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Everything posted by Pariah

  1. Have you heard about conjunctivitis.com? Now that's a site for sore eyes.
  2. Not original, but worth sharing. (And it's not just Facebook.)
  3. Yeah, this is what I'm thinking. I'll seed them by number of votes (using my own top-secret formula for breaking ties) and have them face off in a traditional 24-slot bracket (essentially a 32-team bracket, but with the top 8 seeds getting a first round bye). We'll give it until midnight EST tonight for people to make any last-minute votes, and I'll put up the first round tournament polls by Monday.
  4. I find this quite disconcerting. I mean, isn't important that, at least at some position in government, we have someone who's actually been doing this for a while? (And by 'some position in government', I don't mean Congress. By and large, those yahoos have been there quite long enough, thank you. I mean people who actually have to do the work of governing.)
  5. Kaeto is responsible for today's helium shortage.
  6. It wasn't the Russians who paid off the French judge in the 2002 Olympic ice skating scandal. It was Hermit.
  7. Bazza once successfully completed a triple salchow-triple toe loop combination while wearing snowshoes.
  8. Good question. I'm conflicted between doing the qualification/seeding polls for all four groups first or doing one tournament (qualification/seeding and then the actual tournament) at a time. I can see advantages and challenges in both approaches. In short, I don't know. Yet. My first inclination is to set up the Under 21 Tournament first and then move on to Street Level once that's all done. But it's not set in stone.
  9. Looking at the numbers a little bit this morning, it looks like to cutoff for participation in the Tournament (at least right now) is 7 votes. Just FYI.
  10. Isn't that just what he wants us to think?
  11. Isn't he really a spring roll in disguise?
  12. If physics makes us free, why am I paying so #&@$Ωθ§Г!! much to study it? (Sounds like a pretty cool book, though.)
  13. The Southern Pole of Inaccessibility. I'm almost certain I won't have to listen to people talking about politics there.
  14. Did you know that my Granny once made green Jell-O with pickles? True story.
  15. Bazza loves to write poetry to Aristotle.
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