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Everything posted by Pariah

  1. I'm also feeling a little disgusted. Faced with a choice between the two least-liked, least trusted, and arguably least qualified candidates in my lifetime, we as a nation didn't have the spine to get even one electoral vote to someone else. We fell for the whole Two-Party thing yet again--hook, line, and sinker. We got what we deserved, I suppose. It reminds me of the old saying: If you always do what you've always done, you'll always get what you've always got. So I'll be the first to say it: Johnson-Weld in 2020!
  2. Point of order: That switch didn't fail. It did exactly what it was designed to do.
  3. That assertion really floored me, you know?
  4. So now that the election has been definitively settled, at what point do we go back to having open, unmoderated conversations about the state of politics in our country?
  5. It's called 'nucleosynthesis'.
  6. The idea has potential, don't you think?
  7. Why such old jokes? Can't we have something a bit more current?
  8. How so? None of the previous three did.
  9. Because baseball season is mercifully over (162 games plus the postseason? Seriously?) and they aren't bored with the NBA yet.
  10. Because when you can balance a tack hammer on your head, you'll be able to head off your foes with a balanced attack.
  11. Q: Yeah, she was hot, in a creepy, gothic sort of way. What ever happened to her, anyway? You think she got married? A: The Internet is busted. Again.
  12. Penguin and Sheepdog, respectively.
  13. What have you got against time, anyway?
  14. Q: Why is Mica the Mud Princess attacking us?! A: Pigs don't have thumbs!
  15. Just use Kirchhoff's Laws! Simple premise, but in use Algebra fails me
  16. David Xanatos. The fact is that he's already won the election, but neither Trump nor Clinton have noticed yet. New Topic: In a surprising turn of events, the newest President of the United States is . . . Foxbat! What's his first official act as President?
  17. The Oakland Raiders are in sole possession of first place in the AFC West. New Topic: Subtle signs that the little old lady working the election at your local polling place is out of her mind.
  18. New Topic: Red songs and Blue songs.
  19. "Of the myriad unpleasant things that Ayn Rand might rightly be called, 'Communist' isn't one of them."
  20. She served as U.S. Attorney General for wight years under President Bill Clinton, only to die the day before Hillary Clinton is elected President. Ironic, I suppose.
  21. Some societies aren't advanced enough to give consent.
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