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Everything posted by Pariah

  1. Oh, I've come a lot closer to setting the building on fire than this.
  2. I caught a kid copying answers from the answer key in class today, so I confiscated his paper. Then I took it to the front of the room, got out a match, and lit it on fire. Too much?
  3. A Latino in Trump's cabinet? Seems dicey. A decent football team in Manchester. New Topic: First Britain had Boaty McBoatface, then Brexit. Now the USA has Donald Trump. What will Britain do next to one-up the US?
  4. Based on relationships with the key players so far, Trump might have almost as much difficty getting anything done with Congress as President Obama did.
  5. "Our big sale starts on December 26th, so we need to to be here right at 12:01 a.m. that day."
  6. Bill and Ted's Excellent Police Action
  7. The furniture was done in leather - and you can't find any of your pets.
  8. If it's really that old, we can update it by changing 'Jews' to 'Democrats' and '1934 Berlin' to '2016 Washington DC'....
  9. He dresses in drag and chases you around singing Wagnerian opera. Edit: Nuts, that's three. New Topic: Who is the unexpected new member of the bridge crew in the next Star Trek movie?
  10. "And in a stunning turn of events, New Mexico's electoral votes go to Wile E. Coyote!" New Topic: Now that Wile E. Coyote has been elected President of the United States, who will be in his Cabinet?
  11. "You call it 'caffeine'; I call it 'liquid motivation'."
  12. I ran across a former student this morning and got an eye-roll out her. My day is complete.
  13. There was some eye candy, at least. (Or so I am led to believe. I've never actually seen a full episode.)
  14. Miners. Gotta get that ore out somehow, you know.
  15. I have one friend who says that the reason Firefly was so good is that the network canceled it before Joss Whedon had a chance to screw it up. (Said friend is obviously not a fan of Buffy, Angel, et. al.)
  16. I suppose that's true. In practice, we usually only see that when a felony is involved, and the minor is charged as an adult.
  17. Compare to MY messy kids, though, he's strictly minor leagues.
  18. Personally, I couldn't justify voting for either major party candidate--I don't trust Secretary Clinton as far as I could spit a rat, and I think Mr. Trump might actually be mentally ill. To my mind, a vote for either of them was not in the best interest of the nation's future--and would therefore be a wasted vote. But that's just me.
  19. Now you're just messing with us.
  20. The last season of B5 reminds me of Rossini's assessment of Warner: Great moments, but bad quarter-hours.
  21. But it did, in time, become the last, best hope for victory.
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