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Everything posted by Pariah

  1. The episode was titled "200" and was literally just an excuse for the writers and actors to spend an hour lampshading the show's various tropes, poking fun at everything from Star Trek to Farscape to the Wizard of Oz, and generally ignoring the fourth wall. It was amazing. And hilarious.
  2. Yeah, that sounds about right. I love how SG1 riffed on Star Trek in that 200th episode.
  3. That's hardly scandal material. The Trek Universe is all about free love and such. It's only a scandal if Kirk bedding some space floozy results in a violation of the Prime Directive.
  4. They already did a Star Trek-Stargate crossover. It was called "Stargate SG1 Season 1". Seriously, so many plots recycled from Star Trek. The only thing missing was Carter in one of those miniskirt things.
  5. I can't stay away from this thread. I keep trying, but....
  6. Theory is when you know everything, but nothing works. Practice is when everything works, but nobody knows why. In our lab, theory meets practice: Nothing works, and nobody knows why.
  7. I'm quite certain I have no idea what you're talking about.
  8. "I hope it's not too spicy, or I've just wasted a sausage."
  9. Do they have lawyers on Themyscira?
  10. I think we've seen that one before.
  11. You do not understand. But you will.
  12. I had an Education professor in college who had done time at UT-Austin, and his research subject was standardized testing. His conclusion was that standardized tests at ANY level--elementary, high school, university, post-doc, whatever--are really only good for one thing: Predicting how the student would do on other standardized tests. The more I administer these things as part of my job, and the more I have to take them, the more convinced I become that he's dead right.
  13. (OFF-TOPIC: ...and I'm fresh out of Likes for the day.)
  14. On the Internet, how does one really know?
  15. Hermit gets off the fence. Chad wears pants. Pariah and Lady P get a good night's sleep.
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