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Everything posted by Pariah

  1. I appreciate the concern. There are still some things I'm figuring out about this whole process. This first round brought up two or three issues I hadn't anticipated. Now that I've figured out some of these things, the pace should pick up. I anticipate that we call do two rounds a week from here on out, starting Monday. Thank you for your patience.
  2. Round 1 is now complete! Congratulations to our winners: Lightning Lad, Nova, Magma (in our Thriller of the Day), Bouncing Boy, Karate Kid, Raven, Namorita, Cannonball, and White Witch! As it now stands, the Round of 16 has 11 DC heroes (6 from the Legion and 4 from the Titans, I believe), 5 Marvel heroes (2 from the New Mutants), and nobody from anywhere else. Neither of our outsiders, Buffy or Violet, won their first round matches. It is also interesting to note that of the 16 remaining heroes, 10 are female. The Round of 16 matchups will be as follows: Supergirl (1) vs. Lightning Lad (16) Nova (8) vs. Magma (24) Wonder Girl (4) vs. Bouncing Boy (13) Batgirl (5) vs. Karate Kid (12) Ms. Marvel (2) vs. Raven (18) Batman (7) vs. Namorita (23) Mary Marvel (3) vs. Cannonball (14) Saturn Girl (6) vs. White Witch (22) If it's all the same to all of you, I'd like to put up the next round on Monday, February 6th and run it until Wednesday, February 8th at 5:00 p.m. EST. I have a few things I'd like to work out before starting the next round--like venues! Stay tuned for further details. Thanks again for voting!
  3. Yes. Total score = Votes + 2d4; tiebreakers apply only if necessary.
  4. Doctor of music? Can you fix a hi-fi?
  5. Q: Is it true that musicians are ditching Autotune and just singing with their own voices? A: I didn't ask for this. But I suppose I deserve it.
  6. It's certainly one of those, isn't it?
  7. This is true only for as long as Trump's interests and the hard Right's interests coincide. With Trump, who knows how long this will last? The first time Trump does something they don't like, the Tea Party faction of Congress will turn on him. It won't be pretty.
  8. Bazza has a fairy godfather who made him an offer that he couldn't refuse.
  9. For the same reason smallpox isn't still a thing, maybe?
  10. A perfect day Or so I say From where I'm standing This roller-coaster ride Fate will decide the ending Love everlasting Or lost on the way The smiles and the frowns The ups and downs Of fortune turning The twists and turns The lessons learned The bridges burning Nights to remember And never forget Go, seize the day Wake up and say This is an extraordinary life Enjoy today Come what may This is an extraordinary life I gave it all My cards have fallen But I'm still alive And in the end Believe my friend I will survive Glory and heartache And some of the joy Go, seize the day Wake up and say This is an extraordinary life Enjoy today Come what may This is an extraordinary life All of the good times And all of the bad Responsibility Is totally mine I know I rightly stand accused But I believe That I can change Yes I can change my world Go, seize the day Wake up and say This is an extraordinary life Enjoy today Come what may This is an extraordinary life
  11. Heck, it looks like I learned something from the E&M class after all! Oh, right, I need a number. How about.... 4?
  12. The Washington Post now has a hammer and sickle in the masthead.
  13. Q: Have you ever seen this much blood?! A: She comes by it honestly.
  14. "So, what happens if a match ends in a tie?" -No One In Particular Thanks, great question, NOIP. There are two tiebreakers: 1) If the heroes are tied after the votes and the Whim of Fate are totaled, the hero with the most votes wins. 2) I'm keeping a list of voters and selecting one at random for each match. This is the match's Power Voter. If the total points and votes are both tied, the character chosen by the Power Voter will be declared the victor and advance. So make sure you vote in every match. Your vote could be the one that sends your hero to the next round! Voting for Round 1 concludes in just under nine hours!
  15. I tried to call my Senators today to encourage them to vote NO on Besty DeVos for Secretary of Education. Turns out that Senator Hatch's mailbox is full, and Senator Lee doesn't seem to have anyone answering his phones at the moment. So I sent them each an e-mail instead.
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