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Everything posted by Pariah

  1. I don't know that PC/Anti-PC is the right metric here. Trek, in its various incarnations, has always supported a progressive (or even liberal) social and political stance. Equality, the futility of war*, the elimination of poverty (and, as a corollary, the elimination of materialism altogether) a big protective government that has solved all of humanity's problems--this is the essence of the franchise. *When you consider that the original series ran at the height of American involvement in Vietnam, the Prime Directive makes perfect sense.
  2. There's a huge brothel not far from Darth Vader's quarters. Apparently the guy is into some really twisted stuff.
  3. He won't stop talking about the Pikachu his phone tells him is in the food court.
  4. I don't carrot all for all these vegetable puns.
  5. What does your procedure say to do?
  6. Was his name 'Robert A. Heinlein'? Because I've read that book.
  7. To any member of the United States government's Executive and/or Legislative branches, current or incoming: A [REDACTED] clue. Professor Philbert's antigravity pancakes! They're lighter than air!
  8. Q: The Raiders suck. A: Yes, but I'm going to need 2.3 kilograms of molten strontium, a box of graham crackers, and an old-fashioned steam calliope to pull it off.
  9. No. Sometimes war is not only necessary, but morally justified. To defend oneself or others from aggression, for example.
  10. Large globs of reindeer poo falling from the sky.
  11. Q: Let me guess. You're an anti-vaxxer? A: I don't believe it. Not for a minute.
  12. Replace public schools with charter schools that can teach anything they want to only those students they choose to accept without any adverse consequences, and charge the Department of Education for the bill via an elaborate government-funded voucher system.
  13. MSNBC wend broke because they had already committed all their resources to covering Hillary Clinton for the next four years. To fix it, they are working tirelessly to assure that a proper Democrat is elected next time. At any cost.
  14. To my mind, this election was a Fail as soon as the two major party candidates were confirmed.
  15. "Doc, it hurts when I do this!" "Well then, stop doing that." -- "Doc, I get a sharp pain in my eye whenever I drink my morning coffee." "Try taking the spoon out first." -- "Doc, no matter where I touch, it hurts!" "That's because your hand is broken."
  16. Elf. Or, for that matter, pretty much any Will Ferrell film except Stranger than Fiction. New Topic: Unexpected consequences of replacing Will Ferrell with a dog.
  17. If you take a life do you know what you'll give? Odds are you won't like what it is When the storm arrives would you be seen with me By the merciless eyes of deceit? I've seen angels fall from blinding heights But you yourself are nothing so divine Just next in line Arm yourself because no-one else here will save you The odds will betray you And I will replace you You can't deny the prize it may never fulfill you It longs to kill you Are you willing to die? The coldest blood runs through my veins You know my name If you come inside things will not be the same When you return to the night And if you think you've won You never saw me change The game that we've all been playing I've seen diamonds cut through harder men Than you yourself But if you must pretend You may meet your end Arm yourself because no-one else here will save you The odds will betray you And I will replace you You can't deny the prize it may never fulfill you It longs to kill you Are you willing to die? The coldest blood runs through my veins Try to hide your hand Forget how to feel Forget how to feel Life is gone with just a spin of the wheel Spin of the wheel Arm yourself because no-one else here will save you The odds will betray you And I will replace you You can't deny the prize it may never fulfill you It longs to kill you Are you willing to die? The coldest blood runs through my veins You know my name
  18. How do you tell the gender of an ant? Just throw it in the water. If it sinks, it's a girl ant. If it floats, it's buoyant.
  19. In darkness you are walking in a world you're all alone In a search for freedom very far away You've been shaken by brutality and driven from your home By an evil that will never go away Every moment you're surrounded by the sheer insanity When the nightly terror knocks upon your door And you know the time has come to leave your family and flee But the thought of leaving chills you to the coree God please, please protect the children And put her on a path where she'll be free Give solace to her fate with all her innocence And give sanctuary to this refugee After months of pain and crying you arrive where you believe You'll feel the comfort of a helping hand But they close your eyes to freedom and they're forcing you to stay In a dark world you could never understand God please, please protect the children And put her on a path where she'll be free Give solace to her fate with all her innocence And give sanctuary to this refugee Oh, what's become of us Is it right to hide our heads within the sand Oh, what's become of us Are we so blind that we can't understand God please, please protect the children And put her on a path where she'll be free Give solace to her fate with all her innocence And give sanctuary to this refugee
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