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Everything posted by Pariah

  1. Joseph Stalin really should have known that Communism would never work. I mean, there were red flags everywhere.
  2. I'm in a cohort that is 75% middle school science teachers, and even we have to use calculus.
  3. Q - Can we get rid of Justin Bieber and Miley Cyrus and all the rest of these Rock People? A - Gimme the prize!
  4. Telling the truth is easier than remembering an ever-increasing web of lies.
  5. What starts with 'w' and ends with 'hat'.
  6. "How do we know the good guys from the bad guys?" "If they're shooting at you, they're bad."
  7. Understanding is a three-edged sword.
  8. I think I still have a functional cassette player somewhere. We also have a working VHS in our minivan.
  9. "The man who can smile when the world around him crumbles has thought of someone to blame."
  10. Excellent. I'll send you some anti-imflammatories for the pain.
  11. And here I am, fresh out of Likes for the day. I think Tomorrowland is one of the most important movies of the past decade precisely because of the monologue you quoted.
  12. Baz, are you going to post this on the Book of Face? (Because if you don't, I will.)
  13. Problems that go away by themselves come back by themselves.
  14. You will discover the significance of something called 'yersinia pestis' today. You should probably clear your schedule for the whole day.
  15. Telling a man to go to Hell and actually making him go are two entirely different propositions.
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