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Everything posted by Pariah

  1. I was thinking I might also post a couple of Exhibition matches this week, too. Ms. Marvel vs. Bouncing Boy is one that was mentioned. Any other suggestions?
  2. Oh, I'll tell you where to begin: Three Negro women chasing a white police officer down a highway in Hampton, Virginia in 1961. Ladies, that there is a God-ordained miracle!
  3. True now more than ever, with the advent of digital photography and the elimination of having to wait two days for your film to be developed.
  4. Great thoughts, Nolgroth, Lord Laiden, Kaspar Hauser, and Iuz. I think you gentle have a pretty good handle on what's happening in the country today. Probably a better handle than most of the people who are actually making the decisions on the country today, which is a scary thought. I've been trying to figure out how it got to be this bad. When did we shift to this paradigm of "I'd rather do nothing at all, or something actively destructive, than work with the other side"? It seems to me it didn't used to be this way. To my mind, it began in earnest when House Republicans decided to press forward with an impeachment of President Clinton that they knew they had no chance of winning. This irritated Democrats, of course, and along with the feeling they'd been cheated out of the 2000 election, energized the Party to oppose GWB whenever possible. The feeling they'd been conned into supporting invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan certainly didn't help. This is where the inter-Party name-calling really began to intensify, I think. Then President Obama came along, campaigning on "Change" and "Hope", and carrying the implicit message that the Republican Party were warmongering profiteers that no linger cared about the common people. He promised at his inauguration to unite the country again, but followed up with a raft of policy decisions that further alienated anyone who didn't already agree with him. The Tea Party midterm victories in 2010 fouther cemented the divide between the Left and the Right, and Republican obstructionism became the norm. Obama turned to his phone and his pen, leaving some to feel that he no linger had any interest in healing the country, but only in protecting his agenda and his legacy. Sadly, all of this left us so screwed up that we, as a nation, decided it was a good idea to elect someone like Donald Trump as President--helped, no doubt, by the perception that the only other viable option was to elect someone like Hillary Clinton. And there we have it: an election where everyone loses. That's how I feel about it, anaway. It's possible that I'm completely off base here. I'm an actual scientist, not a political scientist. In any case, I'm not sure how we fix it. But fix it we must--of that I am absolutely certain.
  5. Do I have to come up with all the answers around here?
  6. Can't we just buy it the way everybody else does?
  7. All right, the Quarterfinal matches have been settled. We have ourselves an All-DC Final Four! Our semifinal matches will be: Supergirl vs. Karate Kid! Mary Marvel vs. Raven! Matches will be posted Monday morning, with voting to continue until Wednesday afternoon. Our Championship match and Bronze Medal match will go up immediately thereafter, and we should have a Champion by Friday night! Thank you all for your participation. Let's make this final week memorable!
  8. You're just making up words now, aren't you?
  9. Get rid of that pesky Sylvester, once and for all.
  10. All of you failed to respond to my last post. Great job, everyone!
  11. "So, basically, we can divide the universe into three categories: matter, energy, and stuff we don't understand real well yet."
  12. Finalization of the Quarterfinals matches will be delayed about 24 hours due to stuff. Feel free to make any last-minutes votes or pleas until tomorrow afternoon.
  13. We're gonna milk this topic for all it's worth, aren't we?
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