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Everything posted by Pariah

  1. I gotta mind to go back to that drawin' board Maybe we should start it all over again When you were you and I was me And we weren't both bored Or pack it up And call it off as friends Look at you High on your pedestal Getting' off on looking down on me Our situation's gone from bad to critical And I think it's time one of us started movin' our feet I don't need you criticizing me I don't need you walkin' all over me I don't need you always tellin' me what to do And I don't need you Neither one of us is better than the other You got that thought rollin' through your brain You hate me - sometimes I see double Now the other side of me can't be contained I don't need you criticizing me I don't need you walkin' all over me I don't need you always tellin' me what to do And I don't need you The truth be known I could smoke you where you're standin' But what kind of good would be done then Rip off my gloves and do it bare handed But then again, I'd feel better in the end I don't need you criticizing me I don't need you walkin' all over me I don't need you always tellin' me what to do And I don't need you I don't need you criticizing me I don't need you walkin' all over me I don't need you always tellin' me what to do And I don't need you
  2. If he puts down his lantern long enough to respond, he's likely to be eaten by a grue.
  3. If Vanellope was never supposed to exist, why is her picture on the side of the game console?
  4. You look down, they know you're lying and up, they know you don't know the truth. Don't use seven words when four will do. Don't shift your weight. Look always at your mark but don't stare. Be specific but not memorable. Be funny but don't make him laugh. He's got to like you, then forget you the moment you've left his side. And for God's sake, whatever you do, don't under any circumstances....
  5. Because the house always wins. Play long enough, you never change the stakes. The house takes you. Unless, when that perfect hand comes along, you bet and you bet big, then you take the house.
  6. Yeah, the observations are kind of a big deal. On a tangential note, I've been told that my MS class next semester is going to be Computational Astrophysics.
  7. "Alex, where are you going?" "To see if there's a pub!"
  8. You can't expect to wield supreme power just 'cause some watery tart threw a sword at you!
  9. If you think of Astronomy as "Anything off the ground", it fits perfectly.
  10. Started by 2:20, out by 2:48. Best faculty meeting ever.
  11. I know just the music to go with it.
  12. That first one with the Pillars of Creation is pretty cool!
  13. The little, goofy-looking guy goes to Whole Foods to shop for midichlorian supplements. They guy in the room next door (who thinks he's God) said that he is.
  14. "Wow, this is he best &@%# coffee I've ever had!"
  15. She gives your change back in Monopoly money.
  16. Hello. My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die.
  17. This place is an X-file, wrapped in a cover-up, and deep-fried in a paranoid conspiracy!
  18. To be your friend, I would have to be more than clumsy. I'd have to be stupid!
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