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Everything posted by Pariah

  1. Jack Diamond starts by investigating the crime scene thoroughly. No matter how thorough and prepared the crooks are, they always leave some kind of evidence behind. Always. Then, it's just a matter of following the evidence. Thunderstrike is no detective...but he is a hacker. He starts with a list of the books that were stolen, which he then searches and cross-references online. He looks for patterns and follows up with inquiries in person as necessary.
  2. Yeah, I've had that dream. Chuck Norris once asked Kaeto for his autograph.
  3. Death Tribble has seventeen unpaired socks in his sock drawer.
  4. Why would I look for something like that?
  5. The story is told of a crack in the door Just by the skin of our teeth If we get through it, why did we do it? The natural tendencies all runnin' free Boundaries lost in the dust All of our making, the things we are breaking You reach for it all when you need it A warning if any would heed it They've always been there for the taking Anyone notice, the things we are breaking? Our habits are old and they don't want to die Chiseled in stone they remain, never abating These things we are hating Monuments stand til the moment they fall And sooner or later they do Evaporating, and never creating They take what they need when they want it Proud of their prize they will flaunt it It's always been there for the taking Anyone notice, the things we are breaking?
  6. aylwin13 was caller number seven this morning and won the Doobie Brothers tribute band tickets.
  7. Anyone wanna come help Lady P and me clean our kitchen?
  8. aylwin13 has been perfecting a specialty beer for anti-Windows hackers. He's calling it "DOS Equis".
  9. One month down, only ninety-five months to go! (Of course, I'm hoping for only another forty-seven, but I try not to get my hopes up unnecessarily.)
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