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Everything posted by Pariah

  1. Why would anyone want to trap boobies with a doorbell?
  2. If train A leaves Moscow traveling southwest at 120 kph and train B leaves Paris traveling northeast at 150 kph, which one is more likely to be trapped in an avalanche in Bavaria? (Please show your calculations for full credit.)
  3. And now, 50 years later, it's happening all over again!
  4. So, first we get a Secretary of Education who has no public education experience whatsoever, and now we've got half a dozen Representatives (including one from my state) sponsoring a bill to eliminate the Department of Education entirely by the end of 2018. I have no words.
  5. I'm sure we'll think of sum thing.
  6. Wow, there were a LOT of blowouts in the Round of 16. One can only hope that the Quarterfinal matches will be closer. Speaking of which, here are your Quarterfinal matchups: Supergirl vs. Nova! Wonder Girl vs. Karate Kid! Batman vs. Raven! Mary Marvel vs. Saturn Girl! It looks like we're in for some pretty great matches! Voting is open now and will remain open until Friday at 5:00 p.m. EST. Go support your favorite heroes!
  7. In other news, it's clear that my students need a refresher in The Fine Art Of Putting Things The Hell Back Where You Found Them.
  8. You mean the guy with the Six Demon Bag? Wind, fire, all that kind of thing?
  9. They make vodka in Sweden too, right?
  10. A blast from the past: \ Answer: The uniforms are the least awful thing in this picture.
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