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Everything posted by Pariah

  1. I guess it's a good thing I haven't been on Facebook in a week and a half.
  2. Let's pretend I lived in Maryland. This says that instead of counting my vote, and the votes of other Marylanders, toward choosing the President, the State wants to use votes cast in places like in Texas, California, Florida, and New York to choose the President. Way to surrender your sovereign rights as a State of the Union, Maryland. Why would ANYONE think this is a good idea?
  3. The article I read yesterday (which I can't find at the moment) has Sanders specifically telling the Democrats in Congress to get out of Washington D.C and go see how real working people in America live. I think that's sound advice for all elected leaders.
  4. Bernie Sanders Just Blasted the Democratic Party for Trump’s Victory
  5. Rickrolling with ABBA? Excellent!
  6. Agreed in every particular. This has to be stopped before it starts. He's won as a Republican; now it's time to focus on leading Americans.
  7. Speaking of which, when do we anticipate The Running Man will begin airing...? (I'm kidding. Mostly.)
  8. Not just filled, but filled with the best talent available. We're going to need it.
  9. What could the Chinese possibly release that would be more damning than every single thing he's released on a daily basis on Twitter?
  10. Well, none of us wants to get Banned or Moderated, so there's that. But yeah, I find the folks here are pretty okay. (I'm currently on a two-week hiatus from Facebook, myself. I've heard enough from others to know that I don't need to be there right now.)
  11. True, California and New York (and Chicago, and.....) are liberal bastions. I'm not bashing them for that. I'm saying that it's stupid for people to assume that secession is the best solution--or even a solution at all--to the problem of this election.
  12. I show my students this video each year when we discuss the role of science and technology in our society. It gives an interesting reenactment of what happened that night. (It's the opening episode from James Burke's 1978 documentary series Connections. It runs about 48 minutes.) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e4tLYYXDg74
  13. Oh, were New Yorkers threatening to secede as well? I must have missed that. And I don't actually hate California. I'm not a big fan of the Raiders, and my ex is from the San Fernando valley, but in general, I think California is okay.
  14. Secession. Because that worked out so well the last time. Personally, I'd expect to see a revolt inside California (northern vs. southern) before the state pulls put of the Union. On the other hand, if California is going to leave anyway, maybe the rest of the country can at least get something out of it. Maybe we can sell it back to Mexico, or even to Spain. How much could we get for California, do you think?
  15. I can only conclude that I'm paying off karma at a vastly accelerated rate.
  16. This isn't true. At least, it wasn't true for me. The main reason I voted for Bush was that there was no reason to vote for John Kerry. His entire platform (if that's even the right word) was "Elect me because I'm not George W. Bush". And it failed--much like Hillary Clinton's non-platform of "Elect me because I'm not Donald Trump" failed last night. (Admittedly, Hillary makes the stronger case.) Blaming fear and hatred for Kerry's loss in 2004 is a nice excuse a decade after the fact, but it's not true. I didn't vote for Bush out of fear, or out of hatred of Middle Easterners. I voted for Bush because I didn't see Kerry as a viable option.
  17. If the Electoral College becomes proportional, then it's just a middleman. Why have it at all?
  18. Damn straight. You've raised a smart one, Vurbal. Well done.
  19. This isn't the first time it's happened, and it won't be the last. Fixing the Electoral College would require a Constitutional Amendment, and that would require 38 States to pass. I don't recall the last time 38 States agreed on anything.
  20. You guys just don't appreciate a joke, do you?
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