Love takes a fatal twist No doubt, this will always be a night to remember
  12. Sadie got a sixgun She ain't afraid to use it The banker took us straight down To the safe, and I blew it The Sheriff heard a big bang In the broad daylight And by the time the smoke cleared We were nowhere in sight Sadie got a Mustang An old '64 Sadie got the top down And her foot to the floor Lights in the rear view Got the fuzz on our tail You better give me that scatter gun , baby I ain't going back to jail Sadie got a hideout Off of 71 We'll count up all the money We'll ditch the car and the guns Sadie said she loves me I'll always be her man And I'll see you in Rio, honey We got to stick to the plan I woke up in the hay loft To the rooster's crow No sign of Sadie No sign of the dough I'm headed to the airport I got a little brass key I got a ticket and a passport In locker 32-B Open up the blue box There ain't nothing inside I been played like a fiddle I been taken for a ride Sadie made a phone call In the middle of the night They got the place surrounded With the black and white I got myself a hostage In a Delta skirt Just do as I tell you And nobody gets hurt Show me where your car's parked You're gonna have to drive 'Cause I'll be hiding in the back seat With a forty-five Get me through the roadblock You better drive real slow You better play your cards right And I'll let you go And I hear my heart pounding Just as fast as it can I hear the copper asking Have you seen this man? Delta kept her mouth shut Like a good girl should And you're free to go now 'Cause you done real good Now I got a suitcase And a thumb in the air I don't know where I'm going And I don't really care Bubba got a big rig And an empty seat We're headed to Laredo It's all right with me I'll check into a hotel In old Mexico I got to wait until it cools down I'm gonna lay a little low Well I don't miss the money I don't miss the guns But I sure miss Sadie Even after all she's done Yeah, Sadie left me hanging And she told a lot of lies Well it's true what they say, boys, True love never dies True, true love True, true love
  13. There used to be a Japanese fast food restaurant in Denver called Tokyo Bowl. They had the best noodle dishes.
  14. Half-price pizza: One of the underappreciated perks of being a teacher.
  15. No, just venting. If this weekend was a fish, I'd throw it back.
  16. There's going to be a Deadpool movie. (Wait, there's already been a Deadpool movie? Deadpool? Seriously!?)
  17. Quickstep - She dances her way around the villains!
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