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Everything posted by Pariah

  1. Okay, ladies and gentlemen, we have our first champion! Final standings in the Under 21 bracket of the Tournament of Heroes are: Third place: Raven! Second Place: Mary Marvel! Champion: Supergirl! Thank you to everyone who nominated and voted for these and all the other fine heroes the tournament featured! Your participation made all the difference! And as Jane Lynch would say, If you had half as much fun as I had, then I had twice as much fun as you had! Stay tuned for the Street Level Tournament, coming soon to an internet-enabled device near you!
  2. Raven: 12 + 4 = 16 Karate Kid: 6 + 6 = 12 Raven takes the Bronze!
  3. People are becoming ever more desperate in their attempts to pretend to care about the NBA.
  4. TheDarkness rewrote Edgar Allan Poe's "The Raven" in limerick form.
  5. "So, a dead mouse probably isn't recyclable, is it?"
  6. If we had cats that weren't completely useless, we wouldn't need mouse traps. Fixed it.
  7. If we had cats, we wouldn't need mouse traps.
  8. Death Tribble instigated the riot at the premiere of Stravinsky's "The Rite of Spring".
  9. Fair enough. Plus, your school doesn't have a handegg team, so how bad could it be, really?
  10. ...but is a D1 NCAA athletic school nonetheless. (I'm not helping, am I?)
  11. Boaty McBoatface. Seriously, what were you chaps thinking? New Topic: Turns out your work has been so successful, they're giving you a promotion. Your new job is in Iceland. What are you going to do now?
  12. I woke up 45 minutes ago (2:45 a.m. local time) to something that sounded like a scream. Turns out, it was a scream. Lady P saw a mouse in the kitchen. We've got a lot of useless junk in our kitchen, potential places for mice to hide. Now it all has to go. My upcoming four-day weekend is now officially shot to Hell.
  13. Can we talk about something else, please? Anything else?
  14. I am Jeremiah Dixon I am a Geordie boy A glass of wine with you, sir And the ladies I'll enjoy All Durham and Northumberland Is measured up by my own hand It was my fate from birth To make my mark upon the earth... He calls me Charlie Mason A stargazer am I It seems that I was born To chart the evening sky They'd cut me out for baking bread But I had other dreams instead This baker's boy from the west country Would join the Royal Society... We are sailing to Philadelphia A world away from the coaly Tyne Sailing to Philadelphia To draw the lline The Mason-Dixon Line Now you're a good surveyor, Dixon But I swear you'll make me mad The West will kill us both You gullible Geordie lad You talk of liberty How can America be free A Geordie and a baker's boy In the forests of the Iroquois... Now hold your head up, Mason See America lies there The morning tide has raised The capes of Delaware Come up and feel the sun A new morning has begun Another day will make it clear Why your stars should guide us here... We are sailing to Philadelphia A world away from the coaly Tyne Sailing to Philadelphia To draw the line The Mason-Dixon Line The Mason-Dixon Line
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