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Everything posted by Pariah

  1. "That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard."
  2. Update time! Click here to see the updated spreadsheets. The Street Level and Open Class tournaments are filling in nicely. I'm a little surprised we haven't seen more nominations in the Under 21 category, but it's early yet. Keep up the good work, everyone!
  3. When has reading Kafka ever given anyone hope?
  4. I have ancestors in Denmark within six generations on both sides.
  5. I'm Hub McCann. I've fought in two World Wars and countless smaller ones on three continents. I led thousands of men into battle with everything from horses and swords to artillery and tanks. I've seen the headwaters of the Nile, and tribes of natives no white man had ever seen before. I've won and lost a dozen fortunes, killed many men, and loved only one woman with a passion a flea like you could never begin to understand! That's who I am. Now, go home, boy!
  6. What if there were no rhetorical questions?
  7. I've been a registered (if not always enthusiastic) Republican since the Reagan administration, and I'm pretty sure that Donald Trump is the WORST PERSON WHO EVER LIVED. (YMMV, of course.)
  8. Symphony No. 3 in C-minor (Organ) by Camille Saint-Saëns, 3rd movement
  9. In this, though I cannot be said to be a flattering honest man, it must not be denied but I am a plain-dealing villain.
  10. The forty-sixth President of the United States.
  11. All right, people, we've had a pretty good first day and a half. Lots of nominations and even a few seconds so far. I think we're off to a great start! I'm keeping a spreadsheet of which heroes have been nominated and seconded. You can view it by following this elegant and finely-crafted link. Please check it and let me know what I've missed. (I'll put the link in the first page of this thread as well.) Keep up the good work, folks! And invite your friends to participate, too!
  12. Well, there's really nothing to see. We're inside a Chinese dragon.
  13. Running copies of final exams. I've had to open up the copier and clear out paper jams five different times in the past 30 minutes. ...and that beeping sound makes six.
  14. It occurs to me that maybe this was just Congressional Republicans' way of assessing the length of their tether--just how far can they go before even Trump calls them out on it? Before this, they had no idea, because nobody really knows what's in Donald Trump's head. Now, at least, they have some idea how much is too much. I'm reminded, for some reason, of an exchange from the musical Chess: Molokov: The man is utterly mad! You're playing a lunatic! The Russian: That's the problem. He's a brilliant lunatic. You can't tell which way he'll jump. Like his game, he's impossible to analyze. You can't dissect him, predict him -- which of course means he's not a lunatic at all. (It's also possible that I'm just overthinking all of this, too.)
  15. What have you got against the Swiss and their cheese, anyway?
  16. My first thought is that Doc Shadow is trying to stack the Street Level tournament with ringers. Not that I can really disapprove. All three of those are great picks. In fact, I really like everything I'm seeing here so far. Well done, everyone!
  17. A small quibble, Mr. Appleseed: You are welcome to make another nomination.
  18. This actually gives me some hope. It seems just barely possible to me that Trump's as sick of the current GOP agenda as the rest of us, at least in some points. Time will tell.
  19. Interstellar spice pirates, perhaps?
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