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Everything posted by Pariah

  1. Primarily Danish and British, with just a touch of Cherokee (great grandmother).
  2. Why not just make it with liquid nitrogen?
  3. We have a VHS player in our minivan. Yeah, we're living the dream.
  4. Why did the Star Wars movies go 4, 5, 6, 1, 2, 3? Because in charge of scheduling Yoda was.
  5. Making bad puns is just a habit for you, isn't it?
  6. That is a bit of an irony, isn't it? And that's the reason for it. The word is self-referential.
  7. Nickelback CDs. I mean, why should Cyber Monday be any different? New Topic: The X-Men just did their 'White elephant Christmas gift exchange' drawing. Who did each X-Man draw, and what gift will they be giving to him/her? (Example: Wolverine drew Cyclops. He's giving him a monocle.)
  8. I had to explain to Little Boy Pariah this morning that the word 'iron' isn't pronounced the way it's spelled. I can't help but feel that a part of his childhood innocence is gone now.
  9. "Sit down for a second, buddy. You need pants." "I love pants!"
  10. Aldous Huxley and C.S. Lewis both died the same day Kennedy was assassinated.
  11. The King asked me if morale at the castle would improve if he fired one of the court comedians who wasn't really that funny. I told him I thought it was a useless jester.
  12. Donald Trump nominated someone with unquestionable qualifications for a Cabinet position.
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